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Posts posted by Funinyourgame

  1. Does "Shifting form" switch Shelong's style upgrade everytime another monk activates or does it give the style upgrade to the activating unit, at the cost of discarding a style?

    If its the former, you would gain 2 chi token easily without spending concentration.

  2. I would pick Witch Hunters

    They are touch all of the basic rule of the game. They have Bunring so you learn conditions, they have decent range attacks and melee.
    Most minions have 5 stats across, so easy to remember (Talking just Core box + Witchling Thrall).
    Soniia got a conditional summoning, which lets you learn about them (If you are lucky)

    Overall, they are decent to start with, has you'll learn more about the game and lets you learn different playstyles.
    Even if you stick to Witch Hunters, you have some nice options with Soniia 2, Sanctioned mages and Quellers, to get into more complex playstyles.

  3. Quote

    Lone Swordsman also has Ruthless, is the same cost, has a suit choice for triggers ability and is just all round a better model!!

    I disagree, from what I can see, the only two things I would consider the Lone Swordsman to be better, is the free suit and Hard to Kill.
    Besides those two (Which are good abilities), you are not gaining that much more over HRM.
    You are losing a range attack with free irreductible damage (Built-in suit) and the ability to gain +2 stats, which can often lets you dodge or hit.
    Also you can end with Focused+2, 2 Chi and move into position

    Lone Swordsman is a good Versatile unit, but I wouldn't replace the HRM.
    Unless I'm missing some key interaction with using Lone Swordsman.

    P.S.: Maybe the 8 costs is a bit too much when comparing stats only, but when factoring its interaction, it doesn't sound too bad for 8 cost.

  4. After discussing with a friend (Also the player that destroyed my crew with Dashel), we concluded that the Mature Nephilim are not worth adding in the crew, it would be better to get more Young nephilim and transform them through grow tokens.

    We also find weird that the Nephilims are the only unit that doesn't get healed after being replaced. I wouldn't mind if they could use Grim feast to grow and then get healed or something similar.

    Lastly, Am I the only one really disapointed by the Blood Hunter? It the only unit that doesn't use or generate grow beside it corpse generation and even this is lame when compared to many other totems. I believe it would help a lot to give him the same ability as the Botanist "Feed me!" it would make it a squishy glass canon that still helps Nekima's crew beside just be a weak corpse generator.

    I could also be looking at Nekima's crew the wrong way. I just feel like there is a few tweak needed, to help the grow play style of Nekima 2

  5. So I just tried a quick match with the following list
    SS pool: 6
    Leader: Nekima, Broodmother (2)
    Totem(s): Blood Hunter inhuman reflexe (Ignore because bad decision)
    Black Blood Shaman Ancient Pact
    Mature Nephilim Ancient Pact
    Young Nephilim
    Young Nephilim 2
    Terror Tot
    Terror Tot 2

    I fought agaisn't Dashel 1 Guard Guild with an extra Disease Containement Unit, he was summoning like crazy.
    I think I got a bad match up since Guard loves to use your own Corpse markers and he can summon better units then I can.
    I feel I should drop my upgrades to only 1 Ancient Pact and add 1 extra Young Nephilim. I did enjoy the hundle up and replacing a YN on turn 1, 3 free SS.

    Any extra tips to be "better" with Nekima? I really enjoy the grow mechanic, but I feel I'm doing something wrong.
    If I play first, it never feels like I can jump in without my opponent focusing down my beaters. But if I don't go first, it feels like I'm loosing way too much ground for very little pay out.

    I use Fly with me a lot, so at least I'm doing something right :P

    Basic (Bad) list and I need help to get better :)

  6. So, i've been playing a few games agaisn't my friend and I noticed something with the "Terrifying (X)" ability. Why is it not limited to "Once per activation"?
    Don't get me wrong, I know there is Ruthless, I know there is some form of prevention, but it makes it feel like "To make it fair, use an ability that ignores it completly".

    My problem with it, is how frustrating it is to play agaisn't. even on average WP stats (5), you'll need 6+ simply to attempt you action, even if you get it, you still need to succeed for you other action.
    Many similar abilities, like Manipulative, Protection (X) have some sort of limitations, either once per activation, requires a sort of payment (Cards or Token) or simply gives you a -Flip. All are very usefull defenses, but no way near the level of defense Terrifying gives, for free.

    I might be bias, I always hated Hard CC (I hate Blue/White control decks with a burning passion), but I do believe some mild limitation might help the ability feel less frustrating to play agaisn't.

    Simply adding "Once Per activation" would be perfect IMO. You get a nice flip on your first action? Great for you, Terrifying is off for the rest of the Activation. You are unlucky and don't have a good hand? Well, you lost 1 action, but at least you don't need to worry about it for now.

    P.S.: I never seen Ruthless being as impactfull versus Manipulative, so I'm deducing it was mostly to counter Terrifying.

  7. Since we are talking about Titania, I was wondering about her Abundant Growth ability

    Similar to Mah tucket, a few members of her crew can place Underbush markers, anywhere on the board. However, unlike Mah tucket, there is nothing preventing the ability to place underbush directly in the deployement zone or directly in front of it.

    Does it mean she could (Depending on the deployement) create some nasty choak points right in front of you? Sounds like an oversight IMO

  8. My partner bought her first Malifaux box with the Grim for some HH matches
    In general, they have nice abilities, but we can't find anyway to use Hildegard's ability "Sweet song: Jealousy" or the more overall Dark Tale

    Are we missing something with them? Also is there some good core box to complement them?
    Please be detailed in your suggestion, we are both fairly new and might not know all the plays or tricks.

    Unrealted: In my opinion, it should be errata with something more generic to help them fit anywhere neverborn related.

  9. Thank you very much

    I was looking into Nekima 2 and might have found a good combo, but I'll focus on a basic list first before checking if my theory list works.


    Overall, once you've finished what I call your initial "Nephilim huddle" actions, you're good to separate and fight where you need to be...

    Mind clarifying what you mean by "Nephilim huddle"

  10. Keeping it short, i've tried Pandora and even if I do love the Misery ability, I dislike the  "bubble" playstyle.

    Next in line for some chip damage passive is Nekima. I do like the grow token ability and the black blood effect, but I'm not sure how much of a "Bubble" playstyle she is.
    Also not sure between Nekima 1-2, I really like the idea of the grow token, to end up with "Free" beaters, but I'm not sure which would feel better.

    I tend to play my list as seperate "Squads" like, usually splitting in 3 groups. Not sure if it is a good playstyle, but that is how my brain seems to go towards, even if I try to do something else.

    I know it may seem confusing, so feel free to ask me clarifications.

  11. So I got the standard list with Sonia Creed (No mage but its ok), very basic to share with friend and simple enough for some easy fun at my Local shop

    Now I'm looking for a new list, I'm torn between a few options

    Mah Tuket: Focused around Pit traps with Bush Whackers and Test Subjects (Found a neat combo with creative cussing) and Rooster Rider for some nice sceamers/flankers
    Pandora: Her crews ability looks nice, but I'm not sure how it plays or how to build her (Standard version, not Pandora 2), I really like "Misery"
    Jacob Lynch: I like the Brillance token mechanic and Jacob 2 can have an intereseting gameplay, but same as Pandora, not sure how to build/play him

    Any suggestion, helpful tips?

  12. 15 hours ago, Nathan Sells said:

    Wyrd has a deal with custom meeple to make markers. So if you want something official those are your best bet. And given that deal, I doubt Wyrd will be producing any directly in the near future. 

    That a slight problem, because going through Custom meeple will increase the shipping cost by over 20$ (Local) and My local game store do big oders to save money as a Malifaux retailer with WYRD store.

    I guesse I'll try to find my own STL files to print them... Any one got a good place to look for?

  13. Is there any plan to sell official markers?
    I am aware that there is some scheme markers in some boxes, themed around the boxe's faction. What I'm looking for is a big bundle of different markers

    Like 50mm markers for Pyre/Shadows/Pit traps/etc
    30mm for scheme, corpse and scraps.
    I would love to use them and would buy them, but I can't find any official markers and those in random online stores are very disapointing.

    I there no demand for it? Did I miss the boat or I am just very bad at looking?

  14. All good advices, thank you all.
    With my current models, I'm kinda limited in my options for now, I've already spent a fair amount to have a full list of 50pts with Sonnia core box and the Handler/Thrall box so I'm trying to make to most out of these boxes before buy more.

    So ignoring spellcaster and quellers, Should I go Sonnia Alt with the Stalkers to make use of drawn to pain? Or should I go OG Sonnia and use the 2nd Handler to give my stalkers 7mv for the whole activation, trying to make to most out of them before they die?

    I do plan on buying the rest of the Witch Hunter keyword, just not in the near futur

  15. The Idea is to have one Handler follow the Stalker's as a way to get 7Mv, I find the idea appealing as they can go to where they are needed or score far away schemes. I might be mistaken, but it sounds like a resonnable plan.

    The other Handler is with the thrall to help Sonnia get more burning overall

  16. Quote

    With OG Sonnia I prefer focusing on the witch hunter models.

    The problem with that, OG Sonnia's quick abilities are all for the witchling. Hazardous Aura affect all Non-witchlings and the Heal is "Target Witchling only" so it make me think that I'm missing something with the Witchling keyword.
    I bought them recently because I like the look and theme of the Stalkers, It would be really sad if it ends up being useless 😢

    In the near futur, I might remove the Stalkers for 2 of the new Witch Hunters and keep 1 Thrall with 2 Handler for the heals and burns, but the Hex Bow are not out yet.

  17. So I'm about to finish my first list with Sonia creed (With the "Old" version) going full on Witchling (3 basic, 2 handler, 1 thrall)
    I'm having trouble seeing any kind of good synergy with their individual ability.
    I'm looking for good tips to improve my general plays, so far I'm either winning by a hair or make it a draw due to pure luck.

    Ignoring the Alt for Sonia, what would be some good strategies, regardless of my opponent's list. should I keep a bubble around Sonia until I have enough Burning to summon more witchling? How should I go about scheme running.
    Also, Am I the only one you thinks that "Drawn to pain" is an awful ability or am I missing something? It feels like its easy to exploit by your opponent and doesn't give you anything in return.

  18. 22 hours ago, Azahul said:

    Most passive damage in the game is once per activation and doesn't stack, because unresisted damage your opponent can't resist and that you don't need to work for is just very, very strong.

    Unless I'm mistaken, not suree I've seen any kind of unresistable passive damage.
    So technically, all passive damage (poison, entropy, harzardous, etc) can be reduced by armor, shielded and incorporal.
    I do agree that free damage is powerful, Cadmus would be a good example IMO, with "We are legion". I was mostly looking for similar mechanic that focused around those as their main source of damage, be it through triggers or activation. 

    In the end, Pandora would be the closest and Tricky looking fun to play with all them traps around.
    Another contender would be something like Candy's ability, but instead of reducing damage, it inflicts it on the opponent's model. I beilive I've seen it somewhere, but don't remember who had it.

  19. Woe was the kind of thing I was looking for passive damage with utility in a nice range, scattered in the Crew to prevent focus fire.

    Also Hazardous damaging terrains would be the things I'm looking for, but I'm not sure which crew would be best to either place Damage HT or move them is the right location (Beside Pyre Crews), any suggestions?

  20. I'm looking for suggestion to make a list where its damage is focused around passive damage sources. I already know about the Poison and Burning crew, but I'm looking for something else.
    I started looking into alternative damage source and find out about "Entropy" and "Life leech", but these are only once per activation and in an aura, so no stacking. They are not bad abilities, but only 1 damage per activation doesn't do it for me (1 per action would have been perfect IMO)
    I am aware that they have plenty of damage output with their attacks, but I'm looking for less "direct" damage for more "passive" damage

    There is Jacob Lynch, but he is the only one with the "Hold 'em" ability. Again, his crew have neat abilities, so there isn't need to change it.


    TL.DR: Is there a crew or upgrade that is focused around passive dmg, like Entropy, Life leech, etc?

  21. Quick question regarding Hazardous Terrain

    I have 2 Pyre Marker, both close to each other (around o,5" of each other). I manage to force my opponent to move through 1 of them and finish his move partially on the second one.

    Rules says: "...to a maximum if once" But it refers to THE hazardous terrain.

    Possible answers
    1- Model A Is affected by the first "Pyre Marker" and is immune to all other "Pyre Marker" for the rest of the activation
    2- Model A is affected by both during the forced movement, but on his own activation will be affected by only one of them
    3- Model A is affected by both during the forced movement, on his own activation will be affected by one of them. But if he moves, he will be affected by the other
    4- Model A is affected by both during the forced movement AND on his own activation.

    Just to be 100% clear, both Pyre marker are not touching or overlapping, but they are close enough where a model could end movement on both marker.

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