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Posts posted by dechma

  1. For what it's worth to those (like me) still waiting for a shipping notification, I had great luck sending an email via the "Email Us" link on the store page. It took some time for the response to come through, I'm reasonably sure everyone at Wyrd is putting in hours at the warehouse rather than watching email, but the response I got was excellent. I'd given my order number and got a response detailing exactly what was going on, what issues had already been overcome, and letting me know that one hurdle remained before my order could go out. Lower than planned stock on a M2E model (but with a shipment to the Wyrd Warehouse. Wyrdehouse?) was holding things up, but my minis would ship just as soon as that model was in. Everything I could have wanted to know.

    I don't want to flood Wyrd with emails, that'd likely just gum up the works more, but if you're desperate for a status update, try sending something out! Being cordial and understanding and a good bit of patience definitely paid off for me.

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  2. Thank you so much for the update! I (and some other I suspect) have been champing at the bit to get my order, but I know y'all are a small team working 4x10s. Just as my patience was giving way to worry, wondering if my order really went through, whether there were delays in production, fear that my order was on a truck broke down somewhere on I-85, you guys reach out and give us an honest breakdown of what's happening. I cannot express how much I appreciate that you do your best to keep us in the loop and let us know what's going on. Please pass my (our?) appreciate on through the rest of the team and keep in mind that our desire for the product and the significantly increased amount of orders is a testament to all you've done in making Malifaux in general, M3E in particular, and especially Nightmare Molly so exciting and desirable.

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  3. 16 hours ago, GlowingFruit said:

    I don't want to create an other post for my question, but it still on the subject.

    Does the faction packs contain alt model cards (e.g. : Doctor Dufresne (Alt McMourning), Alt Nekima and Emeline Bellerose (Alt Mme Sybelle))?

    They don't, unfortunately. They have some alternates, Ressurs have the alt Rogue Necromancy from last year and Outcasts have alt Vanessa, but Ressurs didn't have Dufresne or Bellerose. I don't recall seeing...Bathory? Alt Nicodem in there either, so I think we'll have to WGV those if we want them.

  4. Howdy all! I finally got my hands on some faction decks for M3E and they are amazing! They were definitely worth the wait, but I'm noticing that other than my Alt Rogue Necromancy, none of the Alt Ressur cards are present. I tend to run Emeline Bellerose in place of Sybelle and Dufresne in place of McMourning and would love the 3E cards for those models to avoid confusion. Has anyone heard of a planned 'Alts and Specials' pack or print run, or am I just going to have to print from Wargame Vault and accept that they won't quite be of the same quality? Thanks for any tips or rumors!

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