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Lonness Valenna

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Everything posted by Lonness Valenna

  1. Well if you must know. In my local game store. Majority of players play summons And a lot of incorporal And a very lot of unconventional Cruise. Mainly lately it's been Tara,Pandora, Dreamer, Jack daw, Lady Justice,and von shrill. then me with titania. I'm relatively new to the game I started 8 months ago . But being not the richest person it took some time to get titania crew to where I can allmost hire everything in keyword. But unless I get load them up as the scheme Every match I've been in has been a struggle. My terrain that I can drop just doesn't seem to be an effective Gimmick for the keyword. The hard to wound on everything is nice though And I usually do take all 3 autumn knights with the queen. I also usually take kill joy and Serena Bowman. That's really all I can field. I don't know too much about how good some crews are against others. Or what the Meta is right now. But I feel like my choice of master and keyword Is vastly underpowered compared to what I run into at my store. I really don't have any models that can summon in my keyword. I also have no way to stop summons besides them clogging up my Units and Throwing a bunch of past tokens on me turn after turn. So I guess it's more of I'm upset with Options I have available to me in my keyword. There is many instances where I wish I could Do more with an underbrush marker than it turns into a hazardous only when something is in it and takes damage. With kill joy's upgrade. And with the rule of create the only way I can move underbrush markers to make them legally touch is using Titania 1 . which I don't like using at all.
  2. Well I'm trying to figure out something that can be done with the fae keyword Because at its current state it's very Under powered compared to everything else in my local Meta. Especially with Titania autumn Queen. It just feels like it doesn't do enough for what's needed.
  3. I just need one small sentence added to a card that is barely ever used. I need something added to "Blood Sacrifice" upgrade card from Killjoy/Silent knight. "Model this is attached to has the Fae keyword " Not only will this make killjoy more viable in Tatiana 2. But also push her out of her barly used state when picking a neverborn master. Also So many good Minions getting errataed in neverborn and I wish I could utilize them more in Titania 2. Also there is so much counterplay to get around her underbrush markers. I thinks the keyword as a whole needs something outside of the Rex. I feel like it's missing a good range minions. And the new poison spitting Snakes Apex got feel like they would be a good fit Into Titania 2. but I just feel like they should be a fae keyword also Since they're similar to her totem. So if wyrd is listing please look at Titania and the Fae keyword as a whole. and consider at least this small sentence added to a barly used card. Fae feels a bit underpowered at my local LGS right now (even tho I am playing the only non summoning master there..sigh but thats a topic for anotherday.) Sincerely A Titania Autumn Queen player.
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