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Posts posted by Deathinabox

  1. When the Leftovers dies, it turns into two Bisected. However, I'm reading through the replace rules and I'm not entirely sure what happens if you can't place the bisected (either by being buried or just crowded out). The first step of replacing reads:

    1. "Place each new model into base contact with any of the original models. If any cannot be Placed or cannot be added due to model limits, the Replace effect is canceled."

    My understanding of this is that if you can't place Both of the Bistected, then the replace does not occur. (not what I expected when I first looked into it.) However, when it says the Replace effect is canceled, does that mean the Demise is cancelled (no heal and leftovers dies immediately) or that you simply don't continue down the replace procedure (Leftovers heals 4 but can't replace so simply lives as Leftovers)?

    My instinct is the second as Bury uses similar language and it's been confirmed that Immortal Soil allows the heal even if the model is currently buried.


    "If a model would be Unburied but cannot be because of an effect such as Laugh Off, Planted Roots, or Staggered, it may still be Unburied as above, ignoring such an effect. Buried models cannot be Buried. If a Buried model would be Buried by a game effect, it ignores that game effect. Models that are not Buried ignore any effects that would cause them to Unbury.

  2. On 3/11/2024 at 4:28 AM, Fingalen said:

    Sorry to dissapoint you, but "To find the cure" upgrade is restricted to half-blood only, so no black blood for Levi...

    Ah yes, I did just see that in the new Danger Planet video. Ignore half of what I said haha

  3. I'm curious how people have found these guys to fit into crews. I recently played Silas with Levi 1 as part of my unpack. First Vee uses Gather Intel to push Levi (after his Herald move) and Silas up 5. Levi gets the :masktrigger. Then Silas activates, put To Find the Cure on Levi. Then he walks forward and tosses Levi at an enemy (preferably keeping Levi within 8") Levi chooses to fail the duel and pulses BB. The enemy takes a duel to not take collision damage. Then you get the free Reckless Research. Levi heals 1 and draws a card, then takes 1 and pulses BB. Then you Reckless Research him again and do the same thing. End result is the target takes 3-5 damage, Levi take two damage and is up to 20" up the board with all enemies taking :-flipto hit him and he hasn't even activated yet. After that Silas provides card draw from Reckless Research, is a decent beater, and allows for condition removal with Down with the Sickness. What combos have you found?

    Edited: I didn't read the card as well as I should have. This seems fine but not nearly as good as I thought. 😕

  4. 1 minute ago, Adran said:

    There is an errata on page 34 in the  section choosing to suffer damage or be killed.  It has added "additionally  when a model is controlled by the opposing player it may never choose to kill itself with an action or ability ". 

    Thanks. Glad to hear that was corrected. Still don't love her being able to kill allies, but that's a much smaller issue. The Lampads I always find hilarious though. Seems like that would be an easy fix.

    • Agree 1
  5. Is Reva 2 still able to kill herself and allies when she is controlled by an enemy. I know she didn't get an errata but I was wondering if something in the main rules changes might have fixed it. It's really annoying picking Reva 2 and knowing there's models out there that can just insta-kill my master  with a single attack.

  6. For 3) I rule for any minion or peon characters (subordinate or not) when they take a critical hit for dropping to 0 or less, if they suffer a moderate or severe critical they are killed instantly. This typically means if they are knocked to 0 with a moderate or severe hit, they just die and they survive a weak hit (barring weird flips on the table). I think a lot of abilities in the game were designed around the idea that things die when they hit 0 health, but that's not how the game works.

  7. 1 hour ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    but also even with these changes might still be pretty weak? He still wouldn't feel like he has any real master level AP. Perhaps something where he could do damage based on number of zombies nearby?

    He still has Zombie Horde trigger on Rigor Mortis which does that but you are probably right. One thing I was considering was to replace Decay with a new action

    "Necro..Something (Not sure what to called it yet, basically Super Decay): This action may treat friendly zombie models as if they were enemy models. Target suffers 2:blast/3:blast/4:blast and Injured +1 ignoring Hard to Wound. Friendly Zombies damaged by this action instead heal the amount they would have been damaged" It would allow you to blast through friendly zombies and heal them at the same time (at the cost of giving them injured) Same stats and triggers (no built in :ram) except remove Dessication as it's now part of the action. This definitely feels like a master action to me.

  8. First off, I fully understand that this doesn't really matter as he's DMH. But occasionally I take a look at Nico's card and just laugh. He was a major bogeyman at the end of M2E before he was nerfed into the ground. It seems like he was then nerfed again when entering M3E. He mostly just has abilities on his card from mid-cost models. He has a crew that hardly synergizes with itself. He also has a massive resource problem with no in keyword way to work around it. I just wanted to put my thoughts out there and see what people think.

    First off is his stats. They seem fine. Low Df High Wp everything else is average for a master. Then we start hitting problems.

    Problem 1 Card Dependence: Nico has Accomplice, Protected (Undead) and a high TN action, all of which require cards. There is literally no card draw anywhere in keyword for him. You will often find yourself unable to use his abilities due to the card tax on them.

    Problem 2 Bad Actions: Nicodem has 5 actions

    Fancy Cane: ....Why? It's the Rabble Risers attack, sans the triggers. All it does is give him an engagement range

    Decay: A fine attack for an 8 stone model. It is identical to Asura's except he has a siphon life trigger on it.

    Rigor Mortis: Also a good action for a mid cost model. Sloth has the same action at the same stat. Nico does have the once per activation Zombie Horde trigger. But that's about it.

    Reanimator: The only reason to take Nicodem. It's an ok summon. His choices are pretty middling. The most expensive model he can get is a flesh construct at 7 for an 11 but you can add a mindless zombie for an extra corpse and a 13. I'd say Kirai 1's summon is just better.

    Grave Robber: Also a mid cost action. Same action on Mortimer verbatim.

    Problem 3 Bad Totem: I don't know if it's the worst totem in the game, but the Vulture is pretty terrible. It's fast but insignificant so it can't run schemes. It can move corpse markers but removes the marker to do it so you can't parachute MZs or the Corpse Curator into combat. It has total Victim stats, but all it's actions are very short-ranged. Seems like the best use of it is to hide it in a corner for the whole game and then hope you have a useful corpse set up for Field of Corpses.

    Problem 4 Little Crew Synergy: His whole thing is zombies, but they're mostly a grab bag from other keywords. Rechapel's Scarlet Temptation doesn't really help other zombies as they mostly attack Df. Experimental's poison synergy does nothing with the rest of the keyword. The only zombie-specific synergy I could find is Zombie Horde and Asura's (I consider her Mortuary) Re-Animate. You can't really build a coherent crew using zombies. Even Nico's best ability, Corpse Conductor, cares about Undead in general, not zombies.

    Problem 4 Too Many !: The biggest problem with Nicodem is his  paywall. The things that make his actions better than 8 stones are all  based. Dessication on Decay, Zombie Horde on Rigor Mortis, The Reanimator action, and Unexpected Zombie on Grave Robber. If he has no access to  he's basically a 9 stone model


    Overall, Nico is a boring, weak master with a confused keyword. In M2E he was a ridiculous support master who could drop dozens of points worth of models onto the table and generate cards and stones while doing it. So what’s the fix? Focus his abilities to the keyword and change his crow dependence into a strength.

    Corpse Conductor: Change Undead to Zombie

    Remove Protected (Undead) and Accomplice. Both these require cards Nico will often not have.

    Add Df Trigger “:crow: Zombie Fodder After failing, a friendly Zombie within 2” suffers the effects of the current action as if it was the target of the action.” A old ability from 2E Nico this would be a more specific version of Protected that does not use cards.

    Remove Fancy Cane, because why…

    Decay: Add R to the stat and the Zombify trigger. This makes it feel more like master AP to use and gives a thematic option. (More on this later)

    Rigor Mortis: Add the trigger “:crow: Sudden Lunge Once per Turn. Friendly Zombie only. If the target has not Activated this turn, it activates immediately after the current activation.” This give functionally accomplice while giving value to passing AP to another model

    Grave Robber: Add Trigger “:crow:crow: Maniacal Laugh Choose any number of corpse markers within 6:new-Pulse:. Summon a Mindless Zombie in base contact with each chosen marker, then remove the chosen markers.” This is another call back to a cool Nico ability from 2E and lets him flood the board with cheap zombies. Very on brand

    Walking Dead Upgrade: Change Falling Apart to “At the start of this model’s Activation, it suffers irreducible damage equal to half its current Health and drops a corpse marker into base contact with itself. If there is a friendly model within 8” with the Necromantic Font ability, this model may ignore this ability.” This gives you control over whether you drop a corpse marker or not.

    What’s up with all the crows? Wasn’t that one of the big issues I pointed out earlier. One final ability makes it all work. Necromantic Savant “while declaring triggers, this model may remove a corpse marker within 8:aura to add a :crow to its final duel total.” This turns corpse markers into a major resource for Nico and allows him to use them as quasi soulstones. Marker removal would obviously be strong against him, but easy access to Mindless Zombies allows him some counterplay. This allows him to choose when his best triggers are used, but requires him to spend resources to guarantee them.

    Finally, being so trigger dependent, He should get something like Seen it All or Shrug Off as Stunned will basically end him. (and there’s a lot of that going around lately)

    So what do you guys think? Am I onto something here or completely off track? Do you think Nico is fine how he is?

  9. Sold

    Thinning out my Malifaux collection a little bit and trying to get this Urami keyword to a home that will play her more. Here is what I have for them

    Kirai, Primed

    Ikyro Primed, Unbased

    3x Gaki Primed, Unbased

    Datsue Ba Unbuilt

    2x Seishin Unbuilt

    2x Onryo Primed, Unbased

    2x Goryo Based and Painted

    5x Goryo Seishin (I use as Seishin) Based and Painted

    He-Kome Based and Painted

    Lost Love Primed Flesh basecoated

    Enough bases for the unbased

    Looking for $100.00. Will ship to the US

    I'm out of attachment space but can send you pictures if you would like

  10. Trimming down my models. Looking to sell off some of my special edition pieces. I have the following.

    Alternate Lazarus: $45

    Emeline Bellerose (Alt Sybelle): $20

    Alt Showgirl: $20

    Miss Step (Alt Howard Langston): $20

    Miss Anne Thrope (Alt Ruffian): $20

    Miss Deed (Alt Taelor): $20

    Miss Terious (Alt Death Marshal): $20

    Alt Francisco: $20

    Dr Alexei Solokov (Alt Joss): $20

    Alt Bishop: $20

    All models are in the stage shown in the pictures. Feel free to contact me with any questions. I’d be happy to give discounts to folks buying multiple.














  11. Sold


    Hello all, I’m selling my Catelin Abernathy crew. I’m downsizing my collection and she just doesn’t see enough table time. The crew is built, painted, and based and ready to hit the table right away. Super frustrating to build and paint, but it’s all done. It contains the following

    Catelin Abermathy

    Schrodinger’s Cat

    The Dutiful Son

    3x Ailurmoaniacs

    12x Alley Cats

    2x Cat Princesses

    2x Cat Herders

    3x Flying Cats (Converted from Alley Cats, Winged Plague Proxies)

    Felicia Abernathy (Benny Wolcomb proxy, made from Through the Breach Kit)

    Additionally, there is 1 extra Cat Princess and several Alley Cats still on sprues for any future conversion work you would like to do

    All built models are mounted on Lucius Office bases from Custommeeple. I’ve also included two unused 50mm Lucius Office Bases.

    Looking for $350.00 obo. Will ship to the US





  12. I've gotten a few games with McMourning Insanitary under my belt now and I've learned a lot about how he works. I was getting all my thoughts in order and figured I'd share with the class as well.

    This is the crew list I primarily use

    McM2 - Free

    Zombie Chihuahua - Free

    Rogue Necromancy - 10

    Kentauroi - 8

    Corpse Curator - 6

    Nurse - 6

    This leaves 20 points to play around with. He's got a lot of other good options which I'll go into later.

    McM2 seems to primarily play as a support summoner. He wants to drop out flesh constructs, power up your experimentals with upgrades, poison, and extra attacks, and allow markers to be used much more efficiently by the rest of the crew.

    Stat-wise, he's nothing special. He has pretty typical master stats. However, he only has disguised to protect him, making him one of the squishier masters in the game.

    Don't Mind Me: It's cool that he has this, but it's never come up for me. I play him pretty far back and his AP is too valuable to be spent running schemes in my opinion

    Perverse Metabolism: He doesn't often get to the absurd levels of posion that McM1 does, but he will usually have a few to heal 2-3 at the end of turn

    Horrendous Corpse: We've now starting into the really cool stuff. This ability is huge as it requires no range or LoS. Early on, it can be used for extra corpses to run his engine. Later on, it can be used to easily drop scheme markers for any schemes that need them. Passing out the extra poison is a nice bonus

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: One of his best abilities. This allows you a lot more wiggle room in how many models you can take that use corpses as it's a much less limited resource now. There are so many synergies with so many models, it's truly amazing. It also allows you to gain resources for things opponents do as well.

    Rusty Tools: Charging is how McM2 gets around. Charge an experimental, hit it with the tools, chop off a corpse or scrap and give out poison +2 is a very efficient action.

    Despicable Plots: Wow, this ability is so efficient. It's like 4 small actions all in one. Push a model, give poison, remove a marker, and attach an upgrade all for a 6. I will often cheat/stone for the mask to do it again. Being able to put out those upgrades efficiently is a huge part in making the crew function

    Twisted Genius: McM2's ability to reuse corpse markers makes this action much easier to use than McM1's. He probably will want to use this every other turn at least as extra Flesh Constructs can really get a lot of work done.

    Plastic Surgery: This action has so many potential uses. The simplest is giving a low cost model a much higher cost attack and sending it in to beat face.

    Zombie Chihuahua: Functions mostly as a back line healer with blood poisoning. Can also gnaw on models to get the poison train started. With companion, you can pass him a savage bite and then activate him immediately to jump in and get a kill above his weight class before he gets sniped.

         Suggested Upgrades: None, he doesn't really need them

    Rogue Necromancy: He has a great bite to pass onto others, he handle's his own poison so you don't need to worry as much about him. And generally is able to tank/beat as needed

         Suggested Upgrades: Arms: Gaining flurry is great for him as he gains 2 poison when he discards and he has an excellent attack.

    Kentaroi: These are fast/tough models and can help positions your other models.

         Suggested Upgrades: Legs. Making these guys move 8 really gets them around the board. Charge through works great on them when combined with their spears for +1 damage

    Corpse Curator: An excellent support piece that really turns on the crews. He's the easiest way to get excess fat and metallic arms on your models. He can also be used as a third corpse for summoning flesh constructs. Finally, his ability to drop unresisted poison damage on a model in base contact is really strong.

         Suggested Upgrades: Fat He can put down Toxic Sludge and carry it with him to catch nearby enemies in a damage 1 poison +2 hazardous terrain. It also makes his bonus action easier to activate

                                              Head: He has really low willpower at 4. Making his Willpower 6 makes him much harder for enemies to move out of base contact with other models.

    Nurse: These are great models to surgery attacks onto as they can build in a suit with tools for the job. In addition, they can remove distracted from McM2 for free with quick fix.

         Suggested upgrades: Arms: Giving these girls a flurry is really strong with a powerful attack stapled onto them

    The crew takes a little time to get up the board as they spend some time in setup, primarily making sure everyone has access to whatever upgrades they need and summoning. The crew excels in loadstones as they don't rely on places to move around, additionally, Flesh Constructs can be used to carry/score in this stat, unlike others. The crew is versatile enough to play into anything. In terms of schemes, they really like using markers and dropping schemes in the fight. Research Mission, Detonate Charges, and Deathbeds are all super easy for this crew. Hidden Martyrs works great with the Corpse Curator if he is used aggressively as he needs to be put down or he will hit far outside his weight class (I had a game where he killed Wong2 almost completely on his own.) Make sure to load up your other martyr with some upgrades to keep it alive.

    Outside of the above models, here some others to consider.

    Sebastian: Summons canine remains, (much easier to do when you can just recycle the corpse) Has a great melee attack (give it to a nurse and build in the ram for a stat 7 3/4/6 attack with the potential for +1 damage. He also provides another use of blood poisoning

         Suggested Upgrades: Fat: Makes the dog summons easier

    Flesh Constructs: I don't hire these, but I'll always summon at least one. You can give them a big attack and let them swing three times using reckless. Primarily they gunk things up and take a lot of attacks to chew through.

         Suggested Upgrades: Legs: Slap an extra pair of legs on these guys and send them off to run schemes if needed

    Guild Autopsy: These work like Outcast Prospectors. They can Creep Along to keep up, then drop a scheme marker and pick it up to draw a card. Then they remove a corpse (which McM2 replaces) to gain a soulstone. They pay for themselves and can be a great martyr or backline goalie.

         Suggested Upgrades: None, they don't really need any of them

    Little Gasser: Haven't tried them yet as they primarily focus around passing poison, which this crew doesn't need as much. However, depending on the terrain, I could see flight being very useful.

         Suggested Upgrades: Legs: Somehow the extra weight makes them fly faster....They can be used to run schemes

    Canine Remains: These guys suddenly became good. They can use carrion away to remove a corpse marker (McM2 replaces) then they drop a corpse marker. Extra corpses. Other than that they can do the same as autopsies and draw you a card. Finally they can run schemes if needed and position corpses for other models.

         Suggested Upgrades: Legs: With certain models in your crew, any speed boost for them could be a speed boost on others

    Non Experimentals

    Anna Lovelace: Still does all the things she's great at. Additionally, grade assignment will net you a free card and Scheme Marker, or two cards and a scheme Marker at the cost of a corpse/scrap. Gravity Well will stop models from placing into combat with McM and help keep him alive.

    Toshiro: This crew uses a lot of minions. Who love the Leadership ability. Also, he has easy access to corpses for Unending Fealty. Bloated Stench is nice. A nurse can give pills to the summoned Ashigaru to remove the slow and heal it up at the same time.

    Vincent St. Clair: I would only take if I was facing a summoner. But he can create pyre markers to use to for excess fat. You'll typically have the cards for rapid fire

    Archie: Numbskull will protect him from all the poison and he can hurl the corpse curator at a target near the end of the turn. He does compete with McM2 for moderate masks however.

    Bete Noire: A canine remains can be used to run a corpse into position. She can then charge out of it and run schemes. McM2 provides her with a near limitless supply of corpses for free charges.

    Dead Rider: All the normal good rider stuff. But with Horrendous Corpse and RRR, The Dead Hate the Living suddenly becomes really strong, especially with all the poison those zombies put out.

    Grave Golem: With the ease of making corpses, he's practically immortal. Canine Remains can run a corpse into the enemy backline for him to exit out of. He can also hurl the curator into someone and just works incredibly well in the crew. I'm considering using the autopsy and another model to kill him before he activates turn 2 so he can deepstrike into the enemy's face.

    Bone Pile: You guessed it. Canine Remains can move these guys around to runs schemes. They also can heal a lot more with all the extra corpses. Numbskull protects them from poison.

    Gravedigger: Give these guys Killer Instinct and they really motor, This also allows them to reclaim some SS with Loot. A canine remains can be used to dangle an attractive arm to pull them up the field faster if you need it. They also start off the whole corpse engine quite well

    Mindless Zombie: I'll sometimes take one just to kill on the first turn. Zombie Chihuahua bites them twice to give two poison, then odors for a thirds. Some other model hits them and they explode into two corpses. Other than that, summoning them incidentally is nice and their bite can pass out poison. If you have activation control, you can give them a big attack and the stat will increase with more nearby zombies.

    Shieldbearer: If you're worried about McM2's safety, these have you covered. They can blasphemous ritual easily and refund the corpse. Take the hit will keep McM2 up and they can shield slam your models to move them up the board. They'll heal up themselves with Perverse Metabolism. Additionally, if you have this model finish off the MZ, you'll get a pyre out of it that you can turn into fat.

    Gwisin: The other bodyguard option. These are slightly cheaper and can pass out threaten. Shieldbearers are probably better though.

    Manos: No particular synergy with McM2 but his toolbox is still great.

    Sloth: Also no synergy but is always worth considering

    Carrion Emissary: You have a lot of undead to speed up with The Flesh Crawls. Additionally Exhumation is great on McM2. Always declare the trigger as you drop 2 coffins then immediately remove one (allowing you to draw a card). then you get a MZ and a coffin which can be rolled into fat. He passes out poison with both his attacks.

    Crooligan: Surgery a good attack onto it, then BYS next to the Rogue Necromancy and let loose. Forage an enemy scheme marker for two cards

    When list-building, make sure that you have a good way to start off his marker engine. If points are tight just grab a mindless zombie. However, don't focus solely on the engine or you'll spend a long time hanging out just outside of your deployment zone. McM2 really lets a lot of models shine and not all of them are in his keyword.

    Let me know any tricks I haven't picked up on yet. He's a blast to play and I'm excited to get some more games in with him.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, MajorUndead said:

    The champion upgrade seems nice on it too, with guaranteed into thorns for max 3 damage, or tear of a bite to heal 2

    The upgrade can only be put on Fae minions.

    The minions gain the following triggers built in

    Bultungin: Pick the Bones

    Knight: Parry, Puncture, Into the Thorns

    Rougarou: Puncture, Into the Thorns

    Waldgeist: Heave, Delay

    • Thanks 2
  14. 32 minutes ago, touchdown said:

    I believe active player resolves first. So it would ping pong back and forth. Sounds fun actually :D

    I didn't think about Active Player resolution. I think this is mostly correct. However, consider the following: Seamus A and B both have the aura up. Player A is the active player. Seamus A removes Seamus B's aura. Player B becomes the active player but Seamus B does not currently have an aura and therefore has nothing to resolve. However, if Seamus B exits Seamus A's aura in any way, even for an instant, Seamus B has an aura again and can turn off Seamus A's aura. You basically end up with a minigame of breaking range or LOS between the Seamuses by pushing them into and out of range and by pushing models between them to break LOS. Sounds like a blast!😄

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