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Posts posted by Mununkulus

  1. Question regarding the Mature Nephilim. Can you use Flurry for 3 attacks and use the Charge Through trigger on the 3rd attack to charge another minion (if not engaged of course) to get off another 2 attacks, on which you may use the charge through trigger again, etc. ending in an endless spree of attack / charge if you have enough tomes ?

  2. Question: If Lilith has placed 3 Consuming Land markers around her, making a nice little triangle (touching each other or not to be defined by the ruling here), then moves into the triangle and uses tangle shadows to place a model right in the middle of the triangle or her gaze, the enemy model thus entering the 3 hazardous zones with the same action. 

    scenario1: markers are not touching - does the placed model have to take 3 dmg flips for the 3 different zones? 

    scenario2: markers are touching - is this considered one zone since they are all named the same and overlapping/touching ?

    Thanks for your feedback

  3. picking up on this, I had a situation last night where we were not sure about the ruling. 

    Lilith placed 2 consuming land markers next to each other, touching. In a later round, my opponent wanted to push a terror tot st that he would enter both markers at the same time.

    Q1: do 2 touching markers of the same kind count as one bigger "zone" ? We had the discussion once in  another game with dense terrain placed inside of dense terrain and we actuelly never clarified that either :) could you see through the dense marker inside a dense forest or do they "stack" ?

    Q2: if they are treated as separate zones, do you flip twice as you enter 2 markers or is it either way one flip per push max?

  4. I played Lilith into Kirai this weekend. I have to admit, my opponent is the store owner and was distracted by customers a couple of times and made some mistakes he probably usually wouldn't do. Still, the match ended up being very one-sided.

    In order to avoid Ikiryo, I used a combo of tangle shadows and black blood (ability and postule) to kill the summons that popped up. Nekima with Grow and Mature then turned injured Tots into Nephs and Lilith summoned new Tots of BB kills. The strat was Extraction, which played heavily in my favor once Lilith had placed her markers and blocked the path to the informant marker. Anything that was summoned was killed in the same round. While the Rider and Tots did Scheme-running. 

  5. Our local community is currently running a league with fixed masters (Titania is mine). After finally getting my hands on Serena B., I was wondering if there was a list with Nephilims that would make more sense with Titania than Lilith (her being the standard nephilim master). Lilitu and Mature Neph all came up in lists I've seen with her before, you probably could even run a growth style list for her with the trigger on her attack to "pass on" the kill I assume ? Thoughts ?

  6. 3 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Bring Ml attacks? There are plenty of those in Nvb. Titania could hunt models outside of the bubble while some big beaters smack her bubble around.

    I figured out that much :) but since this will only be my 2nd game with her, I was hoping for a little more in depth comments, maybe even a list of someone who has played this match-up before and succeeded.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    I'd be interested to have this clarified. The way I see it all the text in the action is part of what the action mentions/lists because it is written as part of the action. Do you have a rules reference explaining your point of view?

    After a quick check-up with our local Hench, it seems that the action containing a condition naming a model counts as the action naming the model. So it does not work to copy hem.

    • Like 1
  8. Hi,

    I'm looking for some advice as my usual adviser can not be trusted this time (he plays the same tournament).

    So I play Neverborn, as does half the player pool appearently (others are my feared 10T friends and Ressers), and I own Lynch, Titania, Zoraida and Lilith.

    What would your crew suggestions be for the following S&S pools:

    Game 1: Corner Depl. - Interference - Claim Jump, Eliminate, Frame for Murder, Tail Em, Inspection

    Game 2: Standard - Guard the stash - CJ, Dig their graves, Covert breakthrough, Huntin party, Last stand

    Game 3: Standard - Headhunter - CJ, Frame for murder, Accusation, Show of force, Recover evidence


    I look forward to your suggestions :)

  9. On 15.7.2017 at 7:52 PM, Argentbadger said:

    I feel that the crew works best with Jakob Lynch at the helm.

    Hmm, I used a similar crew so far with Zoraida only. I read the battle reports and it does indeed take a lot of pressure of McT, who usually is the main focus of my opponents. With Huggy up close in their faces, that would indeed shift focus on to him I assume while McT has the freedom to move in closer. Out of curiosity, why no Doppleganger ? I usually bring her with McT to generate more shots.

  10. What I had in mind was sorta like this:

    Interferrence as strategy

    My preferred crew core for this is Lilith with Spawn Mother, Bad Juju, 2 Waldgeist, 1 Wisps + additional models / upgrades based on schemes.

    This gives you a lot of activations, control through Tangle Shadows to misplace your opponents models, as well as durable board presence in waldgeists.


    Guard the stash as strategy

    Zoraida, McTavish, Spawn Mother, Doppleganger, 1 Silurids, 2 Wisps + additional models/upgrades

    Plenty of shooting action for McT and Doppel for anything that comes close to the stash markers and displacement through Z's obey, while gupps are more or less sacrificed to claim the markers. Silurid as scheme runner (claim jump is more or less auto 3 points).


    open for improvement and discussion of course :) I currently run Z and Lilith in most of my games, but recently finished up Lynch and have Titania almost ready.

  11. Hi guys,

    so in a lot of topics, the fact came up that most people use a core of models with every master and adapt a few things based on opposing faction and strategies. 

    So I'm curious... what are your core crews for the different Neverborn masters and what are the "Extras" you swap in for specific opponents/strats ?

  12. I ran a swampfiend crew with Lilith this weekend with Juju + EF as the Sacrificial lamb. As a little bonus he even had a Bandersnatch packed on his back. Killed 2 models before my opponent was able to kill him. And he comes back as soon as something other than Bandersnatch dies. 

  13. i started playing her this year and i love her... a few things that came up during my last games:

    - tangle shadows your own minis for placement control. example: run straight up the field with a cherub, then tangle it back and put a beater in its place that hasn't activated yet. Your opponent will cry if he moved too far up already.

    - if u tangle an enemy mini, make sure u'll kill it. that may come back to bite u in the a** if you don't

    - illusonary forests for LOS blocking. this might seem trivial, but i tend to forget how important LOS is. stupid example, last week i played against mei feng. Her vent steam bubble is incredibly annoying. put tress in between and it's a lot less annoying.

    - don't get too excited by her transfixing gaze... u'll need your masks elsewhere.


  14. 12 hours ago, Sir Andersen said:

    Yeah, my main thought with Tuco was "damn it, why do neverborn have NO ranged? I'm sick of getting bullied at range until I can close".

    The answer here is McTavish. Best fitting in a Zoraida crew. Either way, McT plus Dopplegänger and you have 2 ranged units that will stand toe to toe with most sniper crews.

  15. 21 hours ago, feagaur said:

    As you can see, Zoraida can do pretty much whatever you want her to so there isn't really a list of models you need to take with her. Anything will do. Though I, personally, take Nurse and Wisps in practically all my Zoraida lists.

    Why the Nurse ? I tried her in a couple of games and she never really had that big of an impact.

  16. I've never taken RR or the pig in my Zordaida lists. As for the 2nd question, both are viable, depending on the shemes and opponents. McTavish is a beast when it comes to long range fights. Combine him with Zoraida and even a Dopplegänger and you have a lot of shots to fire in one turn. I mostly use Juju with my swampfiend lists. With his upgrade, he makes life difficult for your opponent, as they can't leave him up taking objectives or killing stuff, but also have to think twice before killing another swampfiend once he's burried as he will just unburry and continue to be annoying.

  17. 23 hours ago, Starrius said:

    aren't the dolls constructs and not living so HD only has terror living?

    they are. I guess there was a flaw in our games then... then again, the HD had already activated and I could have paralyzed the doll with my nurse. 


    10 hours ago, Vorschlag said:

    Also remember damage from Hem gets passed incorporeal 

    yes indeed. I managed to kill HD once because of that.



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  18. I've copied ur first build last night, worked out pretty well against lucius (10T). Anything moving towards me got hem'ed and shot down by McT and Doppelgänger while my gupps ran around placing markers.

    Unfortunately I had to set up first and my oppponent countered my set up, so i had to swap sides on the first turn and basically lost a turn... This led to some models being out of position also in the later game and Hungering Darkness was able to engage McT, Nurse and a Gupps at once... that kinda screwed me over. Then I managed to hem the HD and walk into its engagament range for the paralyze... that was FUN. 

    I've gotta say, the wisps sure give Zoraida a huge boost and the McT / Doppel combo for pewpew can be pretty devastating against targets without armor or other defensive tricks. 

    I'd love to hear from other players experiences with other builds too. After only one game, it feels like there could be more potential, as you mentioned with WW, and I look forward to trying other comps.

  19. I've tried as well, but couldn't figure out a list that is actually competitive, seeing as McT, the killiest swampfiend of all, is not NB.

    Juju with EF denying points to ur opponent also only works if u manage to unburry him at the end of the game. Otherwise, or so i was told, he counts as killed.

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