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Posts posted by Ezuma

  1. I have mostly been playing Dreamer, even so I've yet to use Carver or the Bandersnatch, as I do not own them. I haven't felt a need to pick them up though as the crew feels very strong using mostly the units you listed, with the additions of Serena Bowman (she is the #1 most important addition in my view, always performing well), widow weaver (harder to use but also quite handy and fun) and teddy (does what you'd expect). 

    Hinamatsu, Doppleganger and the Hooded Rider all seem useful as well, though I have mostly used them with Lucius to date. 

    I'd say of Dreamer's keyword options, Insidious Madness, Stitched and Serena are hard to go wrong with, favoring more stitched in say reckoning, and more Madnesses for any really schemey pools. 

    I am curious to know how important Carver or the Bandersnatch are though, as I like the models a fair bit and will end up getting them eventually...

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Erik1978 said:

    Stitched Together are TOO powerful IMO.

    You pretty much have a guaranteed 3/4/5 damage flip against enemy models (that can be cheated often enough), which isn't even an attack, so no Vengeance or Incoporeal. They are approaching NPE I think. (Frustrating instances where you can't cheat or prevent anything but your opponent can get around the "Not cheating" part and use a 13 or whatever.) Perhaps it just means people will shoot them very often? I'm still against this mechanic and high damage TACTICAL action in its current form. 

    they are very good, and I'm likely biased as a neverborn player, but i don't see why i would play dreamer if they were nerfed. I haven't looked into collodi, but as he is not in the game 'proper' I don't know that his synergy should really affect their standing. Perhaps they could be made a tad squishier, but without gamble i wouldn't consider playing them at all 

  3. Late to the party, but I really love where the nightmares are at currently. Thematically one of my favourite crews, I didn't use them in 2e as much as I would like as their play-style didn't really match what I wanted to do. Lucid dream is great and theme-y, and the summoning mechanic is far less spammable than before, but that is probably a good thing. Stitched (old favourite of mine) are even more in line with my play style, so I couldn't be happier. 

    Lucius (my other favourite) seems in a good place too, flexible and full of card draw is exactly what I want to see (though he matches up rather poorly with Molly)

    Titania seems better than before, and I'm a big fan of all the positioning and area control she has: a far clearer and more interesting approach than in 2e imo

    Nekima's crew seem quite good for the strats, a lot of people seem to overlook their speed but from my perspective they look pretty solid, if straightforward.

    I am sad to see paralysis pandora gone, but it was probably a fair decision. Haven't tried her yet but I will if I can ever put Dreamer and Lucius aside long enough...

    I haven't been inspired to try out Euripides, Marcus or zoraida, so no comments there. 

  4. 14 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Considering there's only 1 nightmare model that straight up can't trigger a Wp duel, and only 2 that don't have an attack that targets Wp, this seems like more than just simply not pushing Wp duels.

    to be fair it was very much due to the schemes and strat, so not really indicative of a normal dreamer game, as the only damage i did before turn 4 came from stitched. I could see that in a normal situation you could get summons out faster, albeit far less reliably than in 2e (probably a good thing to be honest) 

  5. 9 hours ago, Rift said:

    I agree about dreamer tho, he's very meh...nothing really special about him.... I wish he added some decent mobility to his crew. Also...all those negatives to try and summon is so annoying.

    last game I ended up using him as a glorified scheme runner, summoned once on turn 1, and the damn thing didn't pop up until turn 4. He barely seems like a summoner now, more just a liability for assasination

    • Agree 1
  6. having tried out dreamer (admittedly not extensively), lucid dream seems an incredibly good ability, and in particular stitched together seemed even better than they had been previously. Sure they don't have quite the same ridiculous combo they once had, but they seem more reliable and independent now which frankly I prefer. The dreamer didn't particularily wow me himself but his crew seems bonkers if you avoid alpha striking situations

  7. I've yet to try hounds as they just don't seem to offer anything, I might try the dolls out at some point. 

    I've got to say I'm pretty disappointed with waldgeists, unless I'm missing something they just dont seem worth 6ss, they're basically the same as last edition except -1 armor and -1 wd, so i hardly see whats to like unless your board has a lot of oversized severe terrain 

  8. I initially found most of our old key models lacking, but I think that's largely due to comparing them to punk zombies, which i have had to play every game so far. From my games with lucius I found the Mature Nephilim did enough work to make up for the extra cost, and rougarous with titania or lucius have been pretty good as well. 

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