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The Beta still lives in my heart: Von Schill vs. the Dreamer

The Zinc Lich

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A quick, 41ss game against the Ticktock Man. We called it super early due to time and a general lack of knowledge on both our parts. Really, I am just putting it up because I was trying a deep-striking Von Schill list.


I took:


Von Schill

-Paid in blood

-Scout the Field

-Desperate Avatar

Ama no Zako

-Scout the Field


Freikorpmen x2

Hodgepodge Effigy

Pool: 5ss (I forgot to pay for the Avatar, so I was playing with 7. Didn't matter, though.)


He took:


The Dreamer

-Dreams of Pain

-On wings of darkness

Daydreams x3



Insidious Madness

Pool: 7ss


The strategy was Squatter's Rights, with standard deployment. I declared Outflank and Line in the Sand, he declared nothing. I won the deployment flip, and gave him a deployment zone with forests on one side, a river on the other, and a large (height 5) tower in the middle.


For those who might not have seen the tech, Von Schill deploys 14" off the enemy deployment with Paid in Blood, then gets to walk after initiative is flipped. I deployed Von Schill in a building by the river side of the deployment zone, and warned the Ticktock Man about what could happen. He obligingly placed his army on the forest side of deployment, and put the Dreamer and two of his daydreams on the tower. I won initiative, Von Schill climbed onto the roof of the building, and Ama moved into a building near the center of the board. If Von Schill got in trouble, he could desperate manifest to jump back to Ama with MEDIC!


Von Schill activates, and puts both daydreams into the dirt, before hitting the dreamer (who passed it off to Teddy). The rest of the round plays out with the Dreamer summoning and full healing both twins, Ama no Zako charging over he building with Know the Terrain and putting 6 damage on Teddy and 4 on Kade, and the Madness, Lelu, Librarian, Effigy, and both Korpsmen running for the middle of the board.


On the second turn, Von Schill uses Stand and Shoot again, with Dreamer, Teddy, and both twins in range. After a lot of flipping, Teddy is killed by a bullet meant for the Dreamer, and the Ticktock Man decides to call it a game. Before his first activation, he was down to two or three low cards, and nothing was in range to threaten Von Schill. The only model I had that had taken damage was Ama, and she was in melee with Kade, which would have ended... messily.


The list worked exactly as I planned: Von Schill gets into a position to control one quarter of the enemy's side of the table and asks the opponent if they have an answer for him. In the post-game discussion, the Ticktock Man and I figured that he had gotten a little too focused on bringing out the twins and healing them up, leaving the dreamer standing out of cover 10" from Von Schill for two turns in a row. The interaction between Scout the Field and Paid In Blood is SUPER powerful, but I'm not sure if it is powerful enough to change. I certainly would be telling a different story if I had been against Lillith or Pandora. The best part is that the plan has two easy points it can be abandoned; after the initiative flip, if the enemy doesn't present you with good targets or places something that could really threaten Von Schill, you can just use the free walk to move back or to the center of the table. If you put Von Schill forward and he gets in trouble, he can MEDIC back to safety. It is a high reward/no risk plan, and I'm not sure how happy I feel about it.


Also, quick question: The dreamer was standing on a height 5 tower and was passing off wounds to a Teddy standing on the ground. How much vertical range do auras have? I didn't really question it because it wasn't really wrecking my plan, but I realize now that it is important information to know.

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Just checked the Rulebook, and FireUser above is totally right, Aura is the height of the generator. From RB:


"An Aura is centered on a model and radiates out in all
directions from the edge of the model’s base and moves
with that model as it moves. By default, all objects within
the Aura’s area, including the model it is centered on,
are affected by the Aura until they are no longer within it 
or the effect ends"
  As it says it is generated 'from the base' it could probably be posited that it doesn't go below the level of the base itself. But I was wrong before, so don't trust anything I say. :)
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