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Everything posted by moralebooster

  1. Wow! Great advice all around. I really do appreciate it. I'm going to keep doing more research and see where I end up. It might just come down to looks, which can sometimes be a nice tiebreaker. I appreciate all the advice. I think the Seamus and McMourning boxes with a few additions would be a decent start for the Resurrectionists ,and Somer with some additional add-ons if I choose Gremlins.
  2. Greetings! I've been perusing the forums for sometime now hoping to gain some insight on this question. I'm a new player and I enjoyed the starter box quite a bit. I have a $100 gift certificate I've been sitting on from Miniature Market for sometime and decided to dedicate it to Malifaux. As far as factions go, I'm torn between (although I probably could get some of both) the Gremlins and the Resurrectionists. As a newer player, are there any crews that standout from one another for these factions? Should I go $100 or so all in one, or split it down the middle? Both playstyles and appearances of the factions appeal to me. Just trying to get a gauge on what might be the best bang for my buck. I've read through the tactics guides on the main page and wouldn't mind hearing some people's opinion. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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