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Everything posted by FateWitch

  1. Wasn't sure if they got to decide what was being Interacted with. Thanks for clearing it up quickly!
  2. For the Journalist keyword's Exclusive Interview ability does the Journalist player decide which type of Interact happens? Say my opponent wants to Interact with a strategy marker...can I make them drop a scheme marker instead?
  3. Hey all! I really enjoy Reva from a fluff and playstyle perspective, but I can't seem to wrap my head around what Reva 2 wants to be doing on the table. Is she mostly trying to push models around, ping them for damage, and then finish them with Immolate? Is she more of a back line model? What has worked for you all?
  4. Thanks Maniacal! I'll look into each of those a bit more!
  5. Hey all! I started playing Titania a little while ago and things finally clicked into place a bit about how synergies, triggers, hand management, and positioning all play into a game of Malifaux! Now, I rarely feel like I actually want to paint models, but the Urami and Experimental crews are calling to me. However, I'd like to collect three crews for the sake of tournament play when I get to that point. I know it may be hard to tell with GG3 just having dropped, but is there a crew that pairs well with Urami and Experimental? Not necessarily thinking of sharing models, but more from the standpoint of shoring up weaknesses or bad match-ups. Thank you all again for any advice!
  6. I gave the Whiskey Golem a go, but didn't position him very well either. Got stuck in with Rusty real quick to stop her from firing, but Levi fired into the combat and flipped really well even at a negative (he didn't channel or have focus) and hit my Whiskey Golem for severe twice. That was on turn one too. I definitely see what you mean about Obey! After chatting with you on here I feel that exact way about the game. I could have won it if I had played a bit differently even though I lost 1 to 5. I'll have to experiment and see what works for me and what doesn't as far as Juju goes and knowing its limits on the battle field. Just got all the alt Ulix models in so I'm even more excited now! Thanks again for all the help!
  7. Thank you, Math! I think I may have been too focused on Obeying my own models instead of putting my opponent into a tough position by Obeying his models. Also definitely misplaced my Silurids and got them killed early on. How do you feel about Juju? It did decently in my game (I forgot about soulstones for it too), but it also seems fairly squishy. Is it mostly a counter-attack piece? An abomination stopping it from healing hurt too. Killed a desolation engine and didn't even think about the consequences haha. Loving the game and looking forward to learning more about the Bayou.
  8. Hey all! So I dabbled a bit in 2e, but never took things too seriously. Jumped into 3e buying Zoraida (her alt box was too good to pass up) and Titania (she was suggested as a good place to start). Now I'm looking to play a Faction and focus on events. I love the Bayou models and so here I am. However I'm having a hard time grasping how a couple masters are generally played. I tried out Zoraida for the first time tonight, and lost horribly against Levi. Granted they were mostly bad decisions on my part, but I also don't feel like the crew clicks with me like Titania's did. It could be that I need to adjust to the crew, but are there any tips for playing her in Bayou? Also listened to the deep dive on Mah, but (as expected) she can't pulse out as much Focus any more. Has that impacted her playstyle? Generally just trying to come to grips with the faction. Had a blast playing Zoraida even though I got stomped. Looking at learning Mah, Zoraida, Ulix, and Brewmaster. Not looking for anything super in depth here, but just a general overview of what Zoraida and Mah are trying to do. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  9. Thank! I'm a sucker for anything spooky/Halloween themed so I couldn't resist. Grabbed her box. The alt Will-o-Wisps. A box of Silurids. A box of Bokors and the McTavish box. Pretty sure I have The First Mate lying around here from 2e as well as the Emissary and Hooded Rider. Oh and a Doppelganger.
  10. So I went to my FLGS and they had Zoraida's special box (the pre-assembled Halloween looking one) and I caved. Titania is next on my list once I get some games in with Zoraida.
  11. Thank you all! I'm going to give McCabe a go as I like his title as well as his "normal" version.
  12. Thanks Maniacal! I appreciate all of the recommendations. I'll take a closer look at those masters and their keywords too. Haven't looked much into Hamelin. McCabe looks like he may fill the role pretty well so far. Especially in Ten Thunders. Why is Basse 2 usually considered weak?
  13. Thanks Azahul. Watching a video about Sonnia as we speak. I'll look into McCabe as well. Jack Daw is basically what I'm looking for, but ranged it looks like. Being melee isn't the end of the world though. Rasputina looks interesting too, but I can't tell exactly how good she is at killing nowadays.
  14. Hey all! I've dabbled in Malifaux a bit before, but want to jump back in as I have a good group of people around to play with now. My biggest trouble is finding a Keyword that I really like playstyle wise. Most of my playstyle references come from video games, but I enjoy a control/burst War craft where I can sort of lock someone down for a moment to get off a burst combo. I also enjoy ranged combat over melee. Examples include Lux from League of Legends, Alolan Ninetales from Pokémon Unite, and Frost Mage in World of Warcraft. If anyone could point me in a general direction that would be awesome. Looking forward to jumping back into the game.
  15. Thank you! That was immensely helpful as well, Wolfpact! Leaning more towards Never born aftee reading them both, but they're bother still tempting. Honestly, I'll end up with both eventually, so I'll probably start Neverborn (Candy is my favorite model in the Malifaux miniatures line) and grab some Gremlins down the road. Thank you both once more!
  16. Thank you so much Dogmantra! That was excellent and exactly what I was looking for. Now just to see what the Neverborn have up their sleeves! Thank you again!
  17. Hey all! I tried posting this once before and got an error. Hopefully I won't post twice. Anyway, I've been playing Malifaux for about a month now as Arcanists. They were great to learn the game with, but don't "feel right" to me. I'm looking at Gremlins and Neverborn now and love both miniature lines. What I'm confused about is the difference in playstyles. They both seem like quick "glass cannon" factions. A lot of Gremlins have Reckless that let them move around/achieve schemes/etc. While it looks like Neverborn have a lot of built-in movement and/or movement tricks. Both factions also seem to be able to hit fairly hard when needed as well. I know Masters can switch up playstyles immensely, but in general can you all help to clear up what the differences are between the Gremlins and Neverborn playstyle wise? I haven't met anyone with either faction as of yet. Sorry about this being another beginner post, but thank you all for hearing me out!
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