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Posts posted by Kaernak

  1. 1 hour ago, InvokeChaos said:

    Awesome! Just don't over extend him and you'll love how he affects the board :D 

    A point to re-iterate as well, that his Leave It To Luck 0 action only has a 6" range.  So if you have high masks in hand and some ranged models nearby, they can cheat those masks at the +2 value, and your opponent doesn't get the boost. 

    I've used this in the past for sniper fire in my Shenlong sniper list, because I have a 9 card hand, I often get a few masks.  It's great for turning 9's and 10's into severe damage with the focused shot! 

    Now THAT'S the kind of tech I like to hear.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Da Git said:

    Looks like a super solid crew.  The Lone Swordsmen is brutal with Shenlong, going 5AP a turn with recalled training really kills stuff dead!

    Monk of HR isn't bad as a scheme runner, most people go 10T Bro, but his best (0) trigger requires a mask which you don't always have (and you may Black Joker it) whereas HR (0) push is guaranteed. He's also a better scheme runner hunter.  See how he goes, it's fun to buck Internet wisdom!

    Although you probably really do want a Monk of LOW River in there too if you can (you can't take Peaceful Waters without one...). You can squeeze one in if you drop Recalled Training on Shenlong... (although it does mean you only have 2ss, I think the extra 3 cards a turn is worth it...)

    Also 1600th post! Yey me!

    Stupid me. He is in there and I wrote my list from memory.  Whoops!  Good call out!


    Also HRM over 10T Bro is because I have HRMs and not 10T bros atm.  That was simply a "this is what I have" pick lol.

  3. Trying this against my friend who is also new.


    Shenlong (wandering river)


    Yu (promising disciple, peaceful waters)

    Emissary(conflux of dawn)

    Lone Swordsman(recalled training)

    Katakana Sniper

    High River Monk

    Low River Monk

    • Like 1
  4. Okay!  Got a couple of games in at 35 points with Mei, 2 high river, 2 rail crew, kang and lone swordsman.  This game is super super fun but I think I'm going to enjoy shenlong a bit more than Mei. Other than katakana snipers and effigy what does his normal list look like?

  5. 5 minutes ago, whodares said:


    I see, that sounds reasonable. I've mainly seen NPE being used in League of Legends where it does stand for New Player Experience. By your wording it sounds like quite a lot would have to be reworked though as counter-matchups should then be labeled NPE. I mean, if you play a condition list and I bring Shenlong or Hamelin ... such fun when your entire mechanic is ignored ...

    There is a difference in "negative play experience" and "being countered".  You can play around a counter.  You can try to outplay your opponent really well.  A negative play experience would be dropping a gunline into an army that can't be shot at.  Or playing into an opponent that at any moment can say "you are 19 inches away from my leader, he uses his feat." which knocks you down and proceeds to shoot you to death(you only miss if you roll double 1s at that point.)  Like I said I know more of them from warmachine/hordes (my main game) but it can be very frustrating.  When you lose no matter how tight you played due to a ridiculous ability that you cannot stop...that's an NPE to me.

    • Like 2
  6. 51 minutes ago, whodares said:

    The Misaki player needs 2 10+ cards AND 2 severe cards to get the combo off vs 2 severe cards of the defender. Do tell me which player here needs the "God Hand" to pull off the combo?


    How bad is your positioning if a weak minion can see your entire crew in a terrain-filled board? Being able to hit 1-2 models with a huge card investment is fine as far as I can say. Smart players see Misaki with The Storm and play accordingly. Positioning is key against blast masters.

    You are also incorrect in your calculations for the blast range, even though I've already explained it several times in the thread. You have to make the blast calculation from the model that gets hit. You get 8" from all sides of the target + 2" from the blast marker is 20" total. Add to that the base of the targetted model, which can be 30-50mm, so you actually have a bit more than 21" raw hitzone. Then it depends on who/what that model can see and if he has LoS to the blast marker as well. Any wall in between them means he will fail to hit if you are not higher than the wall, even if the blasted model is higher. If you hit a 1" gremlin and you try to blast from him, anything 1" will block that part of LoS to the blast marker and therefore make it invalid. Thesame for 2" and stuff, it really is more limiting than you might think unless you play with no LoS blocking terrain. In that case, I would bring Shenlong, Yu and Emissary with 2 snipers and do focussed 28" range sh5 (+1 focus Yu) hits of 2/3/5 damage with blasts from the Emissary (0) action. Same deadliness as Misaki and completely safe as you can just stand in deployment and laugh.


    Nicodem has been considered strong from pretty much when he came out. He suffers none of the weaknesses of other summoners, yet has all of the strengths of other summoners. Then they continued to give him more and more tools, breaking him more and more. Kentauroi are just the latest part of this, but the UK players hated his guts even before wave 5.

    Viks and Misaki both make mince meat out of whatever models they target while punishing bunching up. If you say Misaki has no counterplay, then a Ml7 min 5 damage 4 aoe attacks Vik is considered stronger. They both kill whatever they see and Vik CAN ignore armor, HtK, HtW and all that stuff, while having a built-in Recalled Training. Vik also doesn't need as many high cards as Misaki as her min damage is Misaki's severe damage. Yet nobody sais Vik is OP as they learned to position properly against her and not let het get 4 free hits on 5 models. the counterplay for Misaki is funnily enough thesame as Vik: let her hit an inconseqential model and counter-attack right after. Doesn't even have to be thesame Turn, they are horribly out of position if they can't take away enough models when they do go in for the kill.




    NPE stands for New Player Experience. Any crew has the possibility to be NPE, but some such as Nicodem and unnerfed Storm Misaki were most-certainly NPE. If an experienced player calls out NPE, I ask them how long they have been playing and if they know what a new wave release is. Not reading up on new waves or not even reading cards as an experienced player is not an NPE. It's just an idiot that loses and wants something else to blame for his loss. If I see you bring a blast master and they stack my entire crew together, am I allowed to even call it NPE when it's just an experienced player being foolish? Can I call NPE on Rasputina when I first play against her and go "nah dawg I don't need to read your cards, I'll wing it"? Experienced players are not allowed to call NPE on something as the N in NPE is missing. It's just a casual player meeting something for the first time and not paying enough respect to it.

    I was pretty sure most people used NPE as "negative player experience" meaning that even if you play your best whatever makes the model have an NPE (I know way more of these from Warmachine) makes the match almost unwinnable.

    • Agree 1
  7. 9 hours ago, H4ml3t said:

    I'm a Henchman down in Kingsport TN but I live in Bristol TN which is only 90 minutes away. If you want me to I'll let you know when I'm running events. I'd also be willing to travel to Roanoke for events or to do demos etc to help you all get started. A friend of mine who lives in Blacksburg also plays. PM me if you have questions or want to get together.

    Welcome to Malifaux!

    I've been down your way in the past.  You really aren't that far away!  100% I'd love a demo.  Let me reach out to my crew and we will try to set up something.  Lunch/dinner on me!

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry to keep asking questions but the game I come from has an app that makes cards for the models obsolete as cards don't get reprints due to errata.  Will the aforementioned Bad Things Happen app make the game playable without me having to carry a deck box around with my models? 

  9. 12 hours ago, WWHSD said:

    I’m not sure where in the world you are but most areas that have much of a Malifaux presence have a Henchman (I think Press Gangers are the Warmachine equivilent) that can arrange to give you a demo of the game.



    We actually don't have a henchmen but we have several people interested in the game at my FLGS and if it takes off I may just be the Henchman. 

  10. Okay, I've got the basic rules and have painted up a pretty good Mei Feng.  The rest of her crew are in various construction states.  Since I learn by watching, is there a good youtube channel where people play high tier lists against each other for our faction?  I'm down to watch rando bro1 & 2 duke it out in the garage but I want to see the full fury of our faction as well.

  11. Recently grabbed the Rail Crew box to paint up to give myself a break from my other game(steampunk machine).  Found myself watching battle reports and finding that the system may be pretty fun.  Ended up with the Shenlong box and the Lone Swordsman too.  With this being what I have, what should I be fielding and what should I be building too?  Did I get a bunch of mish mash that doesn't work together?

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