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Jaakuna Ubume proxy


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  I'm currently trying to pad out my Ressurectionist collection whilst also preparing a Jack Daw crew for future use, and so I'm buying lots of Tormented and old metals that will work for both. And because they'll be dual-faction I'm going to be having bases that evoke both factions (I'm going cobbelstone for Resser and bare earth with rubbish for Outcasts).


  So, although I like the model itself I am loathe to buy the Jaanuna Ubume miniature when I'm not going to be using a large part of it (The base itself, probably 70% of the model by weight). So does anybody have good suggestions on what they would suggest to use as a proxy?


  I'm heavily leaning towards this model at the moment (GCT Studio's Harionago, for Bushido):


  I have to say that with a bit of customising she'd make an awesome Bete Noire as well, but I'm looking forwards to her plastic too much to think about proxying Bete as well. So, anyone else have any exciting Jaakuna proxiy suggestions?

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If you haven't checked it out already, the "Molly - New models?" thread has a few other possibilities in it.   I guess it depends on how much you want to keep it looking geisha-ish, and how dead you want her to look.


A quick google for "miniature geisha", and then browsing through the "images" results turns up quite a few possibilities.  I'd link a few, but for some reason, I can't paste into the forums here, and I'm not in a mood to transcribe the URLs by hand.  :lol:

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