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Procrastinating Gamer

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Posts posted by Procrastinating Gamer

  1. On 5/1/2021 at 4:47 AM, J4bberw0ck said:

    Yup, multiple grimoires is a nifty way to allow primary spellcasters to really mix up their play styles. In the past I’ve given spellcasters one grimoire for combat-heavy sessions, and another for more investigative adventures. 

    It kind of reminds me of how the Pillars of Eternity games handle a wizard's spellbook in that.  In PoE1 you could carry multiple spell books, each with their own customised loadout of spells and switching from one to another would just lock you out of your spellcasting for a little bit.  PoE2 changed to, now that I think about it, pretty much exactly how grimoires work in TtB - their spells are fixed and unchanging but the character can know a few spells of their own independent of what's in the book and you would loot multiple spellbooks over the course of the game.

    As a bit of a tangent, regarding grimoires, I've been listening to the Breachside Broadcast and would you say that the Blind Man's Iron (Tales from Malifaux 43 and 44) would be a good example of a grimoire?

  2. Well I’d already ruled out Stitch in Time for more personal reasons (I’m in a PF1e campaign on the Paizo boards going through Return of the Runelords which has a lot of temporal shenanigans going on - between that and having recently replayed Bioshock Infinite I’m pretty well sated on playing with causality for now).  I’ll give Honour a look tonight and start looking through the Chronicles, I didn’t realise they might have adventures in them (I think I ended up just seeing them as Wyrd’s version of White Dwarf or something).

    And I was planning to modify NPCs like you suggested - the adventures I have looked through have mentioned alternative characters to use to get the party involved, depending on who they are/affiliated with/etc so it already got me thinking along those lines from the get-go.

    As for Days Without Accident, it seems interesting so far though I’m still only partway through Act 2.  One nice touch is that it’s showing what the Guild Mortuary is having to deal with after McMourning outed himself as a Resurrectionist.  Apparently he didn’t clean up after himself on the way out, so to speak.

  3. Considering running a mini-campaign for TTB for some mates and I was gonna just string together some of the one-shots and, maybe, cap it off with a larger one like Days Without Accident (considering that one since I'm reading through it at the moment).  Never GM'd anything before so I'm strapping the training wheels on, so to speak.😛

    Anyway, I can't decide on which ones to actually use.  All I've got is starting off with Bad Things Happen from the core book and then ending with one of the larger ones, it's the one-shots to use in between I'm stumped on.  Any recommendations?  Because there's a shedload of 'em and all I've managed to narrow it down by is "not the ones that assume the party are working for the Ten Thunders".  Which, by the blurbs I've been reading on DriveThru, only knocks out like two or three.

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