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The Other Coast

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Everything posted by The Other Coast

  1. Jeff and Colgan discuss a topic they're very familiar with: how to scratch and crawl your way back from a loss in Malifaux. https://www.theothercoastpodcast.com/episode-8-playing-from-behind/
  2. This week, Jeff, Jim, and Colgan discuss activation order, and how they evaluate what they need to activate and when. https://anchor.fm/theothercoast/episodes/Malifaux-Discussion-Determining-Activation-Order-in-Malifaux-ej9s7e
  3. It's an off week for The Other Coast's normal release schedule, but Jim has got you covered! In this, the second You Make the Call, he explores the wonderful world Malifaux rules and explains why Blast markers might stick around longer than you think. https://anchor.fm/theothercoast/episodes/You-Make-The-Call---Blasts-eliea7
  4. Jeff, Jim, and Colgan discuss the role damage plays in games of Malifaux and how to evaluate models based on their potential damage output. This episode is the second in our Malifaux Bootcamp series, primarily meant for beginners. Experienced players will already be familiar with the concepts though they may still find our primitive notions amusing. https://www.theothercoastpodcast.com/episode-six-damage/
  5. It's not every-other-Friday, but we just can't sit on our summoning hot takes! https://anchor.fm/theothercoast/episodes/Malifaux-Discussion-Is-Summoning-Balanced-el2hve
  6. Episode Five of The Other Coast is live! Jeff and Colgan discuss strategies for attracting new players or maintaining interest in a Malifaux Playgroup. https://anchor.fm/theothercoast/episodes/Malifaux-Discussion-Starting-a-Malifaux-Playgroup-eiq5vg
  7. For Episode 4, Jeff, Jim, and Colgan generate a game and talk through how they would go about choosing a crew and how they would approach a specific strategy and scheme pool. https://anchor.fm/theothercoast/episodes/Malifaux-Discussion-Building-a-Crew-for-a-Game-of-Malifaux-eiq5oe
  8. Thanks for the listen! Our opinion on Terrifying is that RAW, you do have to take two tests. But that's horribly broken and shouldn't be played that way. Also, thanks for the episode topic suggestion. Positioning for strats and schemes could definitely be interesting to talk about!
  9. Welcome to Malifaux! The hiring rules are: You can hire any model that shares a keyword with your leader for its printed cost, regardless of faction. Your leader is free. If your leader is a master, their totem is free. If your leader is a henchman, then you get your leader's faction's effigy for free. You can hire any model in your leader's faction for its printed cost +1. Sometimes you'll see this referred to as the "tax" or "OOK tax." You can even hire additional masters. Finally, you can hire any model in your leader's faction that has Versatile for its base cost, without paying the tax. When you're just starting out, you will probably hire a lot of keyword models. But as your model knowledge and playstyle develop, you may find OOK (out of keyword) or Versatile models are a better fit for what you are trying to do. At the risk of self-promotion, we have a podcast whose first few episodes are newer player focused: https://www.theothercoastpodcast.com/
  10. In Episode 3, Jeff, Jim, and Colgan cover some of the basic resources that are found in Malifaux. https://anchor.fm/theothercoast/episodes/Malifaux-Bootcamp-Managing-Resources-in-Malifaux-eiq5hr
  11. We will look into it, but as it's not a free platform it's obviously much less attractive as an option for us just starting out. Great to hear from someone in the area! I know we'd be too far for casual games, but once in-person events are a thing again, hope you'll consider making the trip!
  12. We're happy to introduce a new podcast coming from the Southern California Malifaux Meta, The Other Coast! We're very new at this, and our first few episodes are primarily intended for beginners, but we hope the wider Malifaux community will find our show a worthy contribution to the available content. If you'd like to give it a listen, I'v included a link to our website where you can find the episodes. We're also on Spotify, Anchor, Google Podcasts and probably a few other places! https://www.theothercoastpodcast.com/
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