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Everything posted by OracleToronto

  1. So I have been in a list building zone for a few weeks now while reading or listening to any tactics I can find on a plethora of different masters. I have to say reading the fluff piece in the newest book about Tara and Karina and their weird relationship and the amount of personality Tara has peaked my interest - as did an AP controlling play style. I am happy that they have "fixed" Karina considerably by giving her the "Faces Of Oblivion" 0 upgrade as I felt it would be a shame to not play these girls together. I then started pondering ways to improve her odds of getting the necessary crows - adding Hana was an easy choice granting me a +1 hand size... and then I gazed over at my two Bloodwretches from my starter kit and thought ... wow If i toss the "I pay better" upgrade on Hana and have a bloodwretch activate within the 10" (while already having "fast" added on it by Tara at the beginning of the turn) - it could discard a card to gain Focus, Activate "rage builds" for 1 AP then charge for the remaining 2 Ap. Taking advantage of it's "Furious charge" rule This would give the model 2 Ml 6 attacks with double positive flips - and a positive flip and +1 to damage giving it an impressive spread of 3/4/6 and anytime damage makes it through you'd draw 2 cards and discard one. With the potential of drawing through an additional 9 cards a turn I feel like fishing out the high Crows for Karina just got a whole more likely. So with this in mind I came up with the following List. 50 ss Tara Outcasts List. Master Tara Upgrades: Obliteration Symbiote Totem Karina Upgrades: The Faces of Oblivion Henchamn Hana Upgrades: I Pay Better Enforcer Bishop Minions Bloodwretch Bloodwretch Void Wretch Void Wretch Now comes the tough call - with only 2 ss left do I take Tara's Knowledge of Eternity upgrade or Hana's Ancient Tomes upgrade?
  2. I would love to have one in the gang but not sure how to free up the 9 SS to get him.
  3. Thanks for the great advice and tactics everyone. I feel this is a great list to get a feel for the game with while having enough punch and tricks to keep it from being boring.
  4. I posted in the Guild section about a Dr McMourning list that utilizes all 4 models from the Malifaux Starter Set. I liked the theme of Crazed doctors experimenting on and studying "possessed" individuals. Continuing with that theme/narrative I decided to use models from the set to form a Jakob Lynch gang (McMourning and his gang studying "the brilliance" seemed to fit perfect) I am still pretty new though and wanted to get some feedback from more experienced players on the list and it's general effectiveness (and how to spend the remaining 4 ss) Jakob Lynch (Master) Hungering Darkness (Totem) Mr Graves (Enforcer) Mr Tannen (Enforcer) Illuminated (Minion) Illuminated (Minion) Bloodwretch (Minion) Bloodwretch (Minion) Depleted (Minion) Depleted (Minion) Remaining ss = 4 The narrative I see of this list is that Lynch got captured by McMourning who is under strict instructions from the Guild to study "the Brilliance" - and Mr Graves and Mr Tannen show up to rescue him. (I am currently working on a few playable scenarios). SO ... with the remaining 4 ss I figured I had a few options: 1. Use them for some upgrades. Lynch has some amazing upgrades that I am not utilizing at all currently. 2. Remove 1 Depleted and get two Terror Tots then using the remaining ss on a 1 point upgrade. 3. Buy another minion outright while keeping the list as is (there are lots of 4 point options) a Terror Tot, Wicked Doll, Depleted, Changeling, etc... 4. Add a Corrupted Hound and use the remaining 1 ss on an upgrade - or remove a Depleted to add two Corrupted Hounds and have 2 ss for upgrade usage. 5. Remove a Depleted and get a Beckoner then use the last 2 ss for an upgrade. Any thoughts,suggestions, opinions, and musing welcome.
  5. I was curious about his upgrade - in theory he should be able to cut through an opponents weaker models and could add a few soul stones throughout the game. But I don't have the games under my belt yet to know how many kills any one model is likely to have.
  6. I may have missed something - is there a way to get nurses in Guild without the "on the Clock" upgrade? I am confused how Sonnia could take Nurses... Sorry my bad I realize now you meant adding the Witchling Stalkers to McMourning.
  7. Thanks for the feedback guys - I admit I am less focussed on the poison tricks with this guild build (I will eventually go a Res direction with the list which will be more poison and summon heavy) I had looked at replacing one nurse with either a Witchling Stalker (as suggested for condition removal) or a Wastrel (for movement tricks and to deal with annoying Wp attackers). What are people's thoughts on Sebastian in a Guild McMourning list? he seems useful enough but admittedly I don't have as much poison flying around as most McMourning lists do. Removing him would (with the 1 extra ss) give me 8 ss to work with which could open up more options.
  8. So I am new to Malifaux but a long time table top gamer. I played a demo game at GenCon this year and I am hooked. I have been reading (devouring) all the rules and fluff and bought the starter set to get my friends involved as well. My goal is to create a balanced, yet fun, list using models for the starter set for us to play with. As we all really liked the mad doctor experimenting on nightmares feel I have decided to build a Dr McMourning crew using guild and "On the Clock" To be fair the summoning undead poison bomb lists for Resurrectionists sounds fun and probably a touch more powerful I really want to utilize as many models from the starter set, and the McMourning set, as possible. Below is the list that I have come up with for a 50 ss crew. I'd love to get people's feedback if there are small tweaks I can do to make it more effective in general (I know that it depends on the scenario and objectives - but just general feedback for a starter "all comers" list) McMourning (Master) - On the Clock - Evidence Tampering Zombie Chihuahua (Totem) Dr Grimwell (Henchman) Sebastian (Henchman) Nurse Heartsbane (Enforcer) Orderly (Minion) Orderly (Minion) Nurse (Minion) Nurse (Minion) with 1 soul stone left over I am not 100% sold on the chihuahua, or on using both nurses ... but i do not know what is a better option (while sticking to the medical Guild theme) I was thinking maybe use the remaining stone and remove a nurse and the chihuahua to get an executioner but I don't know if I need the added combat punch.
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