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Sir Andersen

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Posts posted by Sir Andersen

  1. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. Getting a lot of good ideas to consider.


    One thing that was especially under my radar was the idea of an, as of yet unactivated, Candy. Manipulative to (maybe) stay alive and then run away home after an activation of being a pain. This clocks especially hard on my radar since, unlike doppelgangers or stitched together, I actually already have her.

    Sure it's not the OBVIOUS theme, but I don't see any good argument for why the murderous psycho girl couldn't team up with the murderous psycho mother :D

    How terrible would you say it is to try and deal with a (still Manipulative) Candy with Fears Given Form and black blood (given by a shaman)?

    Last time I used Candy she was too good. Deployment was close, so run away home pretty much let me unbury her within easy reach of the action every time.


    Lot of other stuff is good as well. And yeah as has been pointed out, a lot of it is in the execution as well. The where and when. I just like to approach it from the angle of "which model am I using for this, and with that in mind, what sitations am I looking out for"

  2. Tangle shadows is really good for running a fast model forward then swapping it with a beater. Neat! That's not what this is about however.

    Let's say I want to Tangle Shadows specifically to pull in an enemy. Maybe I want to do some cheeky growing, maybe I just want to murder fools. Given that this is dependant on enemy placement I can't really expect the model I swap forward to be in a good position. In fact if my opponent has any experience with Tangle Shadows I should probably expect it to be in a pretty bad situation.

    Therefore I kind of consider the model I throw forward a "sacrifice". A trade for whatever effect I get from pulling in the enemy. A big expensive beater seems a bad candidate for this unless I have out-activated my opponent.


    So what would you use in this situation? I can basically think of 2 avenues of approach. Either you sacrifice something as cheap as possible (corrupted hounds seem PERFECT for this, with Black Blood being a nice bonus) or you go with something that's hard to kill, like a Waldgeist or an unactivated Doppelganger. The tough model will probably still die, but will require some effort from the opponent and hopefully cling to life long enough to eat up some activations at least.

    What would you recommend for this tactic?

  3. I'm kinda sad that Iggy is apparently the best thing ever (everybody and their dog seems head over heels in love with him).

    The fluff I've seen for him is uninteresting and the model is ugly and boring.

    Pretty sure he is easily my least favourite model in the faction. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    Well they might be appropriate if you often face gremlins and want to show your opponent your desired outcome of the game :P

    True, but nobody in my (admittedly extremely shallow) current opponent pool plays gremlins, and while there is a tiny chance I might start them myself at some point (or more specifically pig-rancher-guy whose name escapes me and brewmaster) it would be after I flesh out my Neverborn more and then start 2 or 3 other factions first...

  5. Thank you very much. This is a very helpful answer (and what I was hoping for).
    Sounds like I can get decent use out of all 3 models. The gremlin parts are goffy and wacky and perfect for a gremlins crew, but it would look very off in a Neverborn crew, so I am happy with this.


    Again, thank you.

  6. Speaking as someone who's not all that interested in playing Gremlins, but could very well see himself using Bayou Gators once in a while for Zoraida:

    How easy is it to have the gator models without the gremlin parts?

    1 has an arm dangling out of its mouth, I'll just have to deal with that.

    1 has a gremlin "jumping over" it. I'm assuming this is a separate part and easy enough to just leave out.


    My real question is with the third, the one that's half through swallowing a gremlin. Is the gremlin here cast into the model, or is it a separate part that I could just leave off?

  7. Re: Fears Given Form


    Just played a game (using a completely different crew that had nothing to do with this one) where I used Thousand Faces on Bad Juju to swith into FGF. It was amazing, especially with Eternal Fiend letting Juju pop back up and keep being a nuisance (he IS a little squishy otherwise I find). 


    That game made me realise that that's really a fantastic use of Thousand Faces. Fears Given Form is a horrible bitch to deal with, positioning-wise ESPECIALLY in deployment. Thousand Faces lets me bypass this and not "pop it" until I'm in position to plunge into the middle of the enemy crew. A "delivery system" if you will. Just like Greebo said (while I was playing the game).

  8. I'm wary of Fears Given Form because of how much it'll force me to spread out, given that it also hits friendlies. My first instinct is that it's something I'd much rather have on a single big beatstick meant to take on a bunch of enemies, than on Pandora who likes to bunch up and synergise.


    I'd really like it, though, if FGF was available to Enforcers as well...

  9. UPDATE:


    Finished the half-sunken ruins




    And also finally got some half-decent light on my table, so I could do a proper shot of the mat with what terrain I have so far on it



    Pillars and buildings on the way. Next up for me is a few more river sections (at least another straight, and a couple of 45 degree ones) and maybe another tree.

    Here's a WIP shot of an upcoming straight section combined with a tree:


    • Like 3
  10. Hmm, I guess you have a point.

    I mean just being able to choose between retribution or mimic's AFTER seeing my opponent's crew could be a really neat trick I guess.


    Anything else I might potentially want on Kade/Lelu in this situation? Any other upgrades to be on the look for. I don't have all the cards, and them being spread across 4 books (soon 5) really makes it a mess to keep track of in my head (gimme another 20 games and it'll probably get much much better!)

  11. 12 minutes ago, Sharp_GT said:

    pop the 'thousand faces' upgrade on there to keep them flexible.

    I'm really not comfortable with this. I don't feel that I know the Neverborn upgrades (or the upgrades at all really) well enough to make good sensible decisions here. More likely I'll just forget about it.

    If I do end up sticking an upgrade on, it'll probably just be Mimic's Blessing for a little defensive boost, or Retribution's Eye since they ARE my primary beatstick...

  12. Trying to put together a Pandora crew based on what models I actually have, and ending up in a situation where I basically have to choose between Lelu or Baby Kade.

    This is what the crew looks like:


    Pandora (Cry for Me, The Box Opens)


    Candy (Depression)





    I don't really have anything else in my collection that would be super tasty with those last stones. No wisps. No Insidious Madnesses. No shuffling around a bit and making room for a Widow Weaver.


    Whichever one I pick, they'd basically pass as the "beater" for the crew, to deal with anything too strong of will.

    The way I see it, Lelu has some good synergy with Lilitu. The extra regen is nice for both and giving her Pounce is always great. Kade, on the other hand, has better synergy with the rest of the crew as a whole with a few ways to force wp duels (Lure and Manipulative). Kade would be the no-brainer in this, if not for the fact that his wp-forcing tools are a little weak, or mediocre at best (Ca 5, TN 11).


    So if you were taking the above crew, as a sort of "vs all comers" crew, which of the two would you take? 


  13. Update with today's newest project: partially sunken ruin.


    Plan on painting/finishing it much the same as I have with the statues. There is no model for scale, but the apex of the doorway is 3". Deliberately made this a little oversized as these are supposed to be ancient Neverborn (or even Tyrant-era) ruins (and I'm not actully sure whether they're sinking into, or rising out of, the swamp), so whatever they used to be should easily be able to accomodate larger-than-human creatures such as mature Nephilim and whatever Killjoy was before he died and got cursed.




    I also finished flocking on the lake/pond piece, a second, smaller, clump of reeds, AND my mat arrived. Really should have gotten some photos, but I thought about it too late and now the light is terrible. If I remember I'll try and get a coupled of snaps tomorrow.


    Tried setting what I have on the map, and I would say that including this latest ruin I feel I have around 50-60% of the minimum I'd like for a table, so I have quite a ways to go. That said, I have placed an order for a couple of buildings (one to optionally go ON the pond, the other just on its own) and some walkways to serve as bridges. With that in hand I should be able to finish a few more river sections, another standalone tree or two, and I should have the bare minimum for a decent table. Also going to make a decision as to where I'll get some pillars for, just to add a little more "ancient ruins" to my swamp.

    • Like 2
  14. 11 minutes ago, Greebo said:

    But I may be wrong and I may have read something into that story that isn't there. 

    I hope you're right. That works so much better for me than "hey he killed some kids so he's neverborn or something", which is what I get out of his blurb in the book.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Gnomezilla said:

    Messed-up human kids become woes, and Woes are Neverborn under the aegis of Pandora--that's all I've got.

    Iggy has a longer story in 1.5 (available on Breachside Broadcast as a podcast!) but it doesn't say much more than that he had contact with...something odd...it may even have been human, Malifaux being what it is, but probably one of Pandora's. It didn't give him his powers but it had the earlier Neverborn tendency to 'make you confront the darkness within yourself'.

    Well that's.... something at least.


    Honestly I was hoping someone would burst in here and explain how Pandora or Candy took him under his wing, corrupting him, or SOMETHING. 

  16. To most this is probably a small unimportant detail, but it really grates on me, to the point where I have no interest in bringing him in lists, no matter how amazing his stats might be.


    So I haven't read through all of the fluff yet, but I have read the small blurb in the model's entry:

    He's Charlene McGee (from Firestarter), except he's in Malifaux so bad things happen. Got it.


    How is he Neverborn? He's an orphan with pyrokinetic powers. To me it seems he would fit in far better with Arcanists (if someone took him in and taught him) or Outcasts (if nobody did).


    What exactly makes this "magical kid" particularly neverborn? It's not like Zoraida who spent a hundred years in Malifaux and is infused with the essence of its fate. It's not like Serena Bowman who was selected as a possible "backup vessel" by an actual tyrant.


    No, as far as I can see he's just "random orphaned kid with magical powers".


    So what'd I miss? What haven't I read yet? What makes this random kid "Neverborn"?

  17. 3 hours ago, catbat07 said:

    I wouldn't advise getting Tuco as he is in one of the most competitive price brackets in the faction, and is considerably worse than an illuminated, Lilitu or doppleganger. If you really need ranged support, I would suggest the Freikorps tracker. I would probably go with wisps, madnesses, widow weaver and either nekima or a mature neph.

    Yeah, my main thought with Tuco was "damn it, why do neverborn have NO ranged? I'm sick of getting bullied at range until I can close". I can say right away that I will NOT be picking up any Illuminated since those will come naturally somewhere down the line when (not if! when!) I pick up Jakob Lynch.


    I already have a mature nephilim (it was in Lilith's old starter instead of Barbie), although I'm unhappy with the colour I painted him and I want the new young nephilim anyway so at one point or another I will be picking up the new nephilim set as well. Which I guess means that I'll eventually end up with 2 matures. Which means I should really learn to play Grow sometime.


    I see wisps mentioned a couple of times. They are, of course, fantastic with Zoraida for burping out voodoo dolls, but what do you guys feel they offer to Lilith and Pandora?


    I was about to ask the same for the Madnesses, but now that I think of it all 3 of the coven really like to target wp, so that one is fairly obvious.


    As I already have 3 50mm heavies (Mature, Teddy and Juju. I'm not counting the poltergeist in this, obviously) let's narrow it down to 1 (at least for the first buying spree) in that category. What would I be best off getting then? Rider, Emmisary or Nekima?


    I see Doppelgangers thrown around a lot on these forums (and elsewhere) and I don't get it. What makes it so great? Sure it can copy an attack, but at the price it feels super squishy. 

  18. Beginner. Starting out with Neverborn. Have a few bits from playing a little way back in 1E and taking over some stuff from a friend (as he has been seduced by the Outcasts and Guild instead)

    So for now I'm playing the coven. That is, the Mother, the Crone and the Maiden. Lilith, Zoraida and Pandora.

    My current collection consists of the following:

    M2E Lilith box

    M1E Lilith box

    M2E Pandora box

    M2E Zoraida box




    2 Young Nephilim

    1 Black Blood Shaman


    Looking to gradually expand my collection. There are some pretty obvious models that are just PERFECT with one of the coven. But what about generalists? Any models that are pretty well worth while no matter which of these 3 witches I'm fieldling? I'm thinking Tuco (for some very welcome ranged harassment) and Hooded Rider would both be welcome in any of their crews, but what else should I be on the lookout for.

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