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Posts posted by Mårten

  1. 1 hour ago, benjoewoo said:

    I've stopped playing for a long while, but I do know some of the models, having seen the previews.

    I'm not sure if it's still the trend here, but most of the time (from my perspective) people recommend playing first and then choosing models to purchase. Since models are mostly evergreen, there's not a huge incentive to purchase everything and then figure it out, but rather figure out what you need based on play style and level of competitive play you want and purchasing to taste...


    Just WOW. Really appreciate this.
    So, I will have to go through this a couple of times.
    I'm gonna be honest, I don't fully understand it all.

    When it comes to faction, for now I'm locked in. I simply can't switch for because of the cost.
    Usually I just go for what I believe to be the "best", but in this case I didn't think I would actually start playing competitively so I choose the faction I liked the most.

    I will go over this post again with fresh eyes next week and see if I can make out the whole Ht thing :D


    Again, thanks.


  2. On 1/31/2017 at 8:13 AM, benjoewoo said:

    Not a whole lot of updated text...


    First off (of?), thank you for this. 
    As a fairly new player (only have 5-6 games) who is heavily invested into Ressers and looking to play Reva this is pure gold.

    I have asked here, but I always want more input.
    Looking for what to purchase to make Reva as competitive as possible.
    Here is what I own: 

    Flesh Construct
    3 Canine Remains
    Carrion Effigy
    5 Mindless Zombies
    Carrion Emissary

    What I'm thinking in terms of buying:
    Asura Rotten (seems to be a simple YES. Seems almost a bit OP?)
    Yin (fallen out of favor? seems quite good still?)
    Datsue-Bae (quite expensive, so if I can run something that I already have would be great)
    Bete-Noir (also fallen out of favor?)

    I'm still trying to learn how to build lists. So far what I have done is do some reasearch to see sample lists, what works together and maybe just switch out a model if I dont have it.

    It seems from your post Sybelle with Rotten Belles is good so that is what I will try when go pick up my painted Reva crew.So your Sample crew but with Sybelle instead of Datsue-ae.


    Thanks in advance

  3. We don't know where Nico will end up, but he is worse after the nerf.

    I understand that you can't make a black and white, this is the truth list, but how you would sort Ressers in terms of tiers?

    Tier 1

    Tier 2

    Tier 3


    I own Seamus, Nico, Reva and McM.
    Wanna know what I should focus own to learn and also what to boy. Plan is to start playing a league this autumn so want some kind of plan.

    Asura Rotten seems to be a must buy.
    Anna Lovelace is nice? P&N? Yin?

    I wanna keep my buys down but still get the best I need?
    My plan is to focus on Reva and McM.



  4. On 4/4/2018 at 7:04 PM, Clement said:

    The "core" of the list is as follows:

    That leaves 12 stones unspent.  The short version is Mortimer and Asura Roten make mindless zombies/corpses, Philip makes cards, and Sebastian makes stones/cards.  Nicodem takes the corpses/stones/cards and goes to town.

    The remaining stones are spent on either belles or a Malifaux Child and a lampad.   Belles are used to drag things into your rapidly growing army.  The Lampad/malifaux child combo lets the child do buffing things (can use Nico's Rigor Mortis ability easily enough) while the lampad sort of floats around the scrum killing stuff and making Lampads.

    By default this has no scheme runners.   In general 2018 doesn't seem to "want" scheme runners so much, and any you need you can make.

    Didn't really think this through.
    Need a whole master box to get Philip and the Nanny.

    Already bought Nico, Seamus, Reva and McMourning

  5. On 2018-02-27 at 7:19 AM, Ludvig said:

    You don't need to kill anyone! For the low price of not being able to summon and 8+ soulstones you can get df/wp 7. Since trying a few games in ressers I've enjoyed summoning and poison crew synergy a lot more than that buff so I'm not sure it's worth it.

    8 soulstones?

    As Guild?

  6. Please note, I have only played 3-4 games, dont have the card in front of me.


    • Trick number 1 - I only use this if no other option is possible but if your opponent has no way to remove the poison condition then Expunge is a great way to kill Hard to Kill models (that have 10 or less wounds). If you put at least poison n (n= targets number of wounds +1) on them then they are as good as dead. - This trick assumes there is no healing or condition removal which is why I only use it as a last resort.

    Doesn't expunge always spend ALL poison?

    • Like 1
  7. What do you think about Nurse now that they are 6ss?
    As a beginner they still seem very useful, being able to both heal your own stuff as well as shutting down key opponents?

    Here is what I own:
    Reva Box
    McMourning Box
    Nicodem Box
    Seamus Box

    Flesh Construct
    Canine Remains
    Carrion Effigy
    Mindless Zombies
    Carrion Emissary


    There still seems to some extras I'm missing in terms of getting all key pieces to play with?
    When it comes to competitive play, are there any must-haves that I'm missing?

    I read some of your example lists, will go through the rest at some point.


    Looking to build core 30-40ish SS for each Master that I can then complete after knowing the schemes. I wish to learn this part of the game as well so I should probably already start doing that.

  8. On 12/14/2016 at 12:10 AM, godswearhats said:



    Just read your post you are not playing anymore :D. Maybe someone else can chime in.

    First off, thank you very much.

    As a new player this is very informative.

    What do you think about Nurse now that they are 6ss?
    As a beginner they still seem very useful, being able to both heal your own stuff as well as shutting down key opponents?

    I have only played 3-4 games but decided to invest in this game.

    Here is what I own:
    Reva Box
    McMourning Box
    Nicodem Box
    Seamus Box

    Flesh Construct
    Canine Remains
    Carrion Effigy
    Mindless Zombies
    Carrion Emissary


    There still seems to some extras I'm missing in terms of getting all key pieces to play with?
    When it comes to competitive play, are there any must-haves that I'm missing?

    I read some of your example lists, will go through the rest at some point.


    Looking to build core 30-40ish SS for each Master that I can then complete after knowing the schemes. I wish to learn this part of the game as well so I should probably already start doing that.

  9. Played my 3rd game yesterday. 

    My opponent got pretty frustrated because of a certain combo. 

    As I'm very new to the game Im overall worried I'm making mistakes but wanted to ask a specific question. 

    If mcmourning starts within 8 inches i can do the following correct? 

    1. Rancid transplant > put into base contact with correct suit. Around 4-8 poison. Does mcmourning count himself and then take the 1 damage? 

    2. Melee attack for  2 damage

    3. Melee attack again for 2

    4. Expunge for a lot and kill. 


    As beginners this seems very powerful. I guess you have to shut him down or stop him in some other way. Just wanna make sure I play it correctly 

  10. Gonna be honest here, I have not read these 5 pages.

    Is there some kind of consensus on a core crew and what minaitures are "must-have" and/or "really nice-to have"?

    I have the following:

    My goal is to learn 2-3 crews inside out (So a McM, Reva and Nicodem) and maybe eventually start going to tournaments.


    Thanks in advance


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