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Posts posted by Karevos

  1. Hello again guys. I would like to ask you for advice. The traditional question - what do you advise to buy next?
    For now I have: Ophelia Box, Wong box, Swine-Cursed, Sammy, Slob Haulers, Cranky. As you can see (when you look on my previous posts in this topic) only new models in my collection from Gremlins are Haulers and Cranky.
    I like Wong, on local tournaments is very competetive and models from The Kin are good supplement (Francois and Raphael), but I wanna also something new or more rotation.
    I thought about Brewmaster, Mah Tucker and Zipp. But mostly Brewie and Mah. I know that Somer is good and universal, but I dont like him in fluff :P.

  2. Thanks guys for advices. But you know I can't buy this all at once (average salary in middle-east europe, family etc.). Now I think buy Slob Haulers and Wong box. With it I will ad to my collection nice healers (2 minions), 3 lighting bugs (3 minions). Plus new Henchman that is nice in melee. Plus new master to replace Ophelia depending on the situation with strategy and shemes.

    Next boxes I will buy surely in January.

    What do you think?

  3. Hello guys.
    I'm still new to Malifaux but I can already said that I love this game. As my first starter I chose Ophelia (Ah this spicy gremlin lady) and already played two games with my friend which persuaded me to buy a game. One game i winned (against Zoraida) and second I lost (against Lilith)(people in my city mostly played with Neverborn or Ten Thunders).
    Week ago to my team joined Sammy (as gift).

    Now I thinking what I can buy more to my team. First choice are Slob Haulers. I already know that I will need those two guys to heal and hardcore reckless. But what next? I thinking about Gracie, Swine-Cursed or Iron Skeeter (this last for make my crew more mobily). I also thinked about Rooster Riders.
    Any tips for me?

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