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Steamtastic Vagabond

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Posts posted by Steamtastic Vagabond

  1. There is no built in effect for having characteristic, however, certain effects only effect characters with certain characteristics. For instance, Death Marshals are considered Terrifying but only to the Undead. Also, the Genus immuto also have similar effects and there are many other examples of this across the various books.

  2. I have a question, after realizing that a lot of my NPC’s can’t affort a ticket back to Earth from Malifaux for plot reasons, I realized that I don’t think that the price of a ticket to of from Malifaux is stated anywhere. I’m curious as to what that might be. Any insight into this matter would be appreciated.

  3. Mechanically, next to nothing would change (certainly not their destiny, not even death ends that contract) save for targeting in certain effects as well as effective immunity to poison, suffocation and most disease. But, the character implications are colossal and as a Fate Master I would play with in a borderline sadistic fashion as the newly stitched Fated must now cope with dying, being resurrected, and learning the hard way that you are now even lower class than an orphaned shoe shiner.

  4. There are many ways to die in Malifaux, and even more ways to be resurrected. But, as Fated characters, you should not rely on the Fated dying to advance the plot. Firstly, Fated a really hard to kill, secondly, the players might get angered by a permanent change in their character that they had no control over. So I would advise only setting up potentially deadly situations that can be averted or outright avoided. Regarding resurrection methods however,

    Some ideas include:

    Resurrected by Necromancy, simple and straightforward.

    Resurrected by chemistry, notable example being H.P Lovecraft’s Herbert West: Reanimator, or the use of a Necrotic Machine from Under Quarantine.

    Resurrected by Soulstone, perhaps the Fated was Killed with a soulstone bullet and quite ironically is being sustained by its own entrapped soul.

    Reaurrected by Voodoo, through a shamanic ritual, the Fated was brought back to serve a specific purpose.

    Resurrected by vengeance, the Fated’s vengeful spirit brought it back as a revenant hellbent on exacting revenge.

    Resurrected by machines, mechanical implants all over the fated’s body keep it alive after death.

    Resurrected by spirits, an (un)friendly spirit inhabits the fateds dead body giving it a semblance of resurrection.

    Resurrection as a Promethean, everyone knows the tale of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. Another notable example is Osiris who died and was partially resurrected by Isis.

    Becoming an Autumn Knight, death by and resurrection by Titania in the service of her court.

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  5. The pneumatics skill is used for melee weapons with mechanical parts like a buzz saw and the like. Pneumatic limbs are different however in that punching someone with a pneumatic arm is exactly the same as punching with a fist of flesh and would therefore use the Pugilism skill.

    Also, where it says skill in the equipment table refers to the minimum skill required to craft the thing, not use it.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Qualvanda said:

    I must say that I like the new version of this class! :)


    I have one pointer though, and that is that Rapid fire comes really early, all the other classes that get that ability (Rapid fire or Flurry) get it at level 5.

    I think it's a bit too strong at level 3. I would suggest switching Rapid Fire with Improved Fletching, to get it more balanced.

    Already done

  7. I have finally gotten around to adjusting most of the Pursuit talents as suggested above, so with it, I republish the Pursuit.




    In the modern age, most people see the archery as an outdated practice, which is a valid opinion is a world filled with firearms. However, those that follow the old traditions of archery find themselves with a deadly weapon with which ammunition can retrieved.

    Not every archer is the same however, some take up the practice of mounted archery while others take quiet shots from the underbrush to bring down prey.

    Many of these archers find themselves among the ranks of the Ten Thunders because of how few members are allowed to wield firearms. But other factions do find uses for archers. The Neverborn use bows far more frequently than firearms and an entire Gremlin family uses bows almost exclusively.



    An Archer begins the game with an Archery Weapon and Arrows with a combined cost no higher than 20§.

    On the Pursuit: Let Loose


    When this character fails a Ranged Combat Duel during dramatic time, she may draw a card.

    During the epilogue, this character may advance in any Ranged Combat skill in addition to the options presented by the Fatemaster.




    Arcing Arrows


    (Un)friendly Competition


    General Talent


    Improved Fletching or “Nice Shot, Now Watch This!”


    General Talent


    Try to Keep Up or Rapid Fire


    General Talent


    Poisoned Arrows or Explosive Tip


    General Talent


    Twin Bolt or Leap Aside


    If Anyone Kills Him, It’s Going to be Me.


    Arcing Arrows


    One of the qualities that arrows have that bullets don’t is that even when shot into the air, they’ll be dangerous even as they land. This character has learned how to have relative accuracy even after an enemy has concealed themselves.

    This character’s Archery Attacks that use the Indirect special rule can still be cheated while doing so.


    (Un)friendly Competition


    To be quite honest, with their reliability, low costs, increased power, and ease of use, many people would much rather use a gun of any kind over a bow. This character however prefers to use a bow, and sometimes gets a little competitive over the value of her bow over the value of firearms and other weapons.

    When this Character gains this Talent, she may choose a Friendly Character. Both this Character and the chosen ally gain the following condition: “(Un)friendly Rivalry: When this character defeats an enemy (dealing a killing blow or simply knocking them out), if this Character’s rival can see or hear the deed, they gain Focused+1.”

    If this Character’s rival is slain or simply loses contact for a duration no shorter than 2 weeks, both characters lose the (Un)friendly Rivalry Condition. This character may appoint a new rival at any time by discarding a Twist Card.


    Improved Fletching


    An arrow’s fletching is the thing that can make, or break the shot. Arrows with better fletching are going to fly farther and straighter than others, provided that the arrow is facing the right way.

    This character increases the range of his Archery attacks by 3 Yards. While this Character’s Rival is benefiting from (Un)friendly Competition, she may gain the 3 Yard bonus on ANY of her Ranged Combat Actions.


    “Nice Shot, Now Watch This!”


    This character has learned how to concentrate quickly, even after being awestruck by the performance of her rival. In this way, the Archer practically slows time around her to line up the perfect shot in an attempt to one up her rival.

    When this character would gain the Focused Condition from her Rival defeating an enemy, the Rival may discard a card to increase the bonus to Focused+2.

    This Talent works for the appointed Rival as well.


    Try to Keep Up


    When you watch the person you admire and/or loathe work faster than you, it is often inspiration enough to at least stay on their heels.

    When this Character or their Rival end their activation within 6 Yards of the other, the other character may activate as a Chain Activation if the other has not yet acted on this Turn.


    Rapid Fire


    This character has learned how to draw, nock, and loose an arrow in a single motion. With an understanding of this motion, this character has vastly improved her efficiency when it comes to letting arrows fly.

    This character gains the following Tactical Action.

                (2) Rapid Fire: This character may discard a Twist Card to three 1 AP attack actions with a Ranged Weapon against a single target.


    Poisoned Arrows


    No weapon cannot be improved with the application of poison. This a true statement that no one (especially in the Ten Thunders) is going to argue with.

    This character’s Archery attacks gain the following Trigger:

    :crow: Infect: After damaging, the Target gains the Poison Condition a number of times equal to the number of :crow in the final duel total.

    While this Character’s Rival is benefiting from (Un)friendly Competition, they may also use this Trigger on ANY Ranged Combat or Close Combat Action.


    Explosive Tip


    In the same vein as poisoned arrows, explosive arrows are favorites of those who don’t care for subtlety. Whether its simply attaching a stick of dynamite to the end of the stick or enchanting the arrow with explosive properties, the outcome is just the same.

    This character’s Archery attacks gain the following Trigger:

    :mask: Hail of Hachinosu: When damaging, this attack gains +:blast to the Moderate and Severe damage.

    While this Character’s Rival is benefiting from (Un)friendly Competition, they may also use this Trigger on ANY Ranged Combat Attack.


    Twin Bolt


    Those who claim to be experts of Archery have learned how to use loose multiple arrows at once, dramatically increasing the lethality of their every shot (or at least doubling it).

    When this character makes an Archery attack with the Bow special rule, this character may use a second arrow to add [+] to the attack flip. This character must declare that he is doing this before flipping any cards.


    Leap Aside


    Archers are most effective when in the back row of any conflict, picking off enemies at a distance one by one. When their aggressors get close however, this character has learned how to quickly get out the fray, usually opening up a space for her rival to take a clean shot or two.

    This character gains the following Defensive Trigger:

    Df: :mask: Leap Aside: After an attack fails against this character, this character may push up to 5 yards in any direction. Then, this Character’s Rival may push up to 5 Yards towards this Character’s starting position.


    If Anyone Kills Him, It’s Going to be Me

    The bond between this Character and her Rival has grown incredibly strong, even if they may hate each other. It is through this bond however that seeing one in mortal danger drives the other into a tragic rage, and there WILL be Hell to pay.

    While this Character’s Rival is unconscious or in sufficient mortal peril (at Fatemaster discretion), this Character generates an additional General AP at the start of her Turn.

    If this Character’s Rival is killed in Dramatic Time, this Character immediately gains the Reactivate Condition and regains it at the start of every turn instead of the General AP for the remainder of the scene.

    This talent works for the appointed Rival as well


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  8. Based on the flavour text, I’d imagine that they’re even immune to critical effects since they would just regenerate. So yes they would revive without any.

    As for shape shifting, yes you may be able to get the talents of a slate ridge mauler, but you would be a VERY injured slateridge mauler.

  9. 5 hours ago, Frostey said:

    So my question is, if you cant cast a ability ot spell if it requires more ap than you have, and characters have 2 ap

    -why does increase ap allowed to be purchased multiple times.  

    Right now there is nothing in the book the gives players a 3rd generic ap.  And  all spells require 1ap to cast base, so except for the one school that adds 1 ap for casting  no character could add it more the once. Snd even that specific school can only ad it twice. Wouldn't removing the this may be taken more than once and just adding to that schools info "this school may take increase ap immuto twice" make more sense than  implying that its possible to get more ap.

    Because the only way to get a zero ap is with the reduce ap immuto, witch candles out the increase ap immuto and would bassicly require a grimoire to use up all its immuto on 2 that zero out. Meaning they just waste each other and dont actually do anything.  Or more specifically the increase ap more than 1 time becomes pointless.

    Either this needs to be errated ot we need a this character generates additional ap general talent. And even than it seems pointless since your watering a talent just to make something easier cast, when you could just optimize the ability to  cast each turn for a higher damage per attack average.

    Because the cost to benefit for requiring more AP would only up your damage or effectiveness by m as the 2 points but use up your entire action and an entire non existing talent, when instead you could add the same damage bonus with additional suit as your tn reducer, and take the talent to gain a suit to sell skill checks and do the extra 2 damage up to 3x and get a free trigger effect.

    Any character with the Fast condition gains an additional AP, any character with the Casting Expert Talent gains an extra AP which can only go towards spell casting actions. With both of those, you can get 4 AP to cast with, so it is certainly possible.

  10. 5 hours ago, Frostey said:

    So I brought this up in a different topic and would like some input,  but 3 out of the 4 examples of manifested powers from the TtB2e book  cant actually be built using the magia and immuto that are listed in that book, how do you guys fix the problem if the fatemaster says only from the book.

    Then you’d only make spell-like manifested powers.

  11. You could have her wander into a shrine devoted to an incredibly obscure spirit to tie it to the destiny step (and potentially set up future sessions about said spirit). Other things you could have happen could be having her get lured into a rigged three cup game, get distracted by a passing dragon dance (if appropriate), become lost in an opium den, or even just wander in on a good ol’ transaction between some uptight gangsters. 

  12. As with the Villains’ Coffee Shop, and Gary’s Grimoire Emporium and Notary Public, I have made this forum for magical theories because I cannot remain committed to a specific task and just end up tinkering with like, 10 projects at once. This forum is intended for Magical Theories as the Coffee Shop is for Villains and the Grimoire Emporium is for grimoires.

    With the creation of this forum, I also post a few Magical Theories I have made.

    Conduit of Anger:

    Many of the Arcanists believe in careful study of their powers, or allowing it to flow out of them with elegant grave. The Resurrectionists share common methods on this matter, so does the Guild, and many a number of Malifaux’s other mages.

    Some however, have other ways to wield their magical powers. The Conduits of Anger don’t have any control over their magical abilities. This is simply because their magic isn’t tied to study or skill, it’s tied solely to their anger. The more furious a Conduit of Anger becomes, the stronger his magical prowess becomes. Even the most inexperienced spell casters can rival Malifaux’s most powerful if they’re pissed off enough.

    Many of these kinds of people discover their abilities by sheer accident, often being overwhelmed by uncontrollable anger and lashing out at the closest source of their anger. The problem here is that instead of giving them a good left hook, they instead gave them a necrotizing left hook.

    The Witch Hunter protocol regarding Conduits of Anger is to take them out from an incredible distance, as angering or fighting them is surely a losing battle.

    Conduits of Anger may add the value of their Fuming condition to their Sorcery or Enchanting Duels (Maximum+5). While the Conduit of Anger doesn’t have the Fuming condition, it suffers [-][-] to all Sorcery and Enchanting Duels. While the Conduit of Anger has the Enraged condition, it gains +R to all Enchanting duels and +T to all Sorcery Duels. This Magical Theory is strongly ill advised for those without the Rampager Advanced Pursuit.

    The Endless Nightmare

    This character sees magic as something that isn’t real, nor is it fake. Magic is somewhere between line between what is real and what isn’t. By this logic, magic exists between the line separating the real world, and the dreamscape, and the further the line is blurred, the powerful magic should become.

    This Magical Theory is seen as incredibly dangerous by the Guild and is something that would fall under the jurisdiction of the Neverborn hunters rather than the Witch Hunters. Subscribing to this magical theory is usually enough to label someone as a dreamer and to attract everything that comes with it.

    This character gains +1 to his AV for every Nightmare Character within the Spell’s range when casting a Spell or Manifested Power (To a maximum of +3). However, this character cannot target a Nightmare with a harmful spell action.

    Equivalent Exchange

    Often referred to as “the alchemist’s theory,” the character understands that literally everything around them is simply a composition of materials, to the houses around them to the spells that the Arcanists sling. Everything is composed of something, and it’s through that knowledge that a skilled alchemist can wield power over the entire universe simply by manipulating the materials.

    The laws of chemical science are to this character what the holy bible is to a Catholic priest.

    Rather than forcing fireballs into existence, this character simply changes the air around them into an open flame which he then hurls. Enchanting is even easier to this character because part of it is simple modification to existing substances.

    This character may add any bonus to his Alchemistry skill coming from an outside source (Such as an Alchemistry Skill Toolkit, however its portability may prove an issue) to any Sorcery or Enchanting Duel save for the Chemist’s First Hand Experience Talent. However, whenever this character uses the Focus Object immuto, after resolving the action, the Focus Object is destroyed or otherwise rendered useless.

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  13. 7 hours ago, Qualvanda said:

    Why not something along the lines of:

    "That STILL only counts as one!

    Anyone can shoot from afar, where's the fun in that? The competitive nature of this character likes a bit of rivalry to keep him  focused. So he tends to make everything a challenge. 

    When this character gains this ability, choose a friendly character. Both characters gain the condition 'Friendly Rivalry: When this character scores the killing blow on a target, if his rival can see or hear him, that character gain Focus +2'

    If the rival would die or leave for more than two weeks, you may discard a card to appoint a new rival"

    Oh great, now I have to redesign the pursuit to incorporate that as a basic mechanic! Thankfully I don’t have much else to do with my time. 😃

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