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Everything posted by Loddfafnir113

  1. Thanks for all the advice guys and girls! To clarify it is indeed a Void Wretch that's burying her. To be honest I can't believe I missed the sacrificial model idea, I normally take a couple of changelings with Lucius so one of them may be getting it in the back next game, possibly from a guild rifleman stood next to a second rifleman and Dashel. With a Witchling Thrall nearby, for extra insurance. I'll be picking up Hoffmans box at some point in the future so his 'always armour' bubble should be a fun counter. DM recruiters might be hitting the list as well.
  2. Morning all, I've been playing for a couple of months now, and I'm starting to get a decent handle on the game, started with Lucius and now got McMourning as well (who I'm having incredible fun playing). I'm racking up an impressive amount of losses, which is obviously just down to my own inexperience, but there's one opponent I am utterly stumped on how to beat. He uses the Vik bomb (bury Vik of blood, make Vik of Ashes fast, charge in, kill, flurry, unbury, chain, charge, lots of pain) and I can't seem to last past turn 2. Obviously some of this is down to my own bad tactics due to crew build and positioning, as well as having the right cards at the right time, but do any of you fine folk have tricks and tips for surviving the initial hit? Any models or upgrades you tend to include when you know you're up against the Viks? Not looking specifically for ideas revolving around Lucius and Dougie as I'll be expanding anyway, so any advice you've got would be helpful.
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