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Posts posted by Zggy91

  1. I bought into the explorers society recently, Getting both McCabe and Basse, and was wondering if anyone had much fun or success playing them in explorers. Both have extremely limited models right now, and practically no overlap. I was thinking a double master mobility type list but has anyone done something different?

  2. I’ve got some time on my hands and am looking to bring my 2e thunders crews, Misaki, Lynch, and Mei Feng,  into 3e. The problem is I always played them in their other faction, so I don’t really have the pieces I need to run them as TT. I’ve been building them out a bit, but the only one I would really feel comfortable running right now is Misaki, and that is a close thing. I have:

    Misaki core box


    old Lynch box

    mei feng box


    Metal golem

    Thunders Brothers




    The priority is to get Lynch useable, but what would I need to get each crew working/competitive?

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  3. My usual list for the beast bomb is Tara with obliteration symbiote and knowledge of eternity, NB with void shield, and sue. The rest depends on schemes and strats. First activation is Tara using Eternal Moment, pinging the nothing beast with knowledge of eternity and burying it, cheating a low card if needed to fail the will power duel, then walking forward twice. Last activation is Tara again, walking towards her target then hopefully pulling NB up in a hard targets face. Chain activate into NB where you focus swing/focus swing because at that point he has 4 AP between casting expert and fast from Knowledge of eternity. Things usually die after that

  4. So I was going over my model collection and realized that I have as many TT masters as any of my other factions, but none of the smaller boxes. I have Misaki, Lynch, and am getting Mei. The question is how would I expand in a way that is complementary to what I have. Yasonori seems like a like a solid choice for any of them, but what about outside that? 

  5. I play both Misaki and Tara pretty extensively, and here is my take. I play both in a very murder heavy way, but I think Tara has more options. Misaki is a very straight forward master to play, basically sending both her and Ototo down the board and watch the other crew crumble as your torakage score schemes. I play Tara similar with a heavy emphasis on the beast bomb because I think it's really fun. In the end it really comes down to how you want to play. Misaki is a cruse missle that you send down the board and is very active, while Tara serves more as a support master, getting more out of pieces like the NB or Killjoy. Either way I do recommend picking up the convict gunslingers because the are great models that I use extensively for both masters. Both boxes also come with above average minions, the void wretches are huge ap sinks for the other team and are surprisingly fast with incorporeal, and the torakage have defenses of 6 across the board and ignore disengagement strikes. 

    TL;DR Tara supports while Misaki charges, Ototo and NB are both great and hit like trucks, void wretches are cheaper and incorporeal but torakage have better defenses and are a bit faster. To play with other outcasts Tara has the edge because all of Misaki's other models are pure TT

  6. Another minor point is that for the beast bomb to be effective you really do have to manage your activations and hand heavily, allocating cards and ap well in advance for it to work, but for me it has always been worth it. 2 of Tara's 6 ap, maybe a stone, a 7, and a throw away card to move NB 16" to 28" and get a focused attack. Also the NB buried is almost as large of a threat off the board as it is on. The implied threat that if you kill my model a fast monster of pain will eat your face indirectly makes scheme runners, especially wretches, more durable because of the effort/payoff of using a model that can kill them easily only for that model to die itself almost always will favor the Tara player

  7. Personally I've had a lot of success with the NB bomb. Bury NB first thing with Tara, unbury him last in the turn. This results in either a turn 1 charge with a focused attack on the tail end or two focused attacks.  Admittedly it does take some setup and and planning to keep your other models alive, but most of the players in my local group don't use much in the way of alpha strikes, but being able to yank a key model off the field turn 1has always seemed worth a little hassle to me. My order of operation is active Tara first, eternal moment, glimpse the void on the NB, yield on the attack and cheat down on the wp save so NB gets buried with fast. Move twice with Tara. Rest of my crew goes, but I try to hold on to a 7 or greater, preferably of crows. Tara's second activation generally goes walk walk, unbury. Chain into NB who is ideally in threat range of a key model that he can turn into jelly. This works especially well for models with abilities like disguised, especially if you can unbury the NB within 3". Turnd a coraphy into scrap and buried baratone Lola in a single turn doing this.

  8. If you can pick up one or two more models I cannot recommend the Scion of the Void and Sue highly enough. Sue is able to make the incorporeal members of your crew significantly more durable by making hostile casting actions that target a friendly model within 3" disadvantaged with his "the man comes around" action, and the Scion is a surprisingly durable and mobile damage dealer who can foil even the scariest damage dealers by simply "Going Home"

  9. Come on, the void wretches need some love for their speed and durability as cheap scheme runners and tar pit pieces. Four soul stones for an incorporeal model that can move 10" and still hand out slow is a great little dog-flea-eldrich abomination. They are not enough of a threat to warrant a heavy hitter to attack them but making that heavy hitter only hit once a turn at half damage is usually enough to seriously compromise their effectivenes. They can also heal and attack buried models for a bit of additional utility, even if this actions are situational.

  10. Honestly, one of the coolest things about Malifaux is that you don't build a list until you know what your objectives are. That being said, there are a few models that have earned a near permanent place in my Tara lists. Tara with obliteration symbiot and Knowledge of eternity, the Nothing Beast with void shield, and a pair of void wretches are a solid base for your list.  I generally bring two models that you don't have, but shouldn't run you more than $25, and those are Sue and the Scion of the void. Sue is a durable gun slinger that messes with casters and is a walking Johnny Cash reference, and the scion is another tentacled monstrosity that has a lot of movement potential and a damage track nearly as good as the Nothing Beast. 

         Aionus and Killjoy are both very good at what they do, but are very expensive soul stone wise, so often you will have one in your crew but not the other. 

    I am still waiting for my death marshal to ship, but they are a very viable way to bury either friendly or opposing models, which works extremely well with Tara's gimmick. The signature move for the Tara crew is the "beast Bomb" which is a turn 1 charge from the nothing beast that Tara has buried, then unleashed on the other side of the board. I am not the best at describing it, but I highly recommend the "Schemes and Stones" podcast to listen to to help learn about running Tara.  She is a bit of a finicky master that has an odd role in the crew, and any help that you can get in learning what makes her tick should be welcome.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I recently jumped into neverborn pretty hard and was wondering what else I really needed to play them effectively. I have the dreamer, lynch, and Titania boxes, the hooded rider, barbaros, silurids, insidious madness, and rougarou. I'm planning on picking up the widow weaver, by besides that what else do I need?

  12. I have been playing a lot of Tara, and do agree that one death Marshal is optimal for her. One of the great tricks with Tara is the beast bomb, and the pine box allows you to bury a model without damaging it. It also works as a go around for the Tara bury. You bury something with the trigger, and then you bury with the pine box. Boom, two models buried.

  13. Thanks for the feedback!

    I already have the Scion of the Void, Killjoy, and Aionus, and I have had great fun with the scion and Killjoy. I haven't played much with Aionus, but I plan to use him in a few games this week.  I have been debating picking up the Von Shill box for the librarian and the trapper in addition to having access to another master, followed by Hannah and maybe strongarm suits after her. I have not looked into Sue, Bishop, or Johan. I have also heard a lot of good things about the convicted gunslingers. Any feedback about them? 

  14. So I have recently gotten into Malifaux, and picked up the Tara box. I am really happy with it, and I have picked up some supplementary models in the form of Aeions, Killjoy, and the Scion of the Void and I am going to put in a guilder order for Miss Terious. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to where I could go from here to get the most of the models that I have.  I have a very limited budget at this point, so I don't want to go over a crew box and one or two of the side boxes. Any feedback would be appreciated, and don't really have any qualms about going Resser or Outcasts.

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