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Posts posted by Thisendup

  1. Maybe I just have bad luck, but the Abysinia players I play against have most of their forces in glory by turn 2 if not turn 1. A 6 point margin on any flip is actually really, really easy, since they only need 1 on a squad of 3 plus adjunct to flip that unit to glory and so on. With how easily they draw cards cheating is rarely a concern either.

    I have found that sending the crawler into combat with another titan is helpful. If you can get it into the Aby titan before it flips to glory it does not have a melee attack and you can pin it in place and beat it down.


    I've tried using it against other enemy titans, it dies pretty quick.

    Tried to use it to take out squads, dies pretty quick.

    For the amount of script I'm having a hard time justifying the Alpha.

    The main attack is low strength with a trigger that only provides a little help if he's covered in reinforcement tokens.

    Armor is not great at 11, my opponents very rarely do not inflict at least 1 damage.

    I think another squad of Speckled crawlers or some Eels would be better.


    How do all of you use it?

  3. I have read the fireteams and placement effects several times and still lack some understanding of how it works.


    I give my frenzy the Tidal Scepter.

    One frenzy is contacting a tidal pool at the start of it's turn, the other two are not.

    It bamfs to a tidal pool across the board.

    What happens to the other two members of the unit?

    Do they:

    Move along with the first member in order to stay in 8" coherency? If so, how are they placed?

    Have to take an advance or rush action to try and get into 8" coherency with the first? What happens if they cannot?

  4. So the jist of much of this is I don't have the best mix of models to play an effective Gibbering force. 

    Since the game is not released until May, I'm going to have to suck it up and get as good as I can with what I have.

    Armored Welks really have been the A team of my horde so far. Still trying to figure out the best way for Striped Skulkers and the Alpha Crawler.

    So far the alpha crawlers main contribution to my game has been he looks scary.

    I'll have to try the Frenzy with Unnatural reflexes and relic of ancient Malifaux. Sounds like a good combo.

  5. I've played a few games now with Gibbering Hordes and they feel really underpowered.

    My games so far have ranged from losses to horrible stomping into the ground. Only one was there even a slight chance of a tie if I pulled off an amazing set of flips.

    For a melee faction we're not terribly good at melee and our abilities seem lackluster compared to the other factions (I would gladly trade a morphling for an Engineer or any three upgrades for rapier wit)

    I only have my kickstarter stuff (armoured welks, basic set, frenzy, crawler, eggs, and morphling), but are other people experiencing this or am I just an anomaly?

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