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Posts posted by Assdex

  1. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    Short answer, Play the game. You can't easily stop Justice killing things. Try and make it costly in time and effort for her to kill things (either by spreading out, or by hiring tougher models) and spend your time scoring points. Make a plan that isn't reliant on any one model living, because if your whole plan relies on that model, then she ought to kill that model ASAP. 

    You can try and plan to kill her, but it shouldn't be your only plan because she can run and hide if she wants. 

    She isn't great at getting through Armour. 

    Armour yea but still easy kill samurai. Mb take 2 of them for ignore her armour

  2. 19 minutes ago, Gheist said:

    Spread your Backline out or go heavy on versatiles, like samurai, fuhatsu, and if you attack her try to get as much irreducible dmg from shen as you can. Those Lady Justice Players rely heavily on soulstones to keep her alife.

    Give Shenlong distracted +3 or higher (via the aspiring students) and than give Lady J distracted with shens tactical, she can't do anything about it on herself, so she will either do nothing that turn or burn 3 Stones, which she cannot afford to.

    If you use concentrate, give yourself chi tokens to beef your defense to 7, so you can at least block 1 of her attacks by cheating in a 13 , 2 if you are lucky, also if you concentrate for focus she can take it all away.

    Take 2 Wandering Rivermonks with trained ninja and get all the points, she can't effectively hunt them both down.

    It gets shitty if your opponent takes the Pale Rider and the lone Marshal, because that firepower shreds your crew soooo fast.

    Not the best Matchup for Shen i think


    She can't have any distract. I transfer stun it help a bit.

    Dunno wo can be good pick against her.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Is she being brought in as Leader or a secondary?

    One thing I found when facing models like her (Nekima was the big one) in the previous edition, was sometimes, you just need to ignore them. Concentrate on killing the things that can score the opponent points, score as many points as you can, spread out to make them waste actions, and take things that she can't just obliterate (H2K is good for that, as is Armor and Soulstone prevent).

    Leap on untitled J makes this more a problem, as you can't just tie her up. But one thing I've learnt, is fixating on killing models that take way more resources to do than just letting them do their thing, is just a bad idea.

    In 2nd Ed, I had my opponent devote Von Schill, a Drachentrooper (under it's original name), and another Freikorps, spend 3 turns trying to kill Lady J. I spent soulstones like water, two cards a turn on Juggernaut, and it was just a mess for him. He still won, but only because I'm just a terrible player. :)

    Most of the time play against this


  4. 13 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    When you drop a pyre, you get to push nearby models once per activation (Tear Back The Veil). When you do, they take hazardous (burning 1). When they take burning the first time, Visions of Fire lets you do one damage to them.

    Ok get it. I miss understood u. So she look cool mb practice her 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Every pyre drop is 1 damage, 1 burning, and 2" of move when in her LOS. That's crazy strong.

    Her Fan The Flames to teleport people seems super strong as well.

    Summoning lampads is probably neat.

    But... We know from many others that sometimes making a master super keyword dependent just results in a bad crew when the keyword is weak... So will be interesting to see if the lampad buff + this new title is enough to make a playable crew.

    Pyro not only 1 burn ? 

  6. 20 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Yeah, I've identified the rider as something to kill fast, but ironically without Archie it becomes way harder xD Archie is really well suited to hunting riders I think. Still, maybe I'll be able to set something up.

    There's not much scoring to be done by scheming, so I think the biggest threat from the cats is that they can throw a model ~9" in a single attack! I gotta be super careful with my activated models because he can run across the table and reposition me however he wants.

    Fast rider can steal enemy rider 

  7. 58 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    The lists!


    • Molly w/ Whisper & Necrotic Machine
    • Anna Lovelace
    • Sloth
    • Dead Rider
    • Crooligan
    • Manos
    • 5 stones

    I've not got too much experience against hoffman (other than the last time he slaughtered my Kirai), but this list tackled most of the things I was concerned about in this matchup for this pool. It's extremely unusual for me not to hire Archie, but he didn't feel great in this matchup...


    • Hoffman & Attendant
    • Steam arachnid swarm + Soulstone cache
    • Hunter + Diesel Engine
    • Hunter + Diesel Engine
    • Mobile Toolkit
    • Mechanical Rider
    • 6 stones

    Never seen a list like this before. The Diesel Engines are interesting against ressers, but then I do have a ton of ranged attacks so maybe it works out reasonably well for him xD

    I think u need be careful for cats. And mb mb trying to fast kill rider. 

    Cuz rider without cash pretty good target ob first turns .

    And this is my think, hoff list is kind a weak. I played against 2 cats and was not so good. 

    Cats will be fast scoring just run and takes markers .

    If u can focus rider on 2 turn to mb it will be easy. 

    But I'm not in top 16, so its just my opinion.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Yeah, all good options.

    Molly can ignore armor, of course. Archie can't do big focused hits which is a problem 😕 Anna and Emissary for anti-heals are both good options I'm considering for sure!

    Sloth is another contender since he can heal AND prevent heals.

    EDIT: Student of steel is another model I'm considering.

    Not sure about student cuz peacekeeper or goward can easy kill them. I think u need something to fast take dawn small support models. But not a lot of good shooting in ressers 

  9. 45 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Round 2 is against Jokerboy's Hoffman!

    Round 2:

    • Map - Dumping Grounds
    • Standard - Turf War
      • Assassinate, 
      • Death Beds,
      • Hidden Martyrs
      • Detonate charges,
      • Let them Bleed 

    I've declared Molly, and am quite unsure how to build my crew against Hoffman... But I'm sure it'll come to me!

    I think u need ignore armour for this and mb emmisary or smth for antiheal.

    Mb Anna 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Philip is a lot harder to kill if positioning is done correctly.

    Manos has to be in the action to be relevant, but Philip can provide a lot of support on the side.

    I positioned very poorly though xD Especially the break the line markers.

    8 wd def 4 manipulation. Not a lot of safe i think

  11. 10 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Yeah, spread is good but I didn't even have the interacts for the strategy, so getting another 3 for a scheme seemed rough.

    Archie and manos had jobs to do, so my plan was to reap Talos and then get Philip to hit Talos once.

    Sort of... Failed spectacularly to stick to the plan as you'll see 😜

    Turns out Archie and Manos lived the whole game and probably could have done vendetta xD

    Philip so easy to kill , not sure but i think better manos vs beast duel.

  12. 2 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I found obeying ancestors clunky since they don't get the free focus and you have to set up reliquaries first.

    It was good situationally, but I'm not sure about making it a plan A.

    I think the crew really benefits from yan lo getting to run around wherever is needed on the board. He is hyped mobile.

    Yea , but we need good target to obey like dunno fuhatsu . 

    His mobile is 2 side stuff , he is afraid about obey/bury minion with up.

  13. I think will be great crew around obey . 

    Izamu + toshiro mb.

    Cuz u can make a lot stuff from it .

    1st obey to izamu heroic intervention with mask if possible.

    2 obey to toshiro he charge and with mask again ( i know need a lot of masks) attack with coordinate and izamu attack again.

    And before in u can clear ur deck for better flips 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Von schtook only turns off the upgrade. The place is Yan Lo's ability so still goes off.

    Von Schtook turns off laugh off, the passing the upgrade on death, and the bonus.

    So if you kill the minion in von schtook's aura, the upgrade is gone.

    Sound like solid counter. 

  15. On 7/29/2021 at 7:34 PM, Wakefield said:

    Once I have more games in with Newko I will update the forum post with thoughts. 

    Initial experiences:

    Always go for Crow on Riddles if possible. Quick Reflexes is also good, very good if there are multiple threats coming in, but stoning for Crow gives a lot of pressure.

    We Own You is solid, but it always takes 2 AP on a model that has no distracted on it and setting up for distracted later is a pain.

    It is almost always more AP efficient to hit models that are currently focused to remove it and potentially add one distracted than it is to load up targets with distracted first because an ally can just end the condition or Assist and burn an AP to remove distracted. If your  opponent does not have any forms of instant condition removal, this can still be a good way to burn AP from models that want to be doing something else.

    Queen's Gambit is one of the best things on her card, but it requires a stone or a mask on an opposed duel with the enemy, spend it wisely.

    I used to take 7 stones with her, I still feel that's an accurate number.

    Oh, and her melee attack is just a flat upgrade. And it's still never going to be used.

    Additionally, she is far better as a second Master now, particularly in crews with Executes such as Misaki.

    If u can good setup for we own u . It cast u 2 ap but u can make 2 attacks for hina from it and easy kill some stuff cuz u flip all cards

  16. 8 minutes ago, Adran said:

    I would assume that if you have 2 or models equal distance apart, you choose which. And since if you are buried, all models in play are equal distance from you, you can choose who gets it. 

    Mb , but no any rules about it. 

    And i think aura from shtook just turn off upgrage , can yan place if minion in aura ? 

    And if minion died in aura mean that up is gone

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