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Everything posted by Seratonin

  1. Thank you so much for the info guys especially Fetid strumpet for giving such a detailed response. I'll go over the info with her and go from there but I think it's safe to say ill put infinity on the backburner for now and go for the starter and off from there
  2. So with the the rather odd title out of the way I'm not really sure where to start with Malifaux but before that let me introduce myself a bit. Im a second year medical school student who all but left the hobby due to money and time constraints but recently ive gotten some motivation to start up again. Prior to this I've played Warmahordes back in 2e and Infinity up until last year when I had to move away for university. Now to the matter at hand. Recently my fiance has recently been interested in trying out minature wargaming after hearing me talk about it quiet often. After some research we narrowed down to either starting up infinity or malifaux after browsing their catalogs . Now I come here hoping to learn a bit more of the following. 1)How is faction and crew balance? Are certain factions more op from others? Do lists for certain masters and factions have auto includes? Is the game similar to warmahordes back in 2e where its more about pulling off combos then actual tactics? 2) how well balanced are the boxsets? Which ones would you recommend for a person new to the hobby? We weren't really fans of the two player started because of the static poses but if it's the best option we'll consider it. 3) terrain as i understand it is fundamental to the game like it is in Infinity, but does it serve any purpose aside from blocking LoS? 4) I'm really interested in playing Luciuis but remember that someone once told me he was the worst master for a newcomer . Why is that? 5) there are no FLGS in our area so are the rules easy enough to pick up without having to be walked through it by someone? And that's about it. Apologies for the long post and thanks for taking the time to read this!
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