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Posts posted by Lokibri

  1. Okay, I think i must break a lance (it is a saying in germany for backing someone up) for Jessie here,

    I use her a lot of times and she ist pretty good in what she does. The only downside in my opinion is her missing melee attack.

    Taking a look at the amount of marker in play nowadays, she is super in removing them. Her free action pressures your opponents hand by a lot and she has hard to kill  Distracting and not being allowed to take interacts is a huge punish if your opponent does not succeed, besides being a henchman, which is also a big upside for 7 points. She is also able to give you some stones pretty easily, which I like a lot especially with english Ivan for example. She also enabled easy research missions. Her Harpoon Gun ist often times used to pull enemies in range so Ivan can use his summoning ability or just to drag some people into pit traps, which is kinda nice :-).

    Drawing cards is nice to have, but more like meh, when you dont take her in wastrel. The free scrap is SUPERB for McCabe.

    I use her a lot in McCabe (of course) and I like her in scheme heavy missions to pressure your opponents hand. Ivan also likes her a lot and what you should take into consideration: She only costs 7 points as henchman, which is pretty rare as a versatile.

    So, all in all I also did not like her in the beginning, but my opponents told me, that she was one of the most annoying models I could play against them.

  2. 2 minutes ago, edopersichetti said:

    No one in the game summons (or should summon) fully healed models. They all come with some wounds, flicker or some other mechanics that impact that. And I doubt you can say he's the worst summoner - corpse markers are easy to place, and he has a huge range of models available to summon. Models come wounded, and he can heal them if he wants to - he just has to plan a bit more and be careful, rather than nonchalantly summoning stuff everywhere. So yeah, Nico is fine - he's now on par with other masters in Ressers and is an option, not an autotake.

    I think two of the best mechanics Wyrd invented were Kirai and Molly with their summoning.

    Molly has to be close to the enemy to get some wounds on her summons or can play around with summoning and let them instantly die for example to get a scheme marker out of a drowned.

    Kirai has two summoning abilities. One causing other models to suffer dmg (and in a seishin case die) or the opponent can calculate with it when he wants ikiriyo to get summoned, which is also pretty fair and a nice defense mechanic that totally fits the summoning theme. Both designs had a price that you felt impacting the game without being to tough to achieve or to easy to get and both mechanics work just fine in my opinion.

    • Like 2
  3. I am also very happy about the changes. The only thing i am not happy about is the overall situation that nicodem AND Sandeep were cut off at their sustainability whcih (again!) favors Alphastrikes like the Viks do exceptionally well.

    • Agree 1
  4. 8 hours ago, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

    It's a "hit or miss" list. If you don't like it, you don't have to play it. But if you suggest the list is bad, then evidence speaks against you, as Tim was 15th playing only that list at Polish Nationals and it is also popular in competitive scene in US. Spreading out sometimes does not help at all, as my game against Tim at Nationals has demonstrated.

    Edit: you don't have to focus, you have positives to damage flip.

    Oh, no, no. Don`t misunderstand me please :). I totally get the power of that list, but i can see a huge problem with some models that might appear :). For me it didn`t work out that well. The problem with the focus was not that you want the +dmg flip, but you want to hit at all. If i see a Sonnia, i would never get out of cover in turn 1. And with that list, it is pretty hard to inflict burning on them i think :).


    8 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    Depends on the table and the opponent. Not everyone is going to realise the necessity of spreading out and hugging cover when facing this crew. Depending on your hand, available targets and quality of cover you could be getting the ball rolling with straight flips to hit and damage against something even if they've done their best to hide out.

    Of course it's not as simple as pushing Sonnia's into place and wiping your opponent off the board, but the same goes for Yasunori and Nekima. Having the potential to nuke some important models turn 1/2 is generally useful, even if your opponent is canny enough to play around it.


    Jeah, many factors are taken into consideration, but a good list differs from a bad list in its probabilities and i just see more requirements here than options :). But on the other hand i might not have enough experience with her to judge like that :). Maybe i will make a new experience with this list.

  5. 21 minutes ago, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

    with investigator Sonnia does not need to walk even once to get to the middle of the board on turn one. This is Tim's de Groot list he made to take advantage of all the pushes the Guild has to unleash hell on turn one (the list was published in "Guild in the competitive scene right now" thread, where you can read more about how it works):

    Declared Faction: Guild 
    Crew Name: Sonnia Poland 50ss 
    Leader: Sonnia - Cache:(3)
       Cherufe's Imprint 1ss 
       Cherufes Parting Gift 1ss 
       Counterspell Aura 1ss 
    Malifaux Child 2ss 
    Francisco Ortega 8ss 
       Hermanos De Armas 1ss 
       Wade In 1ss 
    Dr. Grimwell 9ss 
       Expert Sleuth 1ss 
    Papa Loco 7ss 
       Expert Sleuth 1ss 
    Brutal Effigy 4ss 
    Guild Investigator 6ss 
    Watcher 4ss  


    and suddenly a wild nekima or yasunori flies in and kills half the crew without a flinch.

    I think it is pretty hard to play that way. Especially if your opponent spreads far out it gets even harder. And then you still want a burning target or you gotta focus at least for the first attack.


  6. Always, always, always taking perdita on ply! Nino feels just so unfair when you got him in a safe and overlooking position.

    I agree with Round 1 lucius. Sounds very doable. Queeg could be an alternative for the guardian.

    Lady j for round 3 would also be my pick or you go for hoffmann. Extremely difficukt to take down and a ball of death rolling over your opponent.

  7. On 6/2/2018 at 1:58 PM, longfanz said:

    Mmm, interesting. The rules say:

     In addition, models that are buried at the end of the game count as killed for Encounter victory purposes.

    Now that you say it is not easy to understand. How would you play this? if the model is buried by one of my models, will it score full points for Take one for  the team? (given the model buried had less cost than the model who buried him).



    Buried is a condition and malifaux does not take track of the source of a condition as stated in the latest FAQ about how to handle Warding Runes, when a condition was applied out of the immunity aura and the model comes back in). That means that the condition "buried" caused the death of the model and none of you killed it. However, it is counted as dead at the end of the game.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, HexBag said:

    Thank you :) sorry for the delay. Been just so much irl stuff now but all that will finish this summer so i will pick up the pace again with these videos :) 

    Will record the next report next week and i have upgraded my studio even more seens this battle report and hope to make up the quality even more from now on !


    really looking forward to it :)

  9. On 5/11/2018 at 8:22 PM, Tris said:

    I´m starting to dislike that the Jury has no htk, but she`s definitely one of our top models for 8 stones (tbh, we got some pretty solid henches in that bracket^^) and has an easy heal and condition remove on a very strong base model, coupled with slow and card draw on her attack.

    Just throw in a casual Deathmarshal Recruiter and she has a far better option than just htk :).

  10. I think there are some cases you should really consider healing.

    0's as guardian and jury are great and should be used anyway! 2 AP for a heal is crap i think.

    But in cases of high armor or htk, i will always spend 1 AP to heal. Also on Francisco that lets me maintain his buff on another model.


    So, jeah, that should do it :).

  11. So, today i played the following list against Ressur - Reva. I am still learning to play Lady J:

    Lady J (Swordfighter, Ashwood Coffin, Last Stand) 5 Stones

    Francisco Ortega (Wade In, Debt)

    The Jury (Numb to the world, Debt)


    Guild Austringer

    Field Reporter


    Brutal Effigy


    Round one i cleared a candle and pushed forward with all stuff, Round 2 i plied a lot and one hitted a lampad while getting rid of a high card for not boxing in the other lampad having counterstance and having defensive +3 with her :). She attacked my francisco and i healed him up with plenty of things. She killed my effigy which had take one on it, same as her lampad. After that we agreed that having plenty of mindless zombies and an asura, was not the best way to approach ply, but she wanted to learn those models, so it was a success.

    I got a list in mind, that is an absolutely no fun for the opponent, but is pretty strong in my mind:

    Nellie CHochraine (Misleading Headlines, Delegation, expert sleuth) 4 Stones

    printing press

    Phiona (expert sleuth, debt)

    ABuela (debt)

    Papa Loco (Sleuth)

    Peacekeeper (numb)

    death marshal


    The plan here is pretty easy and is only two ways: Your opponent stand together or, your opponent doesn´t.

    If he does stand together (at least 3 models with a maximum of 7´ apart):

    1. activate printing press and give nellie evidence.

    2. out activate your opponent as long as possible and try to get some more evidence with models attacking nellie.

    3. Abuela activates, places a scheme marker goes forward and uses her ability to let the death marshal perform a 1 action (putting loco in the box and relenting with him)

    4. Phiona goes forward and places a scheme marker.

    And now you check if you can do devastating damage to your opponent with a papa loco action or if you need to use the peacekeeper:

    5. Nellie activates and pushes herself forward, she then teleports the deathmarshal forward to the scheme marker. She then can proceed to give the deathmarshal fast and do some more stuff with her abilites that you find useful.

    6. Go forward with the deathmarshal one time, then charge in and attack its normal attack. After that use the pine box (you have to lose the wp vs. wp duel with loco when DM activates) and release papa loco.

    7. Papa Loco instantly companions and uses his blow up ability or if you want to go risky use his attack action.

    8. Move peacekeeper in range and maybe he was fast from nellie, which is nice.

    If your opponent doesn´t offer you an opportunity to deal AoE damage release loco early with the dm and give the buff to the peacekeeper, then teleport the peacekeeper to the scheme marker and attack with fast. This way you can kill solo models.

    Discard all expert sleuth upgrades in turn 2 and go crazy again with papa loco NOW dealing Aoe (if you decided to go risky) or follow up with the peacekeeper charging in and killing everything that is still left after the loco did his job.


    What do you guys think?

  12. 1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    I haven't tried it but I guess I'll run into it tomorrow since my dear guild clubmates seem to follow this forum nowadays. :(


    What were they trying to alpha with and how did you get to it? I thought out-activating was a big deal for making alpha succesful.

    If you got nellie ... You are pretty safe :-).


    10 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    I've had a really good experience today with the sanctioned spellcaster with his no charging trigger from the jury.  It absolutely crippled an alpha strike ready gremlin list.  Has anyone else tried this/ had success with this?

    I haven't tried that, but i tried the combo with austringers and that is brutal!

    Getting rid of a high card because your opponent has to cheat or trade 1 for 2 cards is very useful!

    • Like 1
  13. Hello fellow guild members,

    I often find myself in spots where i am in need of healing without activating or using the hurt model in any way (so executioner und thralls arenot parf of my search), so i am looking for models, that can heal others and i want your input to see if i overlooked something.


    In form of a master nellie, hoffman and of course mccabe come to mind to heal models a bit. But nellies heal is the worst i think.


    The jury is solid, but it is a 0 and additionally removes a condition, which is great!

    domadores: not out yet, but looking pretty nice! I like em.

    The doctors: maybe a little too costly for what they do, but fine if you really need it.

    Brutal only gives a buff to heal the master while damaging. Can be nice on lady j especially.I


    Are there other models i don't see with a good heal?



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