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Posts posted by Urbin

  1. 35 minutes ago, ShinChan said:

    Well, Sandeep can easily summon big beaters that are not easy to take down. Also the Wind Gamins are great for their mobility, which requires a lot of effort to kill them for a single point.

    Well, I don't want to discuss this here from all places. I'm sure my good friend Sandeep "My Fire Golem just concentrated as a bonus action so he is going to do 19 side-effects" Dessai can play Public Enemies, I'm just wondering if he should.

    These two look to me like good players, I would like to see them in their best decision making! So just roll a pool and pick your poison :3

  2. There's multiple ways to deal with a McM in bayou, brewie being one pretty obvious, but as a general advice try to hit hard and remove models completely. Bayou has some of the most absurd damage dealers of the game, so take a pick.

    Inferiority Complex (for the Ruthless) upgrade on your one/two beaters of choice can be very helpful, specially if they are certain chicken models that can also easily use bully...

    For removing conditions pick of choice between: BBB, Ophelia, the Banjonista or the Wrastlers/mancha (prefer the latter as they target Df which is low on ressers models) can do the job, even only hiring one can be very disgusting if you manage to toss that Rogue Necromancy with 18 poison tokens on the mud.

    If you bring Brin and use him to remove that nasty poison, remember to spend 20 minutes complaining about his nerfs like ressers do. She/He'll feel right at home.

    • Like 1
  3. Hamelin +6ss

    3 Stolen

    Obedient Wretch



    2x Rat Catcher

    Rat King w/ Servant

    A rat


    My rival, more or less



    2 Sorrows


    The baby + teddy 




    Search the ruins, outflank, assassinate and two more I don't remember, lol

    5-3 for me

    First game with the plague boys, very interesting gameplay, and very different from what I've tried before.


    I found nix a bit underwhelming for its cost and Benny an absolutely clutch pick, at least against misery skill (Pandora theme skill). All those 1 dmg triggers meant a shitton of rats being summoned by Benny. The last turn was an amazing firework show, with hamelin chain-blowing rats on the last 3 enemy miniatures.


    I did a lot of mistakes as it happens with new bands, the blight mechanic + bleeding disease is quite an interesting one, blowing damage 9 actions to enemy models is fun on its own. 

    I thought hamy would be trash at reckoning but with that much miniatures that does not count toward strategies it was actually pretty hard to score against.

    Very fun game

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Jesy Blue said:

    What gunslinger?

    And why Barbaros?

    Oh, forgot to add the convict Gunslinger to the list, edited, ty.

    I chose barbaros to have someone that could stand a beating, he survived one turn to the viks so in hindsight I could exchange him for a wokou or something and save 1ss 

  5. Parker Barrows vs The Viks (50ss)

    Reckoning, Wedge Deployment
    Detonate Charges, Search the Ruins, Outflank, Assassinate

    My List:
    Parker Barrows
    Doc Mitchell
    Mad Dog Bracket
    Malifaux Child

    Convict Gunslinger

    My Rival:
    Big Jake

    Ended up 6-2 to my side
    I chose Search the ruins (scored 2 VP) and Assassinate (Scored 1 VP).
    He chose Assassinate (0 VP) and Outflank (1 VP)

    My friend is starting to play (I am new too, but with all the demos I've been doing at my club at least I understand the rules pretty well) so I lent him my viks so he can start practicing (he is gonna run Justice as his first band).

    The game was really one sided, as he could get charges but with all the :maskQuick Getaways and the doc's ability to fuck up his charges, he was not able to do much damage, I think this is probably a very bad matchup for the Viks anyway. 

    I even draw almost all the high masks :maskof my deck one turn (the gunslinger shot 6 times), that one was specially harmful to watch 🙈

    I'd probably drop the child and keep the 3 ss if I had to change something.

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