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Posts posted by Tors

  1. 28 minutes ago, Adran said:

    In the "Fluff" putting someone in a pine box is a hugely traumatic experience. The fact that the action was mostly used (across 2 editions) to protect your melee models to get the into the fight was always a bit strange.

    And to evacuate fellow Guardsmen at least once. Pine Box transportation was backed by fluff

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, bedjy said:

    How is the best way to come from abroad ?
    A friend and I are interested in coming from France, but the closest airport to come seems to be birmingham, how is it to come to the tournament place then ? What about hostels and all ?

    Flight via London (doesn't really matter which airport, we used Stansted), rent a car from there. Rentals are dirty cheap (we rented for less than 5 pounds a day including full insurance coverage). It's around a two to three hours drive if you drive carefully (it's a bit strange at the beginning, especially all those roundabouts. But it gets better quickly). There are a few hotels and hostels nearby, through i don't remember the name of our last.

    We flew from friday to monday, starting in germany the last two times

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  3. 27 minutes ago, longfanz said:

    What? Agent46 is a beast, you are aware that is not possible to cheat against him, right? this means getting almost every trigger you want or straight or even positive damage flips. Pair him with a decent gun (Ryle if DMH, rifleman, pathfinder...) and you will have a very scary ranged henchman. He also have stealth so certainly  a defensive ability there

    I realise that, but i don't value ranged attacks very high when most opponents engage you at 12"+ and you have to bring another pricey piece and a 6 to gain access. Given a Standard Terrain Setup of 30% coverage.

  4. 2 hours ago, Angelshard said:

    @Tors M2e lucius was never top tier in m2e, he was b tier at best, even after buffs. 

    M3e lucius is way, way more competitive. I'd argue he's a top master in both guild and neverborn. 

    Hand size 7 and incredible card draw. This by itself makes him really strong. 

    Issuing commands through changelings to let doppel and agent copy a good ranged attack and make a nasty gun line copying angel eyes or a rifleman. 

    He has free condition removal in his totem. 

    Great scheme marker control, both in placing and denying. 


    I guess you never played against a competetive Lucius Crew, but two 5 AP thralls used to solve a great deal of problems. Add Monster Hunter, one Investigator and the hidden sniper combined with lucius fantastic dim-bulb and res tape and you got a Crew that could easily handle most situations. Lucius himself got a lot done.

    The new Lucius is simply dead after his two main beaters die. And they gonna die against every seriouse list. Than you are left with a Master and two changelings unable to contribute in a meaningfull way and a doppelganger that hasn't reliable targets to copy from. Sure you can draw a lot of cards if you hit all those target numbers and misinformation is nice 70% of the time, but the whole Crew crumbles because negative flips are a terrible form of defence against the new prevalence of focused attacks. Additional the elite keyword is... whacky. Agent46 is a mediocre beater at  best without any defensive abilitys, Reid and Investigators are nice, through 0" is very short and you have but one option to apply staggered on range. I've only played him in NVB with m3e but i have a better performance from every other master. I have to add we play a very aggressive and competetive meta. In casual games he is probably fine (through everything is, as long as it didn't play against non-casual set ups)

    • Respectfully Disagree 3
  5. At the moment, it's definitly more diverse. You see many different keywords and after a few dozen games of testing they feel like ranking closere then before. A part of this is just because everything is new and many players have to find there comfort lists yet.

    On the other Hand there are some loose ends, that need to be tied, as they were in m2e (for example i think gamble your life should be cheatable by both players or reworked as an attack action; Chi is way to easy to come by, or should only add 1 to a stat or at least be declared before flipping; Flickers positive DMG Flip may be to much and McCabes Upgrades are in need of a Wastrel restriction)


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  6. Of course those aren't easy patent solutions. I am afraid there isn't any. But Gracie, Ophelia or Brewmaster Keywords can make use of Armor/Shielded (through flinch doesn't work ophelia can pulse out shielded and has various indirect damage options). Wong seems also a good Option. Zoraida works too (Each obey is an unmade of 1 lucid dreaming and additional, cheatable damage)

    Straight Attacks against Dreamer are a waste of time, if it isn't late in turn and his hand is empty or no Nightmare is near (lure can be a good solution as it removes either the Dreamer or his shield from 2"). Go for Pulses, Blasts and similiar effects. I don't think there is a factions with more of these then bayou. Simple duells are good, too as he hasn't much card dra (if any).


    Don't get feed up with the stiched. As long as he can summon them, it's only worth to remove them, if you can do so, before they activate. Know there "weakness", as they can only cheat in removed cards once per activation and gamble is an action after all. Slow and stunned are just as good as damage. Engage them with crap and let them kill demise models or similiar. You can't brute force your way through, you have to play clever.


    And using stones for negative damage is often superior to prevention this edition! 3 dmg per attack action, once per activation isn't really scary. 

  7. Stiched dislike Amor/HTW/Shielded and as you already guessed beeing obeyed. Severe Terrain can also be problematic. SS Users can spend one to put them on negatives..

    Attack Dreamer quick and hard. You can't let him be untouched turn 1, as he gets only better the longer the game goes. Obeyed Stiched are the worst for him, as incorperal and protected didn't work. Blast/Shockwaves and indirect damage (Voodoo doll for example) is your friend. Widowweaver too, if she's present.

    • Like 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, solkan said:

    Glass houses.  🤐  

    If all of the missions in Infinity can be accomplished by essentially the same forces, what’s the point of having scenarios?  And what’s the point of having a wide variety of models in a faction if you can just ignore most of them?

    Infinity didn't employ this concept either. You can't do well in every Mission with only swapping 2 Models.

  9. You don't understand, they don't have a public forum! It's terrible boring to write a sternly worded mail (and you aren't even garanteed an answear), compared to the tremendous fun to poke the public on some poor gaming companys board. Thats as much as i can tell you as another fellow game developer, developing games and stuff.

    • Haha 3
  10. I would call it a little bit naive to belive in world wide simultaneous availability, even if that was the plan. There are to many possible delays and involved factions (wyrd-shipping-distributer-shipping-store at least) and everyone has paperwork to fail. Not to mention customs and so on. Even if it's "only" to canada or West coast. 

    I think Wyrd has done a great job, handling the whole process of this Edition change up to (and including) the digital release. I was very sceptic of the whole ordeal and wouldn't even expect any boxes behind the pond in the next two weeks... and neverless as a whole the change was one of the smoothest in the industry.

    Those first world problems of "I have to wait another week till i get physical goods" and "there aren't any cards for unreleased models" are just selfish whining of the highest Level (especially the last ones... really Wyrd, how could you expect people to further use proxys and rules they used the whole time to play with?!?!).

    So congrats Wyrd! And thank you for the great work! (Non sarcasticly!!)

    • Agree 4
  11. 1 hour ago, ebolazaire said:

    How many Garden of Morr sets did you use for the crypt?

    3 and a half sort of. It's worth mentioning the newer morrs garden package contains 2 sets (so every building and fence x2). I bought one of those sets and shared another one with a friend, who was only interested in the Buildings and a few fence parts. So i got all Buildings and fence 3 times and a few fence parts 4 times.

  12. 5 hours ago, whodares said:

    In a single Turn in a way that does not allow counterplay


    --> of course in a single turn! How much longer should a model stay when beeing attack by thrice his value?

    5 hours ago, whodares said:

    Titania can place me within 2" of an Underbrush marker anyway. I used IR, but could not get away from any Underbrush. He placed me between 2 Underbrush markers, which means I had no way of getting outside of 2" of a marker, even with a 3" push., Part of this was our terrain on setup as well, but he can set up (I think) 7 Underbrush markers on the start of the game, can create extra's AND can move them with Titania. No chance in hell to get out of the trap once he gets going. There pas no way a 50mm model base was NOT touching any severe terrain once the trap had activated and he only needed 3 Brush markers to achieve this out of the 6-7 he placed AT THE START OF THE GAME.


    --> The List you posted creates 5 (maybe 4, not sure with the waldgeist). The extras are created within 6" and on cost of attack actions of those models models you fear so tremendously. Assuming your Model is in a perfect triangle between 3 Markers, then you can't get out with only butterfly jump indeed. But i have to say that is the worst possible placement for your model, only achievable if you are placed in b2b with the First marker and the other two germinated or moved in contact with your model, as the start-of-game placing rules prevend them to be so close. So this turn 1 perfect triangle and walk + 2 attacks from titania is only possible if she hit the queens command triggern in addition. That would mean she hit 3 non-printed triggers without cheating while winning the duels and TNs. Thats pretty good!

    5 hours ago, whodares said:


    Blocking terrain only works against Actions which have a gun Symbol, which Titania doesn't have. Titania has Flight on Mv 6 with an 8" NON-SHOOTING attack that allows for placements, Injured and min 3 damage, not to mention the of the bonusses this Action has. This single action has everything possible in Malifaux that you want from an Attack action and it's on a Master that has 3 AP. Imagine this action targetting WP and giving it to Dreamer. People would be crying for nerfs, but for Titania it's fine to have something on this power scale on 2 models?


    --> Blocking as in no LOS. And yes she is, she can't summon stiched after all. Also i would like stunned and or distracted in addition. And targeting wp would also be great with titania! Maybe it could ignore LOS and have the crows trigger build in. You see? Awakened Hunger has hardly everything possible and everything what i want. So after we both hyperboled a little, i think we can go back, to what it actually does and stop dreaming about theoretically similiar actions that could be printed on other models stat cards, can't we?

    5 hours ago, whodares said:


    Regarding the overextending: Titania with a single Move has a 14" Threat range. This now happened Turn 1, but it also happened Turn 2. You're basicly saying: stay away from Titania, who has a 6" Flight and 8" overpowered/overtuned attack. That's like saying: M2E Nikodem was fine, just don't engage any of his models and hope he doesn't scheme with them instead then.


    --> not Overextending as in stay away just slightly above 8" or use LOS blocking/dense Terrain so she has to spend her AP walking. Thats 3-6 Damage less per AP Walking!

    5 hours ago, whodares said:


    Considering I had no way of scoring Take Prisoner and Power Ritual was highly likely not going to work, he had Take Prisoner and Search The Ruins guaranteed at the end of Turn 2. My opponent had easy acces to 7 points and I had no way of scoring beyond 1 Point for Strat and maybe 1 point for Scheme.


    --> every summoned peasent (besides Dadreams) and every model you brought is capable of scoring take prisoner and power ritual. Make the game wide, Titania/Aeslin/Killjoy can't be everywhere at the same time and killing one or two of them is perfectly doable with the likes of stiched/Teddy/Chompy/Coppelius. Dreamer has a viable shooting too. And Daydream pushes and chain activation enables even more then 14" attack vectors.

    5 hours ago, whodares said:

    At the end of Turn 2 he had killed:

    • Chompy
    • Teddy
    • Summoned Stiched
    • 2 Summoned Alps

    I had killed

    • Autumn Knight

    Let's be fair here, there was no downside to killing that much. He effectively destroyed Dreamer's crew because focus-firing on an Injured +2-+5 model will absolutely demolish it without any possible counterplay. He could still do his schemes because he only needed 3 models for Chompy and 3 for Teddy. The rest was easy pickings.

    --> No downside? He spend X AP per killed model. Your got-killed-List containes about 35HP thats 13 times attacking and hitting all those non Build in triggers. So 13 AP! Not accounting for Amor, Regeneration, Terrifying and SS Prevention or any healing or wallking within range. I would say its More reasonable to assume he needs at least 5 more (and thats ery very conservative!) So 18AP from valuable models during turn 1&2, his Crew only generates 15per Turn (not counting moving with free actions and or onslaught and so on). I think thats a heafty price tak. What did you do with your first 20-30AP besides picking the worst spots to stand?


    But i get the feeling the whole reason of this thread is to whine, pointing the Finger at evil Titania and pretending not being at fault for anything, so godspeed to you! I am out.


    • Haha 2
  13. To summon up:

    - you lost one ~10 SS Model a turn because your opponent utilized about 35SS worth of models to do so.

    - You prefered to not jump away with reflexes during Titanias Activation, nor the following (and it seems you didn't used the remaining daydream either), forfeiting more than 12" of moving LCB backwarts again and staying in those Bush Markers, to amplifiy the damage done to you. Instead you threw your whole cache at the Problem, thous wasting it on top.

    - You didn't questioned any abilitys and thread ranges beforehand, because "real life gets in the way" and procceded to overextend one of your best models turn 1, to attack the one opposing model, you have to keep alive to get your sceme done. You didn't seem to utilize blocking terrain in the procces either (through i have no info about the terrain, so this could be unavoidable)

    - You forfeited way before any scemes could be done, thous before the downside of using the majority of your force to spend AP killing could show.


    I don't think Titania was the problem here. Some bad early decisions meeting an early alphastrike against an important model lead to you burying your head in the Sand and beeing frustrated, thous enableing more bad decisions on your side.

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