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  1. I disagree. Completely ignoring any power level discussion, Dreamer seems less and less fun each time he gets touched. I am sure Dreamer needed further adjustment, but I feel like the way it's been done there is just less and less to be excited about. This is the master that got me into Malifaux in 2E and he seemed so cool then. Now he's a summoner who can summon 3 things. Maybe he is balanced now, I don't know, I'll leave that to better players. But what I'll say is this, this master would not get me to play M3E if I was a new player today like he did for me in 2E.
  2. Ah, didn't even catch that part! Thanks!!
  3. Am I correct in understanding that after they unbury, the miner is ignored for schemes and strategies, but unlike insignificant models, they can still take the interact action and drop scheme markers? So for example, 2 miners could score the first point of Sabotage? Or a miner could help score breakthrough by making a scheme marker in the enemy deployment zone after it unburies provided some other model was able to run into the enemy deployment zone since the miner itself does not count? Thanks for the help
  4. I apologize if this has been asked before, but the search results on this topic say "missing" when you try to click on them. My understanding for Gamble Your Life from Stitched Together is that the owner of Stitched Together makes a straight 3/4/5 damage flip against the model that lost which can be cheated. So if the Stitched failed, the owner could cheat in low damage, or cheat high damage if the opponent failed. Is this correct?
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