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Posts posted by JDAntoine

  1. 8 hours ago, Valgaav said:

    Flicker.  The mechanic you're looking for her is, unquestionably, Flicker.

    Ha, that would match!

    Will try my best to think of some additional concept rules or powers. I thought I might aswell share a sketch for something that has been in my mind since reading about the burning man.


    I really like your Franco idea aswell horvagab, where did you find the Sorcerer-General idea? 

    • Like 3
  2. Lorewise I do understand the love for Lucius and partially also think it's a pitty that on the competative scene he might feel lackluster. On the other side... Most factions have a single Master who feels and preforms somewhat lackluster.

    I'm sorry of not being of any help but I do think the future will contain more small boosts for Lucius. If that boost is to come I do not feel it's in the form of Upgrades only however. But I'll go deeper into that after breaking the ice with Lucius... eventually...

  3. Very true but I do like the placement effect of the Judge a lot. I feel the biggest problem Resurrs cause to us is when we are clogged down with multiple nasty pieces, forcing multiple Horror duals and generally surrounding us with too much Wd.

    Phiona certainly is a ton of help but her Stone Pillar is less needed and generally speaking any model that can generate more attacks by himself will do. I like the Brutal Emissary because of that a lot aswell.

    Ludvig, I would love to hear your Master specific tactica, I only see Yan Lo and while Perdita has been effective I do think we might have more options... But my experience on that is severly lacking.

    • Like 1
  4. Love those, they seem both elegant and useful. As expected from a 0 SS Upgrade offcourse. It could even be a wonderful thing to come forth out of a character like Capitan Dashal, offcourse we would require another Upgrade for that and I don't know what the consensus is about Upgrades creating Upgrades...

    As is I'm also sketching up some ideas for The Burning Man, but I'm uncertain if I should make him a Henchmen, Enforcer or Peon. I think Enforcer would be the likely best "catch all" by large also because the whole set of Emissaries is also part of the Enforcer level whilst technically speaking they are very different from Enforcers.

    The prime idea I'm playing with regarding The Burning Man is something that can technically only survive until turn 4, increasing it to 5 if a Master is killed. As mentioned in a way he would be a reversed Rider in the sence that his power and form dwindles in power.

    What I like so much about Dr. Manhattan in terms of inspiration is that he 'burned up' but also re-appeared in unexplainable ways, to me this could form a very interesting basis in us having acces to the former Governor-General in a limited way, while asking ourselves, are we willing to pay SS for something that with total certainty will not survive to the end of the game :D
    Obvious abilities I'm think of for him are:
    - Immunity to all conditions (including Burning)
    - Act like the Cherufe that was part of Sonnia, thus likely adding 1 damage / +1 Burning to models who are within 1" of him at the end of the turn
    - Incorporeal
    - Tyrant
    - A bucket of Wd akin to that of a Master, I'm thinking 12 or 14
    - A figure akin to that of what we know about the old Governor-General (thus a big potent guy burning up ;) )

    Looking forward to much more! Thanks wizuriel!

  5. 1 hour ago, daniello_s said:

    I do. Now you could invest 12SS in something else and summon Austringers turn 1 and 2 ;)

    Yeah like Ressurectionists, Neverborn, Arcanists, Gremlins and Ten Thunders right?  I mean summonning hardly is exclusive to any faction anymore :)

    But I agree, the ability itself is extremely potent and powerful, I just believe that due to the restriction and Scheme required you still need to spend 'more AP' into it as you would with summonning from Corpse markers and/or Construct markers. Usually where you want to have your Austringers you don't want to place your Scheme markers?...

    In any case I think it could be applied because:
    - All other non-Austringer Guardsmen are rather a rare sight, because of reasons :D
    - Many Guardsmen are looking for a buddy and this could allow you to go that route
    - Scheme marker requirement and 10 Rng Ca's who are limited to 1 per turn are a lot of restrictions to me. It certainly is powerful but as the rankings show us it's not like the Guild is on top of the whole metagame or something... (granted I want to make clear the intention behind this Action most certainly doesn't come from that... Instead lore shows us that Franco is surrounded by new Guardsman that wern't there before...) 

    If the Austringer summonning is deemed to powerful it's obviously possible to make the Minion summing non-Austringer non-Construct aswell. However I still feel that as the game grows it's not like the Austringers are solely dominating the game (or the Guild) anymore. Ideally we will even come to a point where other Guardsman Minions are considered and I believe a casting spell like this could be one of those ways to go that route.

    Currently I think it's a pitty that many of the Guardsmen don't see play, in many I feel this comes from needing two to really make it 'click'.

    • Guild Hounds are awesome with Luna (thus McCabe) but otherwise are not that difficult to thake out and made less functional. As mentioned they require a pairing system. 
    • Guild Guard could be usefull in a pair but currently do not feel like it's worth spending 8 points for. Again not too difficult to thake out, much less useful outside of a pair.
    • Guild Pathfinder and Guard Sergeant just generally love a swarm of either Traps or Guardsmen, they synergize reasonably well allready but also again work with some kind of a pairing system to really make relevant. Even the Guild Pathfinder can fail with his summons ;). Having a Trap ready (in the Crew) and be able to Summon a Pathfinder would be brilliant but also something that soaks up a Scheme marker and a turn. 
    • Mounted Guard, pairing system, need we say more?

    So out of the mayority only the Guild Austringer is the one who wants to go solo but as mentioned by others still is Rare 2, still wants to do other jobs and from my experience doesn't want to be where the Scheme's are.

    A possible niche for Franco to step into is to make Guardsmen a competative viable asset to the Guild. I also feel there is nothing really tapping into that yet, which could make for a unique character. 

    However I'm just looking for more ideas :D! I am certain there are more players with wishes! 

    Make them as silly or overpowered as you wish! I feel we still also need a brewmaster in the Guild. 


  6. Just now, Adran said:

    Its actually an Arabic name, which is much nearer to Abbysinia than India

    As I see it Hakim is an Arabic name, but Hackeem very much is the Indian spin off, granted I understand where the source comes from. :D

    Certainly would be a gigantic fiesta for Guardsmen! However I will also add that the synergy of Guardsmen often comes in pairs, something that doesn't make the Austringer better perse but the Hounds, Guild Guard and Mounted Guard would love having a buddy system going on! It's obviously very powerful but that's why the max 1 is added. 

    But I'm looking for ideas! :D

  7. Hi guys,

    From time to time I think we see some really cool topics regarding models in the Guild we wish where just a sliver better or clearly see as being one of the reasons as to why the Guild is shaped the way it is *cough* Frank/Austringers *cough*, nevertheless I think a lot of the Guild community has some good and awesome ideas when asked about it. 
    So I decided to make a topic dedicated to characters you wish to see upgraded or characters you wish to be implemented within the game. After all we never know what the future might hold in store for us ;)

    After having read Wave 4 and some topics on the old Governor-General I can understand as to why his character wasn't implented into the game. I felt his perso was strong, slightly horrible and downright difficult to capture into a single Master. However with the new Governor-General I think it might open the doors again to see something new...

    - Franco Marlow
    When I think about the new Governor-General and the lore pieces we have recieved surrounding Franco Marlow and how suprised Lucius was to see dozens of Guard he didn't know I instantly think he would be a very good Master to fill in non-Construct Minion Summonning shoes that are empty right now. While Sonnia to an extend can do something like it, (the Pathfinder can set his traps) many of the Guardsman feel like 'underused' models that would fit in perfectly with a summoners card. To give a nice little sum up of what we could be possibly dealing with:

    3 Guild Hound
    4 Guild Guard
    5 Guild Rifleman
    6 Guild Austringer / Guild Pathfinder / Guard Sergeant
    7 Mounted Guard

    If you guys think something like it could be very cool I'd probably go something akin to this route:

    • (1) Keys to the Breach (Ca 6:ram / TN * / Rg 10): Name a Guardsmen Minion model. The TN of this Action is 10 :ram:ram plus the Soulstone Cost of the named model. Summon the named model within 1" of target Scheme Marker, then discard the Scheme Marker. This Action may only be taken once per Turn. 

    I would love to hear your guys ideas behind it and other abilities we might have in store here, just looking for some really cool open minded debate and ideas really :D.

    - The Burning Man
    The old Governor-General  in his partial Tyranic state is something I believe could be very interesting for future reference, partially because it reminds me somewhat of the destruction and re-creation of Dr. Manhattan from the Watchmen. Odd as that might sound I think it leaves us with possibilities for having a 'monster admist the Guild' for a smaller ammount of time. 

    In a way I think it could be very interesting to have something akin to a "Reverse Rider" if you will. Something that starts out incredibly strong but likely is gone as soon as we enter turn 3 or 4... 
    Again I would love to hear some creative ideas around him.

    - Dr. Hackeem Tewolde
    Something tells me it's extremely likely we'll see Hackeem appear in the next wave, my expectation is that he basically is a referse Sandeep, a man that decided he could sell his morals to better himself and perhaps more importantly ward us from the likely repeat of history that once again will clean this Earth from magic. At which point the mechnical maters have the option to dominate.

    If his floating mechanisms are any kind of suggestion I think we might see more steam-punk guard and flying machines! I wouldn't be suprised if Phiona was actually "helped" by Dr. Tewolde.

    Looking forward to your wishlist!


    • Like 1
  8. Lady J thematically does the trick, however I feel Perdita is up for the task aswell, Incorporeal can be a real solid tactic into the Guild due to the often lower ammount of Ca options we have available. For sure Sonnia with her blasts technically can deal with swarms but as Ludvig mentioned sometimes this damage just isn't enough. Perdita offers Trick Shooting which simply by-passes the whole issue with Incorporeal, on top of that I always felt Obey can be really potent into ressers and with the Brutal Emissary we have direct acces to it.

    Beaters in general are nice, thinking about Lady J, McCabes crew or McMourning even but I'd personally like my chances with Perdita. She is a bit vunerable to blasts and effects and such but that's nothing we shouldn't be able to handle when we factor in a Brutal Effigy aswell. Nellie certainly brings the Ca's I like more but is also more likely to get clogged down, due to her own strategies and additional bonusses.

    Long story short, not only scheme's matter, the Ressurectionist expected a lot aswell. If I'm totally uncertain what Resser I'll see I don't think Perdita is a wrong choice, Aura Ancestral is a cheap acces to not having to worry about Horror Duels too much and Trick Shooting perfectly deals with Incorporeal to me these are two big assests Ressers can bring besides having a lot of Wd.

    Obviously you also can't go wrong with the Judge.

    • Like 4
  9. Fantastic news ahead:

    TLDR: Their mistake, new ones will come. As mentioned above, it was a very likely oversight, not too impossible because it is very hard to notice if you do not have Lucas McCabe or the Lone Rider next to them and as said the Pale Rider (like all Riders) is purposefully much larger as what we should expect from a regular horse.

    Very happy to see this cleared up :D


    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

    Then I am at a loss to explain it. It was just on the side of passable for Reva, but not for these guys. 

    Well we are just humans after all. It's not too unlikely that someone at Wyrd though, well... this way they are cheaper and we don't expect to sell all that many...

    It's a bit harsh to say it so bluntly honest but I think we can both agree that these guys are no giant spiders or emissary demi-god models in the game.

    18 minutes ago, Clement said:

    Is there a photo somewhere of Reva and a mounted guardsman together?  curious about the relative horse sizes.

    My best guess is that it's roughly the same. Let's dive in there:

    By Khaiden

    By Zombie

    Like Khaiden I guess we could place them all on massive rock-like formations. It's how Ressers seem to handle the model. The problem I have with this for us is that the Mounted Guard is a rather dynamic model and that on rocks often looks odd.

  11. 12 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

    3D printing the model before it goes out for production would probably help a lot. Not sure if this is how things are already done there, but a decent machine costs $400 to prototype a Ht 3 model. If Wyrd has in-house rendering people, or even just given the GCode file and have the printer on site, they could start printing in the morning and have an exact scale proof by the end of lunchtime. If the completed model doesn't look good in-hand, you touch it up and start again the next day. 

    I don't want my rugged keepers of law and justice trotting into battle on ponies. Just my biased opinion.

    We know Wyrd recieves a final copy before it goes out for production. This is the case for every miniature/statue compagny who lets their models be produced in china. Just a while ago the Titania alternate version of this was available for the winner of the Facebook event thingy. 

    In any case I'm almost 100% certain this just slipped trough, because of whatever reason. Without the side by side comparison it doesn't even look that odd, but it does when you do include nicely sized horse models next to it. 

  12. 37 minutes ago, Absolution Black said:

    Yeah, the female rider is probably the correct scale to the rest of the range, the guy could be a smaller guy in the scheme of it I guess.  It is just the size of the ponies that looks...wrong.


    It is incredibly wrong, don't let anyone let you think else. I doubt Wyrd has seen this topic, I guess I could PM Aaron about it?

    As said, I would have minded it less if the Guild didn't have that many cavalry models. As an example the Pale Rider is gigantic and a huge ex-Death Marshall isn't a suprise to anyone either. McCabe though is more or less our regular sized rider. The Riders on the models don't look very differently sized as McCabe, the Horses are really the odd one out. Just by eye-balling I can see they should be at least 20-25% bigger, propperly horse sized.

    Jokes aside I think it's a pitty they came out this way and deem it very unlikely they will be changed. I guess the best we can do is hope for good sized alternatives. In practically all my lists I can't see myself running 2 but I certainly want to be able to run at least 1. 

  13. 6 hours ago, skoatz said:

    If you take one of her upgrades (I forget which one), it gives Nellie a defensive trigger that adds +1 evidence.  So you attack her with the watcher, and choose not to relent (so she can declare a defensive trigger).  The watcher's damage track is 0/1/1 so it's not likely Nellie will take much damage.  But she gets +2 evidence.

    Absolutely, the Guild Funds upgrade is as mandatory as Upgrades get for Nellie. All the others are more debatable. 

    While the trick is very nice, I will say that it's not mandatory to go that route at all but it's certainly benificial at times :D

  14. 1 hour ago, Cadaverousbirth said:

    In all honesty I would be happy to pay $60~ for two Lone Marshall sized minis, since that's fair between the LM being $35 on his own. As is I can't justify buying these war ponies at all.

    I can let Reva go because she's supposed to be petite and riding a near-dead pony from her fluff. These are not supposed to be mini-horses. All this box says to me is convert something better.

    Same here, I blame Ramos. This clearly is the work of Arcanist elite messing with our stock.

    Malifaux Tattler will cover this the 14th, mark my words.

    • Like 2
  15. I just said it to a friend of mine.

    Wyrd handles almost everything perfectly, great game, great miniatures, great feedback, great community, great promotions almost everything but scaling seems to be their kryptonite.

    I'll write an in-character Nellie article about it. I'm fairly certain it's the Arcanists and MS&U screwing us over. 

    Edit: The riders are actually decently sized, the horses/ponies however.

    • Like 2
  16. 39 minutes ago, LunarSol said:

    This doesn't work.  The extra damage only lasts until the end of the model's activation and can only be triggered at the start of the model's activation.  The only thing Nellie can add to it is Fast.

    Extra damage/attacks remains extra damage :)

  17. 2 minutes ago, LunarSol said:

     I wouldn't sacrifice model count or quality to take 3 of them though. 

    So far for me this is always the case with General Guild Upgrades, barring maby Lady J with BoO but she allready isn't too high on the competative totem for me.

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