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Mr. Crows

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Posts posted by Mr. Crows

  1. Hey everyone,

    I had my first game with Pandora this last weekend and an interesting rules question came up:

    I targeted the Malisaurus Rex with Self-loathing, opting to use his lashing tendrils ability; hoping to get the free melee swing in after (I was planning on cheating in my high ram, because Dinosaurs are scary, duh!)

    However, Pandora does not have a claw attack, and her ability does not read like the doppelganger's mimic; it just says: "Choose one of the target's non-Shockwave Attack Actions. This Action gains the effect, cost, and any special restrictions of the chosen Action. Enemy only."

    So the way we ended up playing it was that I would not get a free claw action after. I wouldn't be surprised if this has been covered in the FAQ or another post so I apologize if I am duplicating a discussion.

    Otherwise, thanks for the help and let's keep it friendly :)

  2. Hey Good Morning All,


    An interesting situation came up during a friendly game recently. My friend and I were playing Recover Evidence and in the GG 1 Ruleset it states: "If a model with an Intel Token would be Buried by friendly-controlled effect, the opposing player may choose for it not to be Buried."

    I was playing a Seamus crew and my opponent was playing Dreamer. All of our non-insignificant models were carrying Intel Tokens. My Opponent decided to use Bandersnatch's "Crawl into Shadow" attack action, targeting the Nurse. It states: Attach the Shadow Lair Upgrade to the target, then Bury this model. . ." So, I chose for Bandersnatch to NOT be buried (since it was carrying an Intel Token). 

    Our question is this, does the upgrade still get attached to the Nurse? I vaguely recall reading somewhere something along the lines of: "if a part of an action fails, the action fails" or something to that effect, however when we looked in the rulebook we couldn't find it.


    Thanks for any help and clarification in advance.


  3. 8 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Necrotic Machine's Strange Behaviour ability to force cards back into your opponent's hand - just be careful to time this when the top of their deck is low cards!

    Did you mean the discard pile is low cards? If not, could you please explain why you want to be careful about high cards on the top of their deck? Thanks!

  4. 19 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Sybelle is a bit weak, and fails the '3ap test.' Typically you want a 10 stone model to be able to do three effective things on its turn (so needs leap, flurry, cause for celebration, a useful bonus action, etc).

    Wow thats a very useful thing to know. I am surprised I haven't heard about that yet, makes sense. Too bad they didn't make an adjustment to her with the GG1 errata to make her more useful. Hopefully next season. . .

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  5. Thanks for your input. I got kind of frustrated with the nerf to Archie, it left me feeling at a loss for crew building as well. I like the idea of trying a Belles & Doxies crew with him and maybe Bete or Sybelle?

    I tried the melee focused strategy from the third floor wars podcast but pushing enemy models into Seamus kind of requires alot of hoops to jump through also. It also leaves Seamus pretty vulnerable (or you sacrifice CCK to save him).

    I am a relatively new player though (~5 games with Seamus) so take everything I say with a grain of salt haha.

  6. On 3/5/2020 at 10:50 PM, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Toshiro. Need I say more? Just chuck him and a gravedigger into any crew and then put the rest on offense. Mobility and dancing about seem good, so again Molly, Seamus, or Kirai for just overloading everywhere on the table.

    The Carrion Emissary would be good to generate corpse markers for him too. I don't have the grave diggers yet but would be interesting to try them out.

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