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Posts posted by thewrathchilde

  1. On 2/23/2018 at 3:25 AM, Frollo the Wordbearer said:

    Ok, I'll start (as the Resser forum some times is.. Quite dead eheh). 

    I don't usually play against Guild, so I won't counter-list hard. 

    I'd say:

    Reva: guises of death, litany of the fallen, decaying aura. 4ss

    Asura roten

    Carrion emissary: my little helper

    Yin the penangalan: my little helper

    Shield bearer

    Shield bearer

    Rotten belle


    Quite resilient crew, with 10 activations on t1 (7 models, 1 zombie, 2 candles). 

    Reva loves open boards to destroy from the distance and is quite good at Eliminate the leadership (especially ignoring reductions and prevention) and Entourage.

    Yin is a good tanky model and the Emissary is the Emissary. 2 upgrades are not bad for Show of Force, and MLH helps protecting them on T2 or 3.

    Between Asura and Carrion and Candles we could engage enemy's shooters forcing them to waste APs dealing with them and not shooting us. 

    Inescapable trap is not terrible with Emissary's and Reva's ability to turn corpses in schemes as there will be plenty of corpses near enemies, hopefully. 


    My 2 cents


    Disclaimer- I don't play Reva so this is theory not experience.....


    This is a really tight crew (on points) without a whole lot of room for tweaks. I like most of it- with Asura and the Emissary you should have a lot of attack vectors for Reva plus they have other good abilities as well. The Rotten Belle and Sheild Bearers look pretty good too; the only thing I am not real wild about is Yin.

    I have run him in a few crews and sometimes I really like him but other times I feel he is too slow unless I have something like a Doxy to speed him up the board- the Emissary helps but not quite enough. I might consider swapping Yin & MLH out and replacing it with Anna Lovelace. She helps out with card draw, has good attacks, can (on a trigger) get more mindless zombies (or Seishin), and can cut down on some movement shenanigans, and push enemy models to disrupt them and in tandem with the Belle isolate sections to enable you to better score the strategy. 




  2. I'll play.


    Seamus- SR, DYKWIA, Hat, Cache of 3


    Datsue Ba- Spirit Whispers, MLH

    Izamu- Wronged Spirits



    Rotten Belle

    Rotten Belle

    Probably take Undercover Entourage (Seamus- its just a freebie) and either Eliminate (depending on their leader choice) or Inescapable Trap. 

    Starts with 8 activations and with Datsue Ba summoning a Seishin goes up to 9 first turn. Pop MLH to summon an extra Seishin first turn or to give Izamu or Jaakuna an extra walk. Being peons the CCK or Seishin won't give up Shed Blood and the Seishin can help ensure Seamus can teleport each turn, add to the activations, and can heal, attack WP with their MI so can heal Seamus if he needs it. 

    For the strategy Seamus, Datsue Ba, Izamu, and Shikome can all kill decently helping me score for Public Execution and Datsue Ba handing out Adversary make her, Izamu, Jaakuna, and the Shikome even more effective in combat. Datsue and Shikome also can get around armor and Seamus and the CCK's damage tracks are high enough that they can still pound in damage against low armor. Seamus, Datsue, and Izamu are also pretty survivable and the Seishin can help keep thing healthy with heals or run interference and just run up and engage select enemy models to "tie them up" since they can't be scored on for Public Executions. Most turns Datsue Ba will be able to summon instead of giving one of the other spirits a walk since with the Belles and Jaakuna I should be able to pretty reliably drag models in to beat on them. 

    The Belles and Jaakuna can drag models around to give me optimal targets of choice and disrupt enemy plans. If the enemy is close (and in Seamus' aura) they can also hand out slow further neutralizing their models. They also make Inescapable Trap fairly easy to pull off too if the opponent has a master that is difficult enough to assassinate that I don't want to take that scheme. 

    Seamus's mobility on the board should be amazing and depending on crew composition he should be able to delete a model a turn and make Doxies and Belles to continue the disruption and control. With all the things that attack willpower and the hat he should be able to prevent them scoring Eliminate, the Belles can put a stop to Show of Force and make Inescapable hard for the opponent as well. Take One for the Team is something I would probably give up since most of the damage dealers in this crew are pretty expensive. The only thing I can hope for is too kill their sucker early enough they don't get full points.



    • Like 1
  3. There are a lot of Resser players that don’t like Seamus, but I always have a good time playing him. Depending on what I think I am playing I take SR, DYKWIA, and then either the Hat or I save the points. 

    With him I usually take the CCK, Datsue (Seishin shield tricks), another beater (Izamu), then fill it out with willpower duels (Jaakuna, Belles, Hanged), and some additional beaters. 

    Generally I think he does pretty good in GG2018; he may not be the best we have to offer but  in most of the strategies I feel pretty good. In Ply you can drag models around, make them slow/paralyze so you can more safely ply, and with WP attacks and his de-buff you can get the severes to take ply off them If you need to. 

    In Ours the Belles can drag things out of quarters to let you control and score. Seamus and your damage dealers are all maneuverable enough to snipe out targets to give you the advantage. 

    In Symbols while he can’t interact after Back Alley it still gives him great positioning early to allow him to kill key models. You can drag them away from the markers and play in between with Seamus and Izamu to control large sections of the board. 

    Public executions is great for him. You have some good beaters to get the kills and either the Belles drag their stuff in to die or yours back once it has the condition to prevent retailiation. 

    Supply Wagons is my (and everyone’s) least favorite but with Izamu, Jaakuna, and  Yin and movement tricks from Datsue/Admiration you can blitz the wagon across really quick and then shift to the schemes/killing. 


    Overall I like him in GG2018 and he is one of my go to Masters.

    • Like 1
  4. The next round of Malifaux Demo Games for the Thunder Mountain Gaming Club on will be 24 February 2018 at 1300. 

    W: Steve (me) on Behalf of Thunder Mountain Gaming Club 

    W: Malifaux Demo

    W: 24FEB18, 1300

    W: Mountain Vista Community Center, 107 Derum St., Fort Huachuca, AZ


    Feel free to contact me with any questions on here or via the Thunder Mountain Gaming Club Facebook page. I am available on Saturdays for demos either at the Community Center or Cochise College when Thunder Mountain Gaming Club is having event days or will be available to demo at Friction Games once the construction is finished at the Post Exchange Mini Mall. 

  5. On 1/30/2018 at 1:09 PM, FunWithKnives said:

    Don't you guys think that Rider>Izamu? 


    I'd love to hear your opinion about graveyard spirit btw

    for Kirai (and Datsue Ba) Izamu is a much getter choice because he is a spirit. As mentioned above he benefits from her Swirling Spirits that let you teleport/swap him up the board to speed him up considerably. She can also heal him with Comfort Spirit if you need to and she can teleport to him with Into the Spirit World (both from the Swirling Aether upgrade). Izamu also benefits from Adversary as well and her Sundering attack has a trigger to put Adversary on a large.

    A lot of other models in the crew also bring things that synergies with Izamu better than the rider. Much like Kirai can put Adversary on a target, Datsue Ba can do it as well with a built in trigger also. Datsue Ba's (0) Guide Spirits (if you aren't summoning Seishin its him) can also give another spirit within 8" a walk which also speeds Izamu up and re-positions him (or another spirit in the list). 

    Being able to take advantage of Adversary makes a huge difference by itself to me. Kirai can put Adversary on someone, Datsue Ba can, Shikome can, Goryo can (you need an extra Crow for the trigger), Onryo can (if they are damaged by an enemy)....bottom line is there are a considerable number of was to get Adversary on other models and with all the possible movement shenanigans you can almost certainly ensure that just about every turn you are getting mileage out of Izamu and he is getting 3 x MI attacks at + flips with ensuring he is going to hit and pound in the damage. Izamu is almost auto-include in my book for Kirai.



    • Like 2
  6. 19 hours ago, Adran said:

    Pushing to base contact has to be done towards the nearest point. You can't push to the side like you suggest. (Pushing towards a model is a direction, and so you have to push directly towards. (page 46 of the Rules manual) )


    that is why I said you have to be off set. You can't be directly behind the model or just slightly. If you are left or right of the model the direct route takes you to the side of the forward base......






  7. On 12/13/2017 at 4:04 AM, Stewbert said:

    Worth putting Spirit Beacon on izamu for some seishin summoning and extra situational blackblood splashing?

    I don't play Molly but play Izamu in Seamus and Kirai; I prefer Admiration on him to help speed him up the board. If you have a couple of bad cards you can get a lot of mileage out of pushing him up the board as Datsue Ba is dropping Seishin and Kirai is dropping in Spirits. You have to be careful with placement though so you don't end up blocked by the base of the summoned model on your push. Need to have the summoned model offset to the side enough that when you push at an angle you end up beside it not behind it. 


  8. don't underestimate the value of the Shikome charging for (1) against stuff with poison. In a crew with a lot of ability to put out poison this can be huge! It in essence gives them a third attack against a single model or if they are going in on already weakened models potentially two charges in a turn. Additionally as mentioned above they add maneuverability and have their own ability to get the Adversary condition on models. They were good before, IMO, but are a bargain now- 8 wounds, hard to wound, flight, built in trigger to ignore armor, and against models with Adversary the ability to choose to attack vs. Wp instead of defense... 

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  9. On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 10:24 PM, tomhorstmann said:

    I've never played Seamus but Wave 5 is making me very curious. What upgrades do people consider running on Seamus? Sinister Reputation looks like a must take; is it? What about Mad Haberdasher? Red Chapel Killer seems unnecessary in a world of Carrion Emissaries. Corpse Bloat and Decaying Aura both seem like they have value as well. Are there specific scoring pools or matchups that make you take one situational upgrade over another?

    There are a couple of his upgrades that I think are really good but a lot of them are situational depending on the match (strats/schemes). I like Sinister Reputation- it's my "always" and is even better now that Live For Pain got a melee attack also. The -2 WP Aura is really good since he is terrifying, a lot of your other models that may be close to him are too, and there are a lot of WP based duels you can add into his crew to capitalize on it as well. In games where players are forced to group in the middle (strat/scheme/terrain) he can cover a significant amount of space with the aura enhancing the effectiveness of quite a few of your other models/affects. However, it is a limited upgrade and I know a lot of other players Prefer Bag of Tools because is a MI 7 attack with a good damage track and good triggers on about every suit (though you need 2 x Crow for that trigger).

    Red Chapel Killer adds flexibility to his Back Alley (port to scheme marker instead of blocking terrain) and lets him take it even when he is within LOS (if you discard a corpse token) but I am not a big fan of it. You can get movement tricks with Belles/Doxies and even a few other models without using an upgrade slot on this or use other models to block LOS so he can teleport. Being able to teleport to the scheme marker does give him a lot more choices but a lot of times either I can get him there through other means or don't have something ready (without pre-planning) to position the scheme marker ahead of time. Additionally early game (turn 1 and 2) if I can get them I prefer to use the corpse markers to summon and later he is more likely close enough to the action I don't need the Back Alley to get him there.

    Mat Haberdasher gives you the free save from big damage and can be a good insurance plan against a big beater or a Red Joker and without a doubt makes him even more survivable. However, at 2 SS, if I have a couple of SS left over I often find myself considering dropping it to squeeze an extra model in my crew. I go back and forth on this- if you do lose Seamus in a game invariably you are going to second guess yourself and wish you had taken it because often times if he can survive an attack you can almost always have something nearby to get some WP duels going to heal him back up..... but in many games when he is spreading fear and your other stuff is attacking WP he stays healed up and with Impossible to Wound, Hard to Kill, and Soulstones only something really big with a lot of AP is likely to take him down in one round.

    Decaying Aura is another one I struggle with as well. For 2 SS I almost never take it (or consider it). The ability to shut down healing is nice but the SS start is very situational. Against most of the models in an opponents crew it isn't going to have any real benefit and if you intend to go after a SS user you can just load enough AP against them to get through it or wait until you have bled their resources.

    Corpse Bloat can be really cool/useful depending on your build and the game. In conjunction with Sinister Reputation, in a game that requires things to group in the middle it is like setting off a bomb if you do it late in the turn if your opponent doesn't have the cards to ensure he passes the WP duels. If there aren't any corpse markers available then you can use the (0) action to get your own marker and then blow it up, if there are already corpse markers around then he can do it multiple times. And Unforgiving Stench has a range of 8" so he doesn't have to be in the middle of things to use it but of course if he is then you can get the benefit of Sinister Reputation as well.

    Obviously there are other upgrades that are worth taking and synergize well with either each other, these, or other things he is taking in his crew but in the interest of not making this too long I just hit on the upgrades you asked about. The matchup piece I talked a little, mainly within the context of whether a strat/scheme requires crews to group instead of spread out.

    • Like 1
  10. I will be running Malifaux Demo Games for the Thunder Mountain Gaming Club on 03 February 2018 at 1400 & 1600. 

    W: Steve (me) on Behalf of Thunder Mountain Gaming Club 

    W: Malifaux Demo

    W: 03FEB18, 1400 & 1600

    W: Mountain Vista Community Center, 107 Derum St., Fort Huachuca, AZ


    Feel free to contact me with any questions on here or via the Thunder Mountain Gaming Club Facebook page. I am available on Saturdays for demos either at the Community Center or Cochise College when Thunder Mountain Gaming Club is having event days or will be available to demo at Friction Games once they move back to the Post Exchange Mini Mall. 

  11. 20 hours ago, Haagrum said:

    Terracotta Warriors are still worthwhile. You can switch in corner-case upgrades like Legalese as necessary, and they're excellent as protectors. The card cost  involved is minimal if you take Deep Pockets (his new 2 SS upgrade).

    I agree, but I still struggle with it. My struggle isn't the issue of 6 pts vs 5 pts; it's the overall issue of 6 pts that aren't "doing much" for me vs something like a Stitched Together that is bringing a lot of potential damage output. I agree with the upgrade swap- first he is going to swap out Surprisingly Loyal for something else (Pact/Aether Connection/Condescending) and then later can switch me to Legalese. He can also do some other upgrade swap tricks for me elsewhere in my list as well. However, past that he is doing Mold of the Other each turn to protect either my Doppleganger or a minion which can be valuable but he has got to stay within Rg: 6 to cast it and within 12" and LOS for them to use Ancient Protection.... these aren't impossible or even really challenging if I am not playing a real aggressive rush but are limitations.

    Past that (which arguably is quite a bit) he isn't really doing anything. Granted the things he is doing may be really useful but he doesn't really have any good damage output. He isn't that survivable (WD: 4) so even with Armor +1 he still goes down to two hits from anything that matters and then he isn't around when I need him to switch me to Legalese. 

    If I don't take him then I lose some flexibility with upgrade swaps, some tricks, some damage prevention on some key models; but I don't need to take Surprisingly Loyal in the first place (he was my only out of faction in one version of my standard list though this will change once Guild Investigators come out) and can just take Aether Connection/Pact/or Condescending to begin with and not need to switch and I can take another Stitched for punch or two Corrupted Hounds or one Big Beater for some alpha strike capability in addition to minion tricks. 

    I am mixed on the issue and unfortunately get more theory-faux than opportunities to play real games and test it out enough times to get the information needed to make an informed decision. 

  12. next month when the Guild Investigator comes out I think that will be a good buy. Terracotta Warrior if you don't have one- even though it went up a point with the new errata I think it's still worth it to swap upgrades around and protect one of your beater minions or enforcers. Arguably Lucius might be better in Guild (Witchling Thralls and Monster Hunters) but I like him in Neverborn too though Neverborn doesn't have the same level of beaters that Guild has... I like Stitched Together with him, I am considering picking up Ferdinand Vogel (Arcanist Mimic) when he comes out too. 


    I could also see some potential for Illuminated as well though I don't know that it wouldn't be better with Lynch. 

    • Like 2
  13. yeah, the Freikorps trait let's her copy the (0) action on Anna but just being able to copy The Swirling Damned isn't too bad anyway. As long as you have something (or multiple somethings) useful to copy Hannah is effectively gaining another AP. The only downside of using both in a Lilith list is you end up paying the Mercenary tax for both; however, having Arcane Reservoir and triple Rush of Magic (with Primordial Magic) is letting you see a lot of cards.  


    On the original topic- out of the choices I prefer Nekima. Hannah has armor, Arcane Reservoir, and with the spell copy can effectively get another AP. Nekima is faster, hits a lot harder, and always has the extra Melee attack whereas Anna can "lose" the cast if there isn't anything to copy. While the armor is nice on Anna, with Regeneration and the heal (Teach Them Fear) and 3 more wounds Nekima can be more survivable. In some lists I really like Hannah for the cast/copy, the extra card, etc but I think Nekima brings more to a Lilith crew where you already get access to more cards with the Rush of Magic off Lilith and the Primordial Magic plus potential card draw off other models/triggers in the crew.   

    • Like 1
  14. overall I think we did pretty good. Nothing ground breaking but with the exception of the Nurse, Resurrectionists didn't get hurt anywhere and got some cheaper options and a melee attacks for Seamus. 

    I am stoked about the melee attack for Seamus. It isn't anything overpowering but giving him a 2/3/5 MI option as opposed to backhand (1/1/3) increases his flexibility and makes it harder to tie him down with chaff. 

    Although with most of the slight tweaks to points it may not change the was I build a list significantly the fact that it also makes summoning these easier as well is a good bonus too. 

  15. On 11/29/2017 at 3:57 AM, FacelessOblivion said:

    45 SS Resurrectionists Crew
    Kirai Ankoku + 5 Pool
     - Unforgiven (2)
    Philip and the Nanny (8)
     - Haunting Cries (0)
    Datsue Ba (8)
     - Spirit Whispers (1) or My Little Helper (1)
    Izamu The Armor (10)
     - Decaying Aura (2)
    Dead Doxy (6)
    Night Terror (3)
    Night Terror (3)

    Gives me a bit of a summoning battery in the Night Terrors, a beater (Izamu), and some good card cycling from Philip and the Doxy.

    Any better suggestions?

    As mentioned in other replies, 45 isn't a real common points value so a few general opinions/observations instead of a "here's a 50 SS list". 


    Datsue Ba- I can see how Spirit Whispers can work well Phillip and I like Call Forth for the additional summon.  I like My Little Helper because of "An Errand for Master" (free card, ability to Guide Spirits twice in a turn, protection from distanced attacks on a critical turn) but I might consider Spirit Beacon in addition/or instead of these. The 6" aura is a pretty good distance and the ability to discard a trash card to get a free model if a non-Seishin is killed can be amazing. It doesn't require a suit, a high card, etc. With Kirai's summons coming in with damage if you are playing them aggressively you are going to be losing them in trades with your opponent and then the passive ability to gain Seishin from Date Ba lets you continue to gain as they are removing your summons. 

    I also I not a huge fan of the Night Terrors either. Although its kinda cliche I prefer the Flesh Construct for its ability to soak damage and heal. Plus the potential reactivate is sometimes a bonus as well. The Terrors give you more activations but with any summoner you can start making up activations pretty quickly to even it out or give you activation control. With Spirit Beacon in the list as well then you overcome that deficit even quicker. 

    I understand the card draw potential from Phillip and the synergy with him being a Spirit but I prefer Anna Lovelace for one more point. I like the disruption she provides with with Gravity Well/Clockwork Dress, she also gives Rush of Magic, and another way (sometimes) to summon Seishin as a by-product of the Swirling Damned. She also brings more offensive capability into the list. 

    Generally I like a 1-2 more upgrades on Kirai though its dealer's choice and preference. Overall nothing really wrong with the list you have just a few issues of personal preference. Granted it can be kind of hard to critique and provide good feedback without know how you tend to run a list, whether it's built for specific opponents, strategies, or is an all comers all around list. 

    Just my .02 but hopefully at least a little value in there somewhere. 

  16. Another thing to consider as you develop your bench and broaden your experience with Lilith is what direction you think you want to go down the road. If you think you are going to be interested in another specific master later then expand your Lilith force with things that will work well for another master.

    For example, if you think you might like to play Lucius later then look at Mimics as you expand Lilith. There are a number of Mimis that work well with a Lilith & Nekima list- Mr Graves & Doppleganger (maybe even Changelings)- these would give you more options in your Lilith list, let you try out some other approaches or tactics, and then give you some core models to move over into a Lucius list without starting fresh with a bunch of things you aren't familiar with. 

    Accordingly if you might be interested in Dreamer next then look at adding some nightmares to your Lilith list and trying a few new things there which will make it easier to expand into Dreamer later. You can do the same thing with Fae and Titania, Woe and Pandora, Darkened with Lynch, and Swamp Fields with Zoraida. These don't all have the same degree of necessity as Nightmares with Dreamer (summon list) but all have some synergies or thematic tie in with their "aligned" Master. 

  17. I do not think that the benefit from bane would be transferred. Bane states "Enemy models may not use Soulstones to prevent damage caused by this model's Attack Actions or Abilities" (underline added). Residents states "Friendly Undead models within 12" and LOS may take MI Actions printed on this model's stat  card, but they can only take one Action printed on this model's stat card per Activation and cannot declare Triggers".

    Based on the wording of Bane it seems clear (at least to me) that the wording is possessive and the benefit only applies to actions taken by this model (Asura Roten). When a Friendly Undead model  within 12" take the action it is the Friendly Undead model making the attack not Aura Roten. As mentioned in earlier replies upgrades that modify a printed action or attack generally state when the Action gains the ability or trigger- for example The Dancing Blade (Colette Upgrade) states "This model's The Saber Trick Action gains the following....". Bane does not state that Undead Minions or Hand from Below gain the the ability that there damage may not be prevent- it states this model's attack actions. So the benefit from Bane is not an effect of Undead or HfB it is an effect of actions taken by Asura Roten. When another model takes UM or HfB they are the model taking the action not Asura Roten so the benefit from Bane wouldn't apply. 


  18. On 12/31/2017 at 1:42 AM, ObliterationPopsicle said:

    Minor correction - the markers produced by the Waldgeist's Germinate action are not Dense so do not block line of sight.

    Lilith's Illusionary Forest markers do however.

    absolutely correct; the Waldgeist's Germinate doesn't block LOS but they do provide soft cover which can help screen your advance by putting (-) flips on the ranged attacks to help get your models across the board. Also they still are great for disrupting your opponents movement since they are severe. You can use them to disrupt your opponents advance slowing it down or help separate your opponents force making it where its difficult for them to counterattack or react to your blitz or strike when you hit one flank or the other. 

  19. I like things with big engagement ranges so you can tie up multiple models, Fears Given Form- even on their higher WP models over half the cards fail the check and it either gets damage or drains the hand. Use cheap activations early then attack the mages to knock down the bonuses, use terrain generation (Lilith, Waldgeists) to block auras, shield you movement till you can strike deep. Block off their Howard Langston/similar beater and attack their other models unless the opportunity presents itself to one round him. Obviously high damage models, Retributions Eye and other things that can get around armor and then using (as suggested above) things like Tangled Shadows to position/swap out your own models. \

    • Like 1
  20. I like Toshiro in the list. If he is near the front he gives (+) flips to minions within 4" which is a decent size bubble and cane table the Yokai to hit above their weight even more. Plus his (0) War Fan to give out fast or his other (0) to give out Focus to minions within 6" is really good as well. 


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