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Deus Ex

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Everything posted by Deus Ex

  1. Hi all, Long time painter, but only recent gamer of Malifaux, and like all games, we had some questions come up during our games that I’d appreciate definite answers on. I’ve read the rulebook, but either can’t be sure or find the answer currently. Apologies if some of these are obvious, but it’s always the way when you first play, and while we loved it, these would be brilliant if we could be certain about them! 1. You can only flip 4 cards at most during a flip, is that correct? I.e., you can only have a max of 3 positive or negative flip effects, as one card is always flipped. 2. Can you have – in extreme examples – more than 3 flip effects, but countered by others? Say I have 5 positive flip effects on one flip, but two negatives also, I presume that leaves me with a total of 3 flips plus the first automatic flip anyway? 3. Can a model take an ‘interact’ action when in combat range of an enemy? For example, Candy is in base contact with an enemy scheme marker, but also in 2” melee range of an enemy who has a 2” radius. Can Candy remove the marker, or does she have to disengage first? 4. How many times can tactical actions be taken per turn? Pandora has a tactical action which inflicts willpower duels on enemies within a 4” aura, and costs 1AP. Can she do this 3 times per activation? 5. Some characters have built in suits in their stats. What is the purpose of this, please? E.g. Lady Justice has a defence of 5 plus a Ram’s head; her defensive ability requires a Ram and Mask. So long as she flips or cheats with a Mask card, does her Ram automatically work from her Df stat? 6. Lady Justice also has a Ml7 with a Ram for her Greatsword attack. The trigger on this says for every Ram, the attack deals plus 1 damage. So, if she has a Ram in her attack built in, and flips a Ram card, is her Damage plus 2? 7. On Lady Justice’s Greatsword attack, is the Critical Strike ram damage already built into the damage numbers, or is it always plus 1? I can’t see when her trigger would ever fail to take effect? 8. Can a single attack use multiple triggers? Baby Kade’s Carving Knife ability has a Ml7 and a Mask; his triggers require two masks, and a mask and crow. As he has a Mask built in, and if I flip a second mask, can I use a soulstone to also add a crow, and thusly, work both triggers? On this same topic, if you can have multiple triggers, would his built in mask apply to both, or only one? 9. Who cheats first during a duel? Is it always the defender, even if they are already winning the duel? 10. How many times can you cheat fate during a duel? E.g. Lady Justice flips a 3 for her attack, and her victim flips an 4. Let’s say her Victim is currently winning. To make it harder, the defender (victim) says “I’m going to cheat with a 6.” Lady Justice player says “Okay, I’ll cheat with a 8”. Lady Justice is now winning. Can the defender/victim cheat again? Can Lady Justice cheat again if so? Or can you only cheat once each? 11. Anyone can cheat fate, but only masters and henchmen can use soulstones for damage prevention, is that correct? 12. Can anyone use soulstones? E.g. can I say this peon Model is going to use a soulstone to add a positive flip? 13. Can you only have one limited upgrade her model? Lady Justice box set comes with one limited Upgrade for her, but Pandora, two. I’m guessing Pandora can only take one of them? Or am I missing something rules wise? 14. What does “Rare 1” mean on an upgrade? Does that mean only Rare 1 models can take it, or only one model can use it? 15. How many upgrades can Masters, Henchmen, and Enforcers have each? Is there a limit? 16. Can anyone other than Master, Henchmen or an Enforcer have an upgrade, or is it only those models? What about Totems? 17. Purely fluff question, not a game mechanics question, but what is a Totem? Is it a manifestation of the Master’s soul? Or a creature in its own right that obeys the Master? 18. Are there Avatars in ME2? I’ve only seen the version 1 Avatar models. 19. Is halved damage rounded up or down? E.g. Pandora's sorrow is hit for 5 damage and halved to 2.5; is it reduced to 2, or 3, total? That’s all for now – thank you so much for any help! It's truly appreciated. Onto the next game!
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