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Bass Creed

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Posts posted by Bass Creed

  1. Played to a 6-6 tie with LJ, Scales, Pale Rider, Lone Marshal, 2 Domadores and a DM. general strategy was avoid and ignore his models, scheme and strat, pick off scheme running IMs when and if possible. 

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  2. Insidious Madness and Stitched spam. Even minions are 7 wound incorporeal, or 6 wound armored. And the card manipulation makes rounds 3-5 unbearable regardless of schemes and strats. Exorcists and Jury are a good idea. Thanks. I was just wondering if there is a balance issue seen by others. 

  3. One in our group plays him. Admittedly just got back into the game with 3e. But none of us understand Dreamer from a balance context.  His crews just seem on another level. We have Guild, Arcanists and TT. What are we missing?  

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