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Empty Sheet of Paper

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Everything posted by Empty Sheet of Paper

  1. Sandeep Desai, Font of Magic states: "After a friendly Academic Acticates, it may discard a card to have another friendly Elemental within (aura)6 of it take a non-bonus Action [...]" If he is standing next to Banasuva and Banasuva activates, when does Sandeep get to take the non-bonus action? Friend and I are playing and have a disagreement. I say after start of activation counts, thus Sandeep can do stuff right after Banasuva does anything, being activated. Friend says Sandeep must wait until Banasuva is totally done. Who is right?
  2. Can I use Soul Shock to generate a pulse from a model 12 inches away?
  3. If you don't have card in hand, do you draw a card or not?
  4. Reva is in base contact with a Dead Doxy and a Rotten Belle. If Dead Doxy's Take by the Hand or Rotten Belle's Lure makes Reva move, will Rotten Belle's Pounce ability go off? It says "After an enemy ends a move engaged with this model, if it's not the enemy model's activation, this model gains Fast." So would Reva have to move or does Pounce go off on a technicality?
  5. We're using Public Enemies which states "If a model is killed by a friendly-controlled model or a Condition". Mei Fang has Vent Steam up. Mad Dag shoots and dies. Did Mei Fang kill him?
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