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Posts posted by Fenriel

  1. From all I've read, yes you could attach the emissary curse. But upgrade slots are at a premium. I usually take one if not both of his main upgrades and with the recent influx of heavy minions, I don't like leaving his minions curse out. Maybe if I tried a beater Daw setup. With how many things have positive flips these days, I'm starting to feel Daw is naked without alot of terrain or survivalist. (Looking at your Ironsides - Gunline ouch)

    More I look at them, I'm a bit disappointed with both. I need to give them a few games but I don't forsee taking either very often. Interesting Schemes & Stones seemed to have the same idea. 


  2. Not a bad setup but a few concerns.

    Taelor & Johan are both slow melee beasts. Taelor also has the ability to knock folks back a bit (helpful in HH). Sue is awesome for many reasons (Kinda slow also), although I might lean towards return fire over the additional oathkeeper. All three models are reasonably tough, but you would struggle if they range you or slow you down. 



  3. I've yet to run him in a tournament but I've won several games with him lately. He offers alot of utility for the crew. and unless the opponent has easy access to focus, you can keep him alive a long time (survivalist or a nurse help too). I tend to always run him, guilty and a beater with bigger they are. A few of the Crossroad 7 are wonderful depending on strats & schemes and I like dead outlaws with him more than parker. A&D tends to get outside his control bubble for my taste.  Sue, Johan, Emissary are all great fits. 


    Reading the Desolation trick above.....I need to try that. It may only work once but the chaos will be spectacular. 

  4. I like the crossroad 7 (specifically envy and lust) but the rest are situational. Nurse is very very handy and nearly an auto-include for me. I've become a fan of dead outlaws with him as well. They are fairly tough and independent scheme runners and have + 1 dmg to anything with an upgrade (perfect for Jack) on their shooting. In a pinch they can also tear through armor which is something Jack can struggle with.




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  5. I started with VS as my first master since he was straight forward to play. After venturing into other masters of the outcasts, I do find him a bit lacking at least in GG2016/GG2017. I frequently want to take models that aren't freikorps and what synergy he has vanishes. At that point he's feels like strongarm suit with an extra ap and a nice 0. I'm hoping the new engineer model will renew my interest in playing him. I will say with the emissary and the right situation he can be alot of fun though and shut down a chunk of the board amazingly well. I just hate having to take the emissary every match to make him more viable. 

  6. I just recently started with Jack and he's rapidly becoming a favorite master. I haven't tried him much with toxic territory setups. I've been adding in some crossroad seven + a few of my favorites. My list from yesterday was (I think)

    Jack - 3 curse, 2 upgrade

    Johan - Bigger


    Lust - Upgrade to increase auras

    2 Dead outlaw

    1 guilty


    The extra movement fixes so many of my favorite models and the curses are an excellent way to screw up someone's plans. 


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