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Posts posted by Sol_Sorrowsong

  1. Last list I ran was against a Tara crew in corners plant explosives. (power ritual was in schemes)





    Void wretch x3



    I played Parker +3ss


    Mad dog




    Bandido x2

    Effigy +2ss upgrade


    It was a tough game but I was able to get some nice shots off here and there. Early loss of an overextended bandido was tough. Was given fast, buried, and then eaten by a wretch with + flips. 

    I was able to turn the tide because he had hid Aionus and Talos behind a large tower near the midline corner but then ran two wretches over also and one was sticking out.  I luckily had Mad Dog near with a scheme marker nearby so ran and gunned with a negative but got a lucky hit and blasted onto aionus and the other wretch. Then I blew the tower to hell and took two more shots into the wretch that was just within my 8" range and cheated for double blast to do withering damage to Aionus and killed the two wretches with the last shot/blast.  From then, Aionus was hiding and being healed by the effigy while I controlled the corner and when he finally came out, I  again rained down fire with the chesterfield onto the poor puppet and blasted all over the old man on his clock, killing him off. Double blasts are no joke.

    Game went 6-3 in my favor as he got some early strategy points on me before the killing and a cheeky take prisoner at the end because I forgot about it and decided to attack his nothing beast at the end for fun with my Wokou.


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  2. On 8/1/2019 at 11:25 AM, Adran said:

    Even with out that, its possible to ruin a line of sight to your models by offsetting the markers to not create straight lines they can use to bypass them

    Did concealing incorporate "dense" terrain from m2e? I feel like I've been playing with these markers wrong now and letting myself be attacked through them. Waldgeists feel niche now.  If the board is good for it, that initial bonus underbrush marker can be really useful.

  3. For me the main difference between my Zoraida crew if I'm playing Neverborn over Bayou is the upgrades.  I almost completely stay in keyword and so use versatile or master models infrequently.  So take a good look at what the upgrades offer when deciding which way to lean.  

    A couple of points on some models talked about:

    Waldgeists are great on maps with large forests due to the unique range they have during their attacks.  However, like others have said, they are slow to get into the fray otherwise. I like them for putting the undergrowth marker to make a chokepoint, and as an anti-scheme runner on certain match-ups.  

    Gators are more useful now than in m2e, imo.  They are a brutal 5ss model that may only be stat 5, but can do some serious damage if they hit.  Most importantly their abilities all synergize nicely, they have unimpeded, ruthless and stealth allowing them to get close and get a good charge in without being shot at. Once engaging, they have flurry for an extra bite and penetrating stench, which can brutalize certain models that rely on triggers or bonus actions if they don't pitch a card. Personally, I like to run them when playing in a Bayou crew with "Two gremlins in a ghillie suit" (formerly trench coat) both because it is hilarious and makes them even more threatening. Sz 3, Stat 6 2/3/3 gun instead of using ambush, and the main bonus Disguised. These guys at 7ss are getting spendy, but always get the first big hit (or 4!). I'm not saying they are always the best option, but I've enjoyed having one or two in my games.





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  4. On 7/12/2019 at 1:04 AM, NAX3011 said:

    Thats true, but even other master wich are more in the background have a better defability than TTH.

    Parker's only defenses are stat 6 and 14hp.  Its +1df and +2hp from Tara, but has no ability to ignore bullets or heal back from killed (if near a model, like Karina).

  5. 8 hours ago, CapnBloodbeard said:

    Yeah, I was thinking a gun line probably would have worked better.  Or run my Viks around in the corners and do scheming and let my opponent figure out how to split his forces.  One of my weaknesses is that I always go to my opponent :)

    Recognizing it is the first step. :D  Nekima's crew is about getting in the face and if you do that for them, its only helping.  I'd suggest since you have more models to use them to slip by and make her crew waste actions getting over to your models.  It's all pretty much been said, but I'd add to just remind yourself what helps get the objectives.  Cursed idol is advantageous with more models or healing.  Ask if assasinate is worth investing in.  Sure if you kill Nekima its a win, but is the attempt easier than points elsewhere? If you kill her anyways, you'll probably win on schemes/objective so how secure do you feel about putting all the eggs in one basket?

    • Thanks 1
  6. I mean, the obvious being they both have Challenge, so if they target the same model it will always be forced to discard or not take action. This was essentially Titania and Barbaros in M2E, but I don't think as good now based on the setup required.  Both are more fragile too.

  7. 4 hours ago, Davie said:

    I'm still wondering if there will be a Gremlin-Pioneer, staking Claim to every Inch someone else has already build up a house.

    I mean Mah used to have a Manifest Destiny Upgrade...

    Eventually perhaps.  I'd assume if they bring in another dual faction master for Bayou-ES it would be a human not a gremlin.  Someone like McTavish (or exactly him tbh) fits the bill.  Honestly though, McTavish and Burt Jebsen (and gracie) seem like the kind to go on adventures, so I guess they actually could have one of each.

  8. On 7/11/2019 at 2:26 AM, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Looks like it is pirate Molly this time around!

    Do they release more than one at a time?

    When I saw the hat, I was so hoping for a Zipp box.  Molly models look great, but the ressers are getting all the love. Reva, seamus, molly crew. Even a hat for archie!



  9. On 7/15/2019 at 1:59 AM, Michael Curran said:

    A ‘warped’ “Wizard of Oz” box set for someone would be quite dynamic!  Just not sure about copyright infringements...... that stuff is always a burden on the pocketbook.

    I could see it being a Jack Daw set.  Jack as Dorthy, "Miss Placed?", Lion, Woodsman, Scarecrow could be great tormented models.

    • Agree 1
  10. I've been experimenting a bit also lately, with TOS models.  If anyone eslse decided to go this route i'd highly suggest looking at youtube videos to get an idea on how the colors look on a model.  The pots themselves are very dark and i've been surprised with a few colors.  Additionally, they don't need to go on contact primer. However, the primer does need to be light and the color will distort  based on the below primer.  I will try to get a good picture of my gibbering hordes striped skulkers. They were primed yellow (army painter) and hit with a coat of contact turquoise, which became a mottled green that I really enjoy with the yellow undertone picking though slightly where its thin.


    I do like that they give a quick look at what i might be wanting.  Usually I paint a lot before any wash, but these combine the basecoat and wash steps in a nice way.  Best to go back and detail after and then a final wash or drybrush but I'm enjoying them.  Just carefully choose your colors. I only got a few pots, but am not very happy with my "firestarter flesh? (close enough).  Too dark and brown for what i was expecting. But again, maybe its the primer and basecolor i put under it changing it more. I don't have GW contrast primer.

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  11. I think this has all boiled into an argument of symantics now.

    Could it be more precise? Yes.  Is it clear given the context of how the game is played? I think also yes.

    4 hours ago, LeperColony said:

    Declaring the trigger is what prompts the need to pay costs.  If you don't declare the trigger, you don't have to pay any costs.  We all agree on that.

    But if simply declaring the trigger creates the cost, then necessarily by the time the cost exists, the trigger has been declared.  And all The Sow's ability requires is for the trigger to be declared.

    Not originally your point, nor a point I brought up.  This is true and we all agree.


    The discussion was over optional use due to the "OR" and I think this has never been an option for the player. Hence my statement earlier:

    4 hours ago, Sol_Sorrowsong said:

    Is there another instance in abilities or actions where the player has been able to make a choice in like this?  Something happens OR it doesn't and a player can choose it doesn't?  If so, then there is precedent for your interpretation.  If not, then not.  

    Again, perhaps it could be more precise but I've never seen or heard of a player having the option to choose to fail the trigger due to the "OR" clause after voluntarily or being forced into taking the trigger.

  12. I'm still not getting how 

    5 hours ago, LeperColony said:

    "These costs must be paid when the Trigger is declared or no other portion of the Trigger may be resolved."  (again, added emphasis)

    can mean anything other than you must pay the trigger costs.  To me, the "or" does not indicate giving the player a choice, only a statement for what occurs should the cost fail to be paid (currently, to me that is only if player cannot pay the cost (i.e no cards in hand)).

    Action Italics say Sow must declare trigger on attack.  Sow attacks.  Trigger is declared, Player has cost, player must pay cost.


    Is there another instance in abilities or actions where the player has been able to make a choice in like this?  Something happens OR it doesn't and a player can choose it doesn't?  If so, then there is precedent for your interpretation.  If not, then not.  


    I think the only way to get around those MUST triggers is to stone/cheat another suit. 

    • Agree 1
  13. In Bayou Zoraida, I've put tactical trench coats on my Bayou Gators.  It gives disguised on a model with stealth. A 6" gun with stat 6 for a bonus action, and if the Gator dies, out pops a gremlin.  The only challenge is that it makes them Size 3, so you need to remember that because they can start blocking more line of sight, but on the other hand are more resistant to attacks vs size.

    I used it in a local tourney to good success but it started as a joke.  I thought the idea of a gator in a trench coat was like the bayou "Scruff McGruff".  Or since it has a demise trigger, it never was a live gator, but just some gremlins pretending with some stolen taxidermy.


    I've also used Inferiority complex on a silurid, but to be honest, the free suit (for onslaught trigger) never came up for me and I completely forgot about the free focus from Swagger so it was a waste of stones that time.  I think it has its uses for sure.


    Twelve cups seems situational, best on something that would get stuck in to use that aura.  However, 1" movement from twitchy seems REALLY good for a sneaky scheme runner.  No LOS needed or anything and ANY OTHER model ending an activation gives it a nudge.  That means in 8v8 model games it will get a free 15" of movement per turn! Seems crazy to me, but again. I haven't tried it.

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