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Posts posted by RiceP.

  1. I've been looking and new cards and realised that i completely missed this awesome new enforcer fromd Dashel box. 


    I think that it could work well with both titled and untitled version. It stacks burning good, has a push for witchlings and is unaffected by pyre markers. I feel like this model is unironically has better synergy with sonnia than most of her crew. Friendly fire could be a problem. Also, eight stones for some burning and a push is a lot, one the other hand, it's just one stone more than handler, who's worse at both of those things. 

    What do you guys think about it? 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    as the only tool in the toolbox is a core rule change

    Well, core rule changes are also published in the errata.

    I don't see why you think that wyrd would not release mini-errata fixing one master's ability. Seems appropriate, since, in this case, it really IS a game breaking interaction, not "few people feeling some crews could be a little too powerful".

  3. 6 hours ago, TheUnseemlyOne said:

    Haven’t played him yet to try it, but displacing shot seems like a good way to move a brockenspecter up the field, which might make them a better hire

    I'd figured someone might mention  displacing shot. However, it is not a move, but a swap. For you to move specter or daeva up the field, you have to first move someone else and then negate their 1 or 2 AP spent on moving + 1 AP by Ivan to move Daeva/Spectre for a distance equal to their two WKs. Not a good trade, IMO. On the other hand, if you get to swap with enemy, that might actually be good, but it would require a lot of stars to align. First of all, enemy model you'd be swapping better to not present any danger, as you would probably place it near your team, albeit Ivan can partially negate it with stagger and distracted, it still might be dangerous. Then both Ivan and Umbra model have to be within 8" of the target. And finally you'd just have to win an opposed duel. Seems unreliable to me, that's all im saying.
    But, maybe someone sees it differently.

  4. So guys, what do you think about Double Agent? 
    I get that his upgrades are kinda cool, but other then than that, i'm not really sold on him. My main issue is that with him, you have to actually hire some umbra models and i'm just not feeling it. IMO, umbra models are great, but only when you summon them directly into your opponent's face, not when they have to walk with their measly 4 mv, aside from nocturnes, but they are not good overall to me. So, who do you hire with him?
    Also, does Daeva "made to kill" would not trigger when summoned with upgrade, because it's during start phase? 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Jordon said:

    Also a bit unrelated to the current discussion, but I find Harness the Ley Line a bit confusing. I'd like some confirmation. 

    1. Only works on non :ToS-Melee: actions, so she cannot use it defensively and can only use it offensively via Split Across the Worlds. 
    2. It still only prompts her reconfigure only if she cheats. However any suit would get treated as a +2 tome. 
    3. So for a simple duel benefitting from this, she would naturally get +2:ToS-Tome: to any stat. So her Converging Ley Line free action would need a 3 and Calculate would need a 4. However she would auto pass if she cheats with any card (minus BJ). 
    4. Cheated cards benefitting from Harness become essentially 11:ToS-Tome: (9 +2:ToS-Tome:) although the +2 is mostly irrelevant since your hitting your TN with that 9 anyway. Split Across Worlds being the only potential action to actually benefit from the reconfigure 9+2:ToS-Tome:
    5. Deep Discovery would still get the +2:ToS-Tome: if she's on the centre line, essentially making any card on the opponents discard pile an minimum 11:ToS-Tome:

    I am now also confused, by your question.
    Harness the Ley Line does not work like that. Only thing it does is bumps your non-melee actions by +2 and gives them inbuilt tome.
    To make advantage of the reconfigure you still need to physically cheat in tomes, after that you'll have a duel total with two tomes. If you cheat any other suit, you'll get duel total with tomes and the suit you've cheated with, it would not magically transform into 9 tomes.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Plaag said:

    u forget abt emissary and when she cheat with any tomes-she heals, so it reduces dmg this way

    also still haka+totem makes all band become invinsible for most of ranged atacks

    Can agree on that, but emissary can be countered with lures (both him and maxine are weak wp5) so there is still  possibility for counterplay. Also, "take the hit" is not free and any time you use it it takes away potential healing.
    Let's not forget that (besides new Maxine) discard usually comes from your hand, and so the cards for reconfigure, meaning that healing is definitely not indefinite (ha), and since this version does not have access to an easy card draw in form of "captain of the superior" all this healing would certainly be restricted and relying upon spending resources. 

    Edit: I've re-read her card one more time and realised that her ability does not even goes off when discarding from your hand, only from fate deck, meaning you have even less opportunities for healing.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Plaag said:

    so how it pass playtest? 

    and why noone asked abt it before?

    yestarday i saw maxine taked 8 dmg and healed all dmg passive with 2 actions, i was shocked that it happened

    this is so stupid-u dont spend any resourses(like getting some trigger/spending cards for healing flip, spending stone) and dont have any restrictions(once per activation, los/range to model), also it can be done by using very useful action like calculate and cheating with any card with suit of reconfigure ability to pass tn

    if u are not agree abt 1 healing per all 10/5 cards discarded, than it must be once per activation ability

    Aint this all on a model with 9 wounds, average stats and the only defensive  tech being once per game demise?  

    Also, only Maxine can do that supposed ten healing, so she has to be within 6" aura of wounded model(s) to do that. Otherwise, 1-2 healing per activation IF you cheat with reconfigure or IF you've discarded a card seems fine.

  8. So, i've never really got to playing guild this edition, mostly played outcasts and then got excited by explorers and got almost all of their masters, but that's whole another story. Anyway, i've played maybe seven to ten games with masters i've got, but only a few games with Nellie, she just looked pale to me in comparison with her 2e variant. Recently i've decided to give her another run. Stayed mostly in keyword, took pale rider, phiona, false witness, alison, undercover and field reporters. Game was actually fun, but it felt like i'm missing something, like im more of an annoyance to my opponent rather than actual threat. I want to get an idea how she plays now. Like, where does she wants to be on field.  Which models do you bring with her. At first i thought that peacekeeper should be good, but then i realised that nothing actually forces your opponent to place his scheme markers if he does not wants to.

    Another thing i want to ask, what models do you use as schemers? Hounds and wardens seem like an obvious choice, but i don't have them. False witness seemed good at placing schemes, though rather lacking in actually getting to where i needed them. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, Plaag said:

    and what i want say here-we may make strong masters, but not overpowered like now-rework hoff pilons, make sonnias pyre severe, but ignorable or remove built in tomes from her gun, and perdita-i dont really know how to make her more balance now, because its complicated problem-before she lack of cards and could make no dmg, but now with this card draw and additional bonuses from summon ups she can annihilate opponent, it could be npe

    Sounds like we finally have some of those NPEs of our own, to match explorers and other factions 😄. I say wyrd should not nerf them, but instead bring other masters in line with the stronger ones, it makes the game all that more fun.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Plaag said:

    and another important part-howard is not good at all in title-he have no fast, no grit, so it was just marker for opponent "13ss wasted"

    I don't think i completely understood that. I get the "no fast" part, but why no grit? And why 13ss?

    12 hours ago, Plaag said:

    need to mention, that i taked rider in each crew and he always make so many work-this dmg (with no resist...again) with 4r trigger is just super insane, when it will be finally nerfed?

    I hope never, i like the model and he's fun to use.


    Besides that, i like what i'm seeing here. Sonnia and Perdita in 3e always felt somewhat uninspired and bland to me, so i'm glad to hear that they are finally have more depth than simply dishing out damage.

    Also, i have to ask, did "confiscated lore" had as much impact as people on this forum speculated? How many times did you used it? How much value did you get from it? 

  11. 43 minutes ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Yup. Though it only works once off a single Geode. It's physically impossible to move a circular object in a straight line from another circular object, and have them remaining touching.

    So, unless they've changed 'move of 0" is not a move' (don't have the rulebook/FAQ handy), you need two Geodes if you want to pingpong 3 damage per action. You can go 3/2/3 easily though.

    I thought it works the other way around, meaning, even if a model moved 0" it counts as moved.

    Edit; I've checked rulebook and i think it works like i said (and i even think it was always like that).


    • Agree 1
  12. 39 minutes ago, Metalhed said:

    Kirai is the bottom end on look. Her face isn’t great.

    Well, malifaux has its fair share of ugly faces, however, my problem is not only with that. Texture of plastic (or whatever that is) looks really wierd to me, it's not flat and looks all bumpy and uneven, with lots of tiny grooves. Edges have burrs, which could be hard to remove from things like hair due to fragility of material. Overall, judging by the photo, this model looks like a third rate bootleg models for wh40k i once got my hands on to. But, i guess ill be glad if i'm wrong.

  13. Hello, it would've helped if you'd describe what exactly happened in more detail.  What models did you and your opponent had? 
    Also, it seems for me that you are exaggerating VS's power a little, he is not that scary (i know that because he is my most played master). 

    23 hours ago, Kotep said:

    WP 7 and DF 6 on multiple models.

    That's outright not ture, if we're speaking strictly about keyword. Only one who actually has df6 in freikorps is VS himself, and wp7 is Hannah (who has df5) and, again VS. Otherwise their stats are pretty on the line with other models in malifaux. 

    23 hours ago, Kotep said:

    Ruthless on multiple models.

    Again, in terms of keyword, only the freikorpsmann have it. They are mediocre minions, yes, VS can make them shoot multiple rocket launcher shots, but that would require a lot of resources.
    Without additional information, all i can say is that best strategy against VS is to kill important models. Nightmare crew has access to ignoring armor with "twist reality", which is even can target lowest stat.

    • Like 1
  14. Hello everyone. I've had my fair share of games with guild masters in 3e, namely: Nellie, LJ, Perdita and Sonnia, but i found myself never bringing this lovely model. I just can't give myself enough reasoning to include him in any crew, when i can just take pale rider. In 2e i've used him mainly to give a ride to powerful beaters, but it's now impossible.
    So, when and why do you use guild's emissary? Help me figure out new synergies with him, because, frankly, i'm afraid that i can't let go of my 2e mentality of using emissary as a riding horse (ironic, since he's now outshined by pale rider).

  15. Screenshot_7.png.d87732632787f9eb9f4abf90b1b35a83.png

    Hello everyone, i've been playing a game and this question came up. At what point each portion of the action occurs? Can you discard before suffering damage? Since it says "and" i think that it's simultaneous? In the rulebook, for simultaneous effects,  it says that "player can choose their models with unresolved effects" and choses order of them resolving, so my opponent can discard cards and only then suffer damage, using SS for reduction, placing flipped card on top of discard pile?

    Also, i think if i'd declare a trigger, as it is after succeeding, it would happen after initial effect, placing another card on top of opponents discard pile, right?

  16. 3 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    In my games so far the opponent rarely removed them, and I probably put down 4-6. 

    3 hours ago, Angelshard said:

    When the game ends there's between 6 and 10 on the board.

    Hmmm, i see, thanks for answering. I just wanted to know how many markers i need to order, so that i would end up with not too many but enough for most of games. I guess 8-10 is the amount im looking for. Thanks again. 

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