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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Waldo

    Horror 20

    3D printed, scaled to 28mm. Scuplt made by Epic n Stuff
  2. Waldo

    Alive 13

    The recipe for this miniature is Bandido - Wyrd Miniatures Flesh Hooks from the Tyranid Warrior box - Citadel Miniatures
  3. Waldo

    Horror 1

    Modified Amelia Bathory (Alternate Nicodem).
  4. Waldo

    BG 1

    I wasn't sure if the optional sculpted head was legal or not, but I have included it in case.
  5. Waldo

    Alive 1

    Components: Malifaux Gator, Malifaux Gremlin (Somer Box), Malifaux Wrastler (Wrastler Box). ABS Plastic tube, Clear plastic tube, Green Stuff, Balsa Wood, Clear casting resin.
  6. Waldo

    Horror 3

    Reaper Minatures-Necropolis Standard Bearer
  7. Waldo

    Horror 4

    Reaper Bones IV model with custom high ground.
  8. Waldo

    BG 2

    Pandora's right hand spook in its natural habitat, featuring Secret Weapon Skeleton bits/
  9. Waldo

    Creep 1

    Miss Ery alt. Teddy on a scratch built base featuring a Secret Weapon skull.
  10. Based on the Creature's final confrontation in Frankenstein 1931. The Mill and its surroundings were scratch built and the figures are all Reaper, with some minor conversions.
  11. Waldo

    BG 3

    Dead Justice Judge
  12. Waldo

    Horror 2

    This is one of the "Stolen" totems from the 2nd edition Hamelin crew box.
  13. Waldo

    BG 4

    Dead Justice This model is from the Gencon 2011 nightmare box produced by Wyrd.
  14. Waldo

    Creep 2

    This model is from Wyrd. It is the spell effect from the 2nd edition Hamelin crew box.
  15. Destroy the remains! This diorama is made from an exorcist and a false witness from Wyrd along with a Wizkids wraith.
  16. Waldo

    Alive 2

    The Candy Corpius! It's deadly sting will fill you with one of the most toxic substances known to the denizens of Malifaux... Candy corn. This model is made from the scorpius kit from Wyrd and hand-sculpted bits ("claws", "stinger", head) I made from milliput.
  17. Waldo

    Creep 3

  18. Waldo

    Creep 4

    Nightmare Coryphee Duet
  19. Waldo

    Creep 28

  20. Waldo

    Creep 5

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