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Everything posted by ChirpOTK

  1. I don't really like to proxy things so it looks like I won't have best tools for lucius until they finally come out.
  2. Well after a small high comes he lowest low. I tried Lucius again last night and it went horribly. My list was really awful, I tried to fit as many minions in the list as I could, I wanted to score off of occupy their turf, convict labor and guard the stash. I had a list with 11 models. My opponent played misaki and killed four of my models turn one, by push push charging her, and shooting with katanaka snipers. So never never take all minion lists, and I probably shouldn't ever take lucius.
  3. Last night I won my first game. I played Perdita against my friend's Lilith list. I won 7 to 6 The main strategy was headhunter, which I scored 3 points from Exhaust their forces, I got 1 point from and hunting party which I got 3 from. My list was Perdita, Francisco, The judge, brutal emissary, an austringer, and a death marshall. The all star definitely went to the austringer. It was the first game I got to play one and he ended up dealing 19 damage total, and delivered orders to secure the game winning point from headhunter. I was also able to take my opponent's barbaros off the table turn 1 with a vengeance bullet from Perdita.
  4. I know Malifaux is a 35mm game, but would some plastcraft terrain such as the ones below fit in on a malifaux table? or will they look comically small? http://www.miniaturemarket.com/pcgewar52.html http://www.miniaturemarket.com/pcgmedieval-01.html http://www.miniaturemarket.com/pcgoldwest-03.html
  5. I did use her fire walls effectively, I blocked line of sight to her well, but I think he used Sensei Wu or something to push misaki way around and get passed them for a charge on francisco who was right next to sonnia.
  6. I played another game last night, it ended in a draw so still no win in my book, but I feel like I did much better. I played Sonnia with papa, francisco, a death marshall, 2 stalkers, a hunter and a watcher. Sonnia was able todo so much more work with papa's and francisco's buff, and focusing with her. I was able to remove a TT samurai from the board turn 2, and deal 6 damage to his master misaki. He would have done better if he had known that he couldn't spend soul stones near sonnia because he did get to charge her with Misaki on turn 2 after the samurai died, but that upgrade saved me. I chose convict labor, and plant the explosives. Our strategy was headhunter. I got 3 points off of convict labor with the watcher just plopping markers on the center line, 2 points off plant the explosives, and only 1 off headhunter because I planned my turns poorly. I feel like this thread has helped and I played a better game, I just need to maybe pick better schemes, or focus more on strategies.
  7. I posted this in another thread when talking about what models I had available to use, but I thought I might like to just show off my collection. I own quite a few more models, but I don't put anything on the table that isn't painted.
  8. Quick rules question about target friendly model. Can the caster target themself? The example I have is Master Queeg's ability that lets him push 3 by dealing 1 damage to target friendly model at the start of his activation. Can he whip himself forward?
  9. Wooo, finished up Dita and Loco last night, and got a lot of progress made on an Austringer (I ordered a box of 2 from Wyrd, but they only shipped me one spru, so I'm waiting for the replacement)
  10. I'm bad about this. I get inside my own head and just get flustered very early on in the game because stuff goes sideways so fast it seems, and I don't know how to recover.
  11. This is the first I've heard of this!
  12. This is my current guild collection, plus Francisco and Ryle who I just finished, and I'll likely finish Perdita tonight.
  13. Yeah, I think that thread was me in the past too haha. I've tried to ask lots of questions here, and everyone is always super helpful. My track record hasn't gotten any better though. We do make sure he pays to fly up, but not down. I think one of the most disappointing things lately is that every time I activate Sonnia, I literally stand still, cast flameburst 3 times with quick study ca, and do like 4 damage to one model and that's it lol. I guess I just flip very poorly, or don't use my resources well enough (Usually I only cheat when trying to keep my models alive)
  14. The last game I recall was something like him playing lilith, two youngs, 3 terror tots, a black blood shaman, and nekima. I played a Sonnia list that was around..... Sonnia, the judge, master queeg, a death marshall 2 witchling stalkers and a watcher. Basically what happens when I play Sonnia is I try to cast flameburst a lot, but I always end up just dealing 2 damage to stuff, never really get the blasts, then they just get to me with their incredibly fast, terrain ignoring nephilim and Sonnia dies FAST. We play with a lot of terrain, walkways and walls and stuff, but he just flies up onto a walkway, then flies down off of it if he needs to charge something. My army seems so slow that I can't really get the alpha, or keep away from him for long enough.
  15. I am a new player and I've actually got quite the big guild collection already. I've painted 3 masters, Sonnia, Lucius (Who was my first master, because I loved his theme and idea so much, but it turns out he's apparently the worst master in the game which really upsets me.) and Lady J. I've got Perdita, nearly finished but I'm getting very.... disheartened because of my wicked losing streak. I'm play mostly in my small group of friends who play Lilith, The Dreamer, Yan Lo, and a TT monk master that I can't recall the name of. I've tried to read up on threads from players with similar issues, but I can't seem to make much progress. My friends all started at the same time as me so we're all new, maybe played for about 2 months, but every time we play I just feel like their armies can do so much more than mine. I've got flying nephilim just charging me from days away, the dreamer draws 4 cards extra with a soulstone and that lets him put an extra 20 something points of models on the table on turn one. My TT friend is the one who I draw with, and our games are much closer, but I still can't seem to get a win lol. I'm not quite sure what the goal of this post is, I know there are a bunch of similar ones that exist already that I've read through, maybe I just need some people to talk to to help me not get so disheartened.
  16. This has been very enlightening I appreciate the responses! If anyone knows the more let me hear about it!
  17. Mostly just curious about the story of the Ortega family, why do they throw their lot in with the guild's interests? Is there anywhere I can read up on them?
  18. Ahh thank you! Sorry about asking a question that had already been posted.
  19. Last night I played a game with Sonnia and had a model die from the damage caused by burning+1 on it. In that situation can she still summon a witchling stalker?
  20. I see, does his master box happen to include it?
  21. I know I'm missing the guild upgrade, "promises." I can't find information on it.
  22. I'm a new player and I've gotten both arsenal decks for my faction and the wave 2 generalist deck that just came out, but I'm still missing upgrades and I'm not sure where to get the rest of them, can anyone let me know what I need?
  23. Are there any outposts or cities outside of the main huge city where the breach was initially, or do the Neverborn really trap people inside the main city walls?
  24. The top quote is someone mentioning impassable walls. You can't walk through impassable terrain, but because it's height 1 you can easily climb over it. That's how I figured it.
  25. So say we treat the walls as climbable, hard cover, impassable. You could walk over it, but it would require an extra inch of movement to get up it. Could you charge over it? I suppose you can't climb during a charge lol
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