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Posts posted by Thedeadclaw

  1. You could also base your decision on playstyle. For me Arcanists are very unintuitive while for other people they make a lot of sense. (I still love Arcanists, they're just high effort for me.) Look through the actual stat cards and upgrades to see how the masters work and compare that with tactics articles on here and you should have a good idea of what will be easiest for you to learn!

  2. So I'm fairly new to miniatures (Malifaux is my first mini game), so I may be missing a super obvious answer, but what's the best mass transportation option out there?

    I don't exactly want to spend a ton of money on a transport solution, but if that's how it has to be so be it.

    I'm working fairly aggressively towards having about 75% of the game. (Painting at about 200 SS a month if that gives a good reference.) I was using pluck foam because it caters well to the occasional sculpture inclusive basing as opposes to the official M2E branded bag, but I'm not sure it's sustainable since I need to bring my whole collection to events. I'm trying to build up each faction enough to be able to loan people a faction to play an event while they're still painting minis so they can jump straight into playing the game after demoing it, so carrying a large collection is essential to allow the most players possible at an event, but I haven't found a good large transport bag that can fit smaller trays. (Most of them include army game vehicle size slots built in and I just won't ever use them.) I'm at a bit of a loss, and while I know it isn't exactly a common situation I have to think someone has dealt with it before. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Thanks!

  3. 26 minutes ago, WWHSD said:

    I don't think the store I play at has sold one copy of any ToS product that they have ordered in the 3 weeks it has been on the shelf.

    It's early in the game's life span. My store doesn't stock many minis at all full time. They keep everything you need to assemble, paint and transport them, and usually a starter set or two of the games that are common around the shop, but they just order what people ask for in unless it's a launch day for a new wave of figures. It helps games not *look* dead when they're really just gaining interest.

  4. 2 hours ago, Adran said:

    I must admit I've never quite understood that level of faction loyalty that people will only play that faction so even if the entire crew switches to a different faction they wouldn't play it. But several people seem to have it so each to their own. 

    It's because if you want to play the crew in events it's hard to play competitively with just one crew and if you have that vs. a full faction of models you'll do better with the other faction as your declared faction for the event. It's not a problem for me but like. It does suck a little for people who don't play X faction for their minis to switch there.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Bakuriel said:

    Any more than 10-ish rats and you're slowing the game down so much it's hard to play at that point. 

    That's really good to know and I'll have to keep that in mind!!

    2 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

    magnetize the decoration, place washers on 30mm bases (rats) and 40mm (extra kings, should you run short of princesses)

    Goodness this sounds so awesome and also so out of my knowledge pool! How would you make sure the magnets worked? How would you magnetize it for that matter? I'm admittedly still pretty new to minis and I had no idea this was doable!

    2 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

    My local Catelin keeps threatening to make a cat king out of several cats and a wand-like cat toy dangling above a 40mm base.

    That's adorable tbh. The only better choice is obviously a cat condo! :D

  6. Ok, so @anyone who plays Hamelin, how many Malifaux Rats are the top end of the engine? I bought 2 Cat Princess bundles in addition to the box so I can have 12-21 depending on how I base them, but I definitely don't want any rats so I want to be sure I base them right, lol!

  7. I got my Black Friday order (part 1/2) in the mail today, which was awesome, but was shocked that the four alley cats (count as Malifaux rats) are actually seven models a piece. How are you supposed to base them? Do multiple cats fit on one base, or are you supposed to pick which cats you like and use those? I'm unsure of how this works and don't want to mess it up!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Adran said:

    I can't say what you think is the risk of buying now for 3 rd edition, but I'm personally happy to still buy things now both to use in M2E and to use next edition, even though they will have different rules. 

    Plus there's next to no way the BOTR set isn't going to be part of Hamelin's thematic crew, and wpuld you really be sad to have lots of cat minis around for you to use, even if they aren't summonable next edition?

    • Agree 1
  9. You honestly shouldn't need all three stolen most games, just ny Hamelin gameplay I've seen at my store. If you're trying to get some 2E games in get two each of Cat Princesses and Cat Herders, since that's analagous to BOTR but honestly since Hamelin isn't a summoning master in 3E I don't think you'll need both then. I personally only bought one of each, and if I find I need more hopefully they'll have them next time a sale pops up!

  10. 4 hours ago, Caedrus said:

    What's the nature of your tremors? Both hands? Would a painting handle help?

    I have fairly severe tremors, sometimes localized to my hands but more often borsering on seizure territory, which is a lot less fun to talk about, but honestly despite being pretty sucky is something you learn to work around. I have meds that help to minimize them somewhat which is awesome, but I have to paint minis separate from the bases even because otherwise some of the worse tremors cause streaks of color that the base gets in the way of fixing. I try to minimize it by working with both hands so that the tremors sometimes even out, but as you can see with Reva's crew, it just doesn't turn out the way I want sometimes!

    I've actually thought about using the dip method, but I'm worried it'll muddy my colors too much. I love having bright colors (one of the world hooks for me is that brighter colors under the other Sun) and I'd hate to sacrifice that to have more realistic models. It's been a connundrum because there just isn't much of a different effect with the way I'm washing my models right now, so I might end up buying some tester minis and trying the dip method on them!

    Thank you both for your kind words, they mean a lot!!!

    • Like 1
  11. Hey! I haven't posted any of my crews before because they're not great painting(I have bad tremors and have never done much art before, which when combined make my minis look a little more shaky than I'd like), but I still am very proud of how they look because I've been able to make them look decent despite how hard it is for me to paint them. I guess I just want to show them off, even if they're not as good as most of y'all's work! They're just crew boxes with no additional models, except Zoraida who I've paired with Amphibious Assault because... Silurids.

    Please be nice about them and I hope you enjoy seeing a more amateur experience in painting Malifaux!


    This one was my first crew and I think it shows, but there's still a lot I really like about it!


    I don't like that this crew feels as disjointed as it does, but I like all of the individual pieces so I'd probably do it again the same way if I had to paint it again.


    This one was big for me because it was my first time using a basing grass, first time using epoxy resin for water, and my first time realizing you can blend paints together on the mini to make a more cohesive color scheme!


    I tried drybrushing for the first time here with Molly and I really didn't like the result. Thankfully I went back and tried it with later crews to better effect, but the experience soured me from drybrushing minis and I only drybrush the bases now. Also you can see the start of my addiction to metallic paint here.


    I had a lot of problems with this crew. I had particularly bad shakes while I was painting it, and a lot of the lips show that, plus much of the skin and white cloth have a dirtier look than I like usually. I still like this crew a lot and the bases I painted for it are some of my favorite that I've done for the game to date.


    This crew was the worst for me, hands down. I struggled a lot with the alternative parts on two of the models, I struggled with getting the colors smooth, and one of the minis wouldn't stay based with superglue and so I resorted to hot clue, which just sucks. I don't like the way that part looks and I'm thinking about getting minor terrain to mask it with. I love the color selection I made still, and Lynch himself turned out alright, but this is my low point as of yet.


    Despite getting this crew last I actually painted it before Titania because I wanted Titania's crew's colors to match and so I painted the whole crew at the same time. Ironically, despite not intending to, I did the same thing here. I really like how these turned out, especially the stained wood stages I made for them and the multicolored fluff for the wicked dolls. It's nice to get to play with Collodi before he goes away for a while. I really enjoyed painting this crew, and even though it looks pretty simple I think it's technically one of my better ones.

    large.Titania.jpg.98e3018fc72ac52f7ec66c11d265867e.jpgAnd finally Titania, my favorite master in the game! I wanted everything to be perfect for her. I modeled the coloration of the Gorar after the red spitting cobra, since they're incredibly fast nocturnal snakes who spray venom that isn't usually enough to kill humans but is very painful and look somewhat similar to the model. I based the rest on Victorian ruins because of the whole Nythera/fairy queen aspect. I had a copious amount of blood on Titania, but I wanted her wings to be more crisp, so I put a black base coat and messily gilded them, allowing her black wings to show from underneath. I'm actually going to put a "stained glass" window behind her once I can find a good price on a printer with transparency features.

    Anyways, that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed seeing some less awe inspiring pictures of crew, and I hope maybe someone else with bad tremors can see that even if it's harder to paint well, your minis can still look pretty okay!

    • Like 6
  12. I'd love to get a sneak peak at Euripides! Or maybe some of the new modelling process if that's something you're ready to share? I know some things are getting new sculpt and I'd love to hear how exactly that's being handled! Or maybe more Dead Man's Hand details? Like for instance in a tournament that allows them what faction the masters count as, since I don't think we've seen a faction marker on them yet.

    • Like 2
  13. Hi guys! So I have kindof a weird situation. My spouse loves playing Malifaux, and we have a lot of fun playing the game together. I have a smattering of factions, but they mostly like sticking to Gremlins. They assemble and paint slowly (because, in their words, "it's like a puzzle I have to pay someone $50 for to start over if I mess up") but they take a lot of pride in their models and show them off to all of their friends online. They play Gremlins and have two crews, Ophelia and Rocinante.

    The problem is that they just aren't very good at the game. It's not that they can't be; there's been several games where we've been playing preconstructed crews that they did very well against a couple of our friends. But their win rate isn't very good. They don't mind, usually, because they really play mostly to show off their stuff and hang out with friends. But we're going to start having tournaments at our LGS soon and so they'd like to have a good idea of what they could play that they'd have a better chance at winning with.

    They played tonight with a Rocinante crew that was very tanky and damage centric and they killed with it. They absolutely stole the game. (The score was very close because of a fumble where my leader was killed before they could complete Deliver a Message, but they had clearly won by the end of turn two.) They know just using Rocinante all the time isn't really tournament viable, but they really want to try to find something with that sort of a playstyle, very aggro and hearty, to bring to the table.

    Frankly all I know for sure is that none of the kits I have (sub maybe Titania) play that way, so I thought I'd turn here for suggestions. They said they're not opposed to just playing Gremlins with friends and picking up a second faction for tournaments if there's one that would feel more natural to play and they'd see better results with. I'm pretty sure after tonight that they've just been trying to play this strategy with the wrong crew for it so far and they can kill it with the right choices, but I have no idea what to tell them they should buy. Thanks for the help!

  14. 4 hours ago, Adran said:

    They used to have alts as a reward for spending so much, but they stopped that.

    When did they do that??? From what I saw last year they gave out a vintage master for every $100 spent, and I'm pretty sure the year before had alternate Taelor, not 100% though. Does that mean there's not likely to be an order value incentive this year?

  15. 5 hours ago, Davie said:

    Also, if you make a 40-Dollars Enforcer stronger than cheaper enforcers (while costing the same in-game ressources), just because they are more expensive, you pretty much end up with the pay-to-win problematic. I think the monetary value of a miniature should correlate to its size and Details etc. and not its competitiveness.

    I totally agree. You can't make it inherently stronger. But there needs to be some factor that makes it cooler than just your average $11-21 enforcer when its 2-4 times that price. I pwrsonally don't think the effigy upgrade alone makes a $51 pair of models feel like there's a payoff when a crewbox is $50 or less. There's something to be said for how cool the scuplts are, for sure, but for me there really needs to be something to set them apart to make them worth $40. They don't have to be pay to win. I don't think the 2E Emissaries were. But they should be something special or else frankly it just sucks to have spent $40 a faction to get a somewhat decent beater that costs 10 and has decent stats and no customization.

    Like you don't have to break the game to not have that much of a feel bad moment.

    Again, you don't have to agree, and like I said before, I won't even judge the gameplay until I see how it works on the table, but you do kindof have to admit that that this is the second big consumer confidence wammy we've been hit with so far with this edition.

    I don't know if the beta will keep these as is, but since nothing's finalized now I just know that I for one want to make it clear that while the change may be good for gameplay it sucks emotionally and as a consumer. It doesn't make me want to finish my collection of Emissaries honestly, and if I do it'll only be for play in 2E.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  16. I love the more lore accurate effigies but oof... getting rid of master specific upgrades makes the emissaries feel less special. I'm sure it's more balanced this way but part of what was special about them is that they played so differently depending on who hired them. I won't even tey to pass judgement on whether it's better or worse gameplay until 3E releases but emotionally it's the most feel bad moment since the Dead Man's hand announcement.

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