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Posts posted by Arlos896

  1. My first thoughts are that McMourning 2 is going to be really good with all of the scheme markers he can drop and pick up.  He can also turn models of his into anti scheming with chatty, or into scheme runners with extra legs. Sebastian summoning canine remains for fast cheap significant models is going to be nice too. McMourning 2 with don't mind me also will be great.   

    Kirai also is going to be great for cloak and daggers as her summons can steal tokens the turn after they are summoned.  Gwisin with trail of gore and enslaved spirits will be fantastic as well being significant are big boons for her 

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  2. I'll say that lost love is very suit specific in what he wants to see. If you have the crow for the burn out trigger that's great, if not then you can just attempt to top deck it. He's also a fantastic scheme runner combined with Ikiryo and Datsu ba. He can by your side near them to end up dropping a scheme marker or being and extra body near something. Nihilism doesn't come up often but it's nice when it matters. 

  3. Well I'm a die hard Resser player so that's reason number one haha! I think the resser upgrades also offer some good reasons with the extra regen of grave spirits touch along with killer instinct to add in ruthless if needed on a cavern nephilim. Then there is the whisper goes well on Kastore and with Gwyll as well letting you know which card you're about to draw when he activates. Ressers also have some great versatile models and out of keyword picks. 

    Why to play Returned versus any other resser master? I think the keyword is more of a generalist than most of the other resser masters. So if you are up against a faction certain masters you favor have a hard time against(Daw into Bayou or Thunders) you can pick Returned safely as they can play scheme, keep away, or aggro as needed. They don't do any one thing better than another resser master, BUT they can do most anything. 

    Another personal reason is that I enjoy monstrous models. So a group that is almost entirely not human and plays with the powers of necromancy has me hooked. 

  4. So after looking through the Madness of Malifaux book and seeing the last remaining keyword models that weren't spoiled, I wanted to get a discussion going and start off with some initial thoughts and maybe get some discussions going. 

    First up is Kastore, Fervent and he seems very mobile with Faith in the Flesh and Towering Figure.  Defensively only things he has going for him are hard to wound and terrifying 12.  He can get shield from Faith in the Flesh as well.  Other tricks are that he can reduce damage from all friendly models and black blood to zero and once per activation heal from it. This allows for a lot of angles of healing him. Offensively he is a 2" melee attack and stat 7. He's meant to be punching things. He also gets a bonus on his charge attack that lets him double blast and place into base contact with any model damaged. Another 2" non melee attack let's him damage a model for 1 and push himself up to his mv in any direction and place the target in base contact with himself. It has a stagger and a necrotic decay trigger. His bonus action lets his totem charge with a trigger to then have it place next to him after resolving the charge action. 

    My initial takes is that he is very combat oriented and enjoys getting focus to really get the benefit of charging and spreading around a lot of damage. It will also be incredibly difficult to prevent him from charging as he can reposition himself during his activation with the bonus of having his totem charge himself or another friendly model. It hits and then heals him and with Gwyll in line of sight to his sz4 stature he can move two inches. He can position friendly models to get aggressive or help navigate around troublesome terrain. Also has a serious potential of kidnapping models and then staggering them to prevent the rescue. He can also be a friendly punching bag for friendly attacks that have useful triggers. The ones that immediately come to mind are Athorak and his Reward the faithful trigger on ancient words and the Unseelie Engine with the survivalist trigger.

    Next up are Urnbearers. These were a huge piece of the puzzle that were missing to make this crew work. They have a once per activation aura that when a friendly returned models ends a move they may heal 1 and that same area is hazardous to opponents.  They get a shielded if they would take damage from black blood or whenever a friendly model within aura 4 heals above max hp. The only defense they have is shielded, they are very frail support models with 6 health. Attack actions is a melee that ignores hard to kill and they have a stat 6 lure. Two amazing bonus actions, one is down to the last drop to aoe ping damage as well as trigger black blood on say a blood vessel, Barbaros, or a Cavern Nephilim (more on them later).  The other is empty the urns which requires you to lower your shielded by 3 and the target model heals 4 and gains a focus. I think this will mostly be an early game way to get focused out on key models.  Seems like the plan with them is to get a model out of position for the crew to dive on or let Kastore/Barbaros pull it even further out of position. All in all a solid support piece that will die if looked at wrong. 

    Cavern Nephilim the ranged counterpart to their brothers mature nephilim. They have stealth and Regen 2. Their biggest weakness is their low wp. They have expert getaway along with faith in the flesh and ambush. So these guys will get to where you want them to be. They have a unique gun attack that ignores line of sight that is once per turn with some cool triggers, they also have a great melee attach that had pick the bones built in for more interaction. Their last bonus is forage for anti scheming tech. Overall these models will be absolute work horses for the crew. I've been trying grave spirits touch on them for terrifying 11 and Regen 4 it's been fun thus far. Also giving them access to blasphemous ritual for some early game focus stacking on the rest of the crew is nice. 

    Last but certainly not least is the Unseelie Engine. A big durable model that has armor 2 and the potential to get shielded and heal itself and allies. He has icon of life that lets him pass any healing he would receive to another friendly model within aura 4". Ancient Technology on the front is a greatly appreciated ability that allows for some great counter tech. Also this crew HATES guns. This guy helps with that problem with one of two different bonus actions. The first let's him reduce the duel total by 1 of any non melee enemy action that targets a friendly model within aura 4. The other is that it removes stunned on friendly models within 4" and they can't gained stunned while within aura 4. It can deal itself 2 irreducible damage during the end phase to keep an aura going into the next round. It has a spikey melee attack and a tactical that it can pulse out damage in an aoe 4 with a failed test. Now that friendly models can relent to this it makes this amazing to splash black blood around and also heal them back up as it heals for each model damaged by the action. Overall this guy feels like a major tech pick and dependent on match up, but I'm glad it's a tool available to the keyword. 


    The crew feels like it wants to be a bubble brawl crew with it's durability coming from healing and using tricks on the way in to avoid damage. It has the potential for great scheming as well with Kastore, Fervent being a big distraction piece. 

    Gwyll to me is an auto take every time. They enable so many shenanigans with the crew it's just a given. A single urnbearer is also a forever hire into the crew for me. They enable a lot of of the tech of the crew and can reposition enemy and friendly models. After that it really feels like you can go with anything in keyword with Unseelie Engine and White Eyes being specific tech pieces to deal with problems. 

    My ramblings of first impressions are complete and I would love to get more feedback from everyone here.  I'll chime in later on down the road as I get more games in with them!

  5. 3 hours ago, DeadManTalking said:

    What are some tricks of his for scheme marker dropping? He's got Don't Mind Me, and when you knock off a Spare Head upgrade. Is there something else I'm missing? 

    I have heard that summoner are good at leylines a few times and I'm not seeing what makes them so good at it. What am I missing? Is it just that you can throw spare bodies at your opponents to slow their football carrier down?

    Horrendous Corpse, when any model dies with +3 or more poison you can either drop a corpse or scheme marker within 2". Spare head on a flesh construct and kentauroi can just be immediately dropped without an opposed duel even happening so it's very easy to set up detonate. Corpse Curator can also drag behind a scheme marker when it moves to carry a scheme into position. 

    Leyline the summons can end up carrying the lodestone and letting the rest of your crew do as they please. Though also throwing bodies in the way is great too. 




  6. Mikhail is a pain, less so now but still a pain, so with going in melee you will need to deal with him first. Grave goo can also make you very sad as it can swallow a key model. 

    Also Ikiryo is a hilariously easy vendetta target so expect to give at least one point on that. Turf war is tough for Kirai as a lot of her models aren't terribly durable. You would probably be best served with Kirai 1 and goryo bombing his bubble. You can violent ghosts to throw out a ton of damage or put the no healing on the key model you want to die. 

    Just my humble opinion on it. 

  7. How about instead of pulling out cards from the discard, you discard cards from your fate deck and choose one from those you discard. So discard 4 from fate deck and draw one non joker discarded this way. This way it limits the shenanigans of tools for the job and the selection of the entire discard. 

  8. 16 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    There's a chance Ressers were net-losers. While all of our keywords got a boost, we may not have gotten as much of a boost as other factions. It is early days. This would probably be a good thing - Ressers were top of the pack previously, so a bit of a loss in power compared to GG1 is probably fine.

    Everyone has different opinions on what is OP for ressers now:

    • The Russian meta says it is Reva 2 and Seamus 2.
    • I know a lot of people are saying McMourning 2 and Kirai 2.
    • I feel like Molly 1 actually got a pretty decent power spike because of enslaved spirits.
      • So we have to ask what other crews may have gotten a new lease on life because of gwisin & spirits...

    My current suspicion is that McMourning and Kirai are the overwhelming ones that people will figure out how to beat eventually, while Seamus and Reva end up being sleeper hits as people learn to play them better.

    Long story short - it is hard to say so soon after release! Unlike Explorer's (which released only 8 masters at once, so breaking them happened pretty quickly), it may take a long time for the new 54 masters to settle into a coherent meta.

    Any experience with Seamus 2? I've been thinking about picking up redchapel.

  9. 6 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Yeah, my initial impression was that he was super super strong, and now he doesn't even feel top tier xD

    Except plastic surgery is broken and needs a fix (the cremation combo for example is an issue).

    So who do you feel is the big winner from Malifaux burns for ressers if not McMourning 2? 

  10. So looking at the keywords that are lagging a little behind the top three contenders are:

    Redchapel: 10

    Forgotten: 11

    Revenant: 11

    Transmortis and Tormented also both have 11 but I feel like a cross faction keyword isn't likely and Transmortis is not in need of some love. 

    As for the function of the box Ressers are sorely lacking for shockwave attacks(currently 5 models) so maybe turning corpses into shockwaves? Seamus in the early stories had a fondness for bombs.

    Also could lean more into toying with the discard piles. Rummaging around for the good things already used or recycling bad things into your opponents deck.

    just my humble 2 cents 

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  11. 7 hours ago, Sprixus said:

    I mean, abundant growth right under Tara at the start of the game could wipe 1-3" of that range.

    Created markers can't be put into base contact with models, but it right in front of her does slow her down some

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