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Posts posted by Valgaav

  1. Just now, LordZombie said:

    The Viks.

    This, absolutely.  Between their ability to remove anything in the game in 1-2 turns and their ability to heal back to full if you don't one-round them, they're just impossible to seriously interact with.  It's no fun throwing your models into a meat grinder and hoping you win before they kill all of them.

    • Like 1
  2. I'd been thinking about this a decent amount myself.  It's easy to say the Ten Thunders are moral.  They're fighting to free their country, after all, from an incredibly tyrannical regime who want nothing more than the elimination of the eastern way of life and replacing it with Guild morals. This is Truth.  It's equally easy to say that the above is a train of goods the higher-ups are selling people in order to allow them to equally control the populace, and all the real Ten Thunders are interested in is money and advancing themselves.  This is also Truth.  Do the people who act under the orders of corrupt higher-ups to do moral actions redeem the cause, or are the minions who happen to almost accidentally do what's right stained by the evils of their superiors?  It's more a question of your beliefs than any inherent truth.

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  3. On 11/14/2016 at 4:21 PM, -Loki- said:

    You know, I'm struggling to think of another wargaming company that's flat out said 'we done goofed, we're redoing the mold, tell us you bought them and we'll replace them free of charge'.

    That's pretty bloody good to your customers.

    I'm also struggling to think of another wargaming company that's attempted to keep a consistent scale and screwed up on the level of the Guards.  It's good that they're willing to fix it, no question!  Much better than "Let's just not mention it".

  4. 14 hours ago, JDAntoine said:

    What I like so much about Dr. Manhattan in terms of inspiration is that he 'burned up' but also re-appeared in unexplainable ways, to me this could form a very interesting basis in us having acces to the former Governor-General in a limited way, while asking ourselves, are we willing to pay SS for something that with total certainty will not survive to the end of the game :D

    Flicker.  The mechanic you're looking for her is, unquestionably, Flicker.

    • Like 1
  5. As for Snipers or Archers, Archers are more thematic, but trade in killing power, defensiveness, range, and melee presence for versatility that vanishes as soon as they are engaged or die, which they are likely to do because of lacking defensiveness, range, and melee presence.


    If you're looking for Ten Thunders and Outcasts, Misaki - the rebellious daughter of the Oyabun, the current de facto leader of the 10 thunders, and the disciplined whirlwind - is absolutely the way to go.  She can bring the aforementioned Jorogumo and Torakage into your crew in either faction, as well as Oiran.  I avoided mentioning Oiran, not because they're not good, but because they're what most westerners believe Giesha were, and it's an uncomfortable topic.  There's also the Wukou Raiders coming out soon, who quite simply make a killy Master even killier. 


    The Effigy is an interesting choice, being part of The Metaplot - Someone tried to infiltrate all the factions by making puppets that embodied their concepts, forgetting that one of the Ten Thunders' core concepts is loyalty to the Ten Thunders, no matter who you may look like you're working for.  It's also a good cheap option - not an always-take, but when it can show up, it protects your leader and keeps your minions winning the game.


    The robot dogs, the Komainu, are based on actual statues of lion dogs that were said in real life to be guardian spirits for places of importance - hence the name, translating out to Lion Dog.  In Malifaux, the "said in real life to" gets removed from that sentence, and they protect things.  Unfortunately, they're thematic to a very specific set of models and do better protecting them, and you don't have any of the Ancestors at the moment.

  6. I'm always hesitant to comment on fanstuff, just because Wyrd isn't really consistent with what's worth how much on their own.  That said, I can comment on the mechanics: Close Enough talks about this model being within this model's engagement range, which either guarantees the trigger or needs a rewrite.  Also, how is this thematic to ten thunders?  This is the Enforcer level of the Spawn Mother's line, as you've written it.  I understand the other circumstances making it ten thunders, but you may want to tie it in a little closer.  Especially if it's supposed to be Mei Feng thematic, since literally nothing about it is related to railways or the proletariat or armour, which are Mei's three things.

    • Like 1
  7. Shen Long and Sensei Yu are definitely your next place to go.  They embody the 'asian monk' concept, and are generally considered to be the most competitive, if also the most complicated, options.

    Ten Thunders Brothers are secret warriors in a very different way than the Torakage, and are generally considered good because of their versatility and ability to tank damage.

    Jorogumo work well with Ototo, as well as Misaki, because they are Last Blossom (Misaki's particular gang).  They can use smoke bombs to reappear all around the table, as long as Ototo is alive.  They're also Oni, in the classical sense, being giant spider demons right out of japanese myth.

    Once you have Tengu and Jorogumo, Asami should be out.  She's not released yet, but will be Soon(tm).  Her bent is towards youkai and oni, forms of asian demons of which Jorogumo and Tengu are examples.

    The Monks of Low River are all about 'soft styles' and being judo-monks, and make for incredible medics with a recently released upgrade.

    The Dawn Serpent is literally an ancient chinese dragon.  It's also a very simple tool mechanically, giving up the versatility a lot of models in its point class have in return for being very accurate and defensive.

    Yamaziko is a personal favourite, embodying the 'old lady who's secretly an amazing martial artist' trope, and also is good for holding smoke bombs in place of ototo.

    The Lone Swordsman is everyone's friend, being a ronin on a death mission who is practically guaranteed to take out something your opponent wants to keep alive before he dies.

    • Like 1
  8. 39 minutes ago, Surrealistik said:

    They're the best at what they do (security and hunting Neverborn), are looked up to as heroes (always good for morale) and are paid and respected by the Guild accordingly.

    Recently Perdita has had tensions with the old Governor General who resented the notion of heroes with the freedom, independence and exceptionalism to do their own thing, believing them to be messy loose ends undesirably beyond his absolute control and desire for regimentation/standardization; something he thought the Guild no longer had need of in light of its success and expansion vs its early days. I'm not sure what her relations are to the new one, but given that he's more or less an upstanding guy and far less of a megalomaniacal power obsessed control freak I have no doubt that they're better.

    Being completely fair to the Governor-General, Perdita has a Nephilim as her totem, and has ridden on tamed Nephilim several times before.  It's quite suspicious that they haven't done anything to her but serve, and even more so that they seem to only serve her and her family and no one else.

  9. 1 hour ago, ChirpOTK said:

    Mostly just curious about the story of the Ortega family, why do they throw their lot in with the guild's interests? Is there anywhere I can read up on them?

    In short, Perdita started out as a Guild Guard and made good.  She showed up with a handful of scrip and a Guild-issued Peacebringer, and her skills made her rocket up the ranks.  When she wanted to bring her family in, and made it clear they're as good as she is, the Guild went "Well, sure, why not?"  She's been running the new Latigo ranch ever since, through thick and thin - She kills Neverborn, the Guild pays the Family, and the Family keep their ranch going.  This is all very official, to the point where Perdita has an office and an official title - a dusty, unused office, and the title's even dustier, but she's in a position to requisition forces if she strictly needs to.  She just prefers to do her own thing instead.

    • Like 1
  10. The Shadow Effigy and Ten Thunder Brothers are always good picks. 

    If you have access to McCabe's box, Wastrels break campaigns. 

    Toshiro is a must, both for Mei and in general.  I built up to Mei Feng and started with Toshiro with his summoning upgrade instead of Kang.

    If you get lucky enough to have 5 scrip floating around, the Emissary is great, especially if you can score Mei's upgrades.

    To go with Toshiro above, you'll want to purchase, but not hire, Komainu.

    Obsidian Oni are great - they break campaigns similar to Wastrels, and are scrap markers on demand.

    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Dealer said:

    Ten Thunders have become very popular at my LGS and this Upgrade is like a mandatory staple in every game (x3). I'm wondering if we are playing it right. You get +flip to all flip (offensive and defensive), also damage flips, horror flips, everything?

    If so. How does this cost 1 SS? It's like spending a soulstone for every action in that turn (offensive and defensive), plus it becomes something disgusting with Lone Swordsman + reactivate shenanigans (there's no way he's not gonna kill his target).

    That is exactly how it works, in addition to other flips you may not think is so - randomization flips, for instance, are still being done by that model.  As for how it's only one soulstone, many factions have an incredibly powerful 1ss upgrade - Imbued Protection/Energy, Debt to the Guild, Dirty Cheater, etc.  It's a soulstone that has to be used on their activation, so they have to activate early if they want to make use of it, that is broadcasted, and tells you where to focus down.

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  12. At this point I'm basically assuming the Neverborn have the kid and the Ressers have the woman. It's not that there's no way to pull out of the nosedive, but people are playing games based on what they think is cool, and being shackled with a Ressers-style or Neverborn-style story for whoever you wind up with isn't cool to most people.

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