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Posts posted by Mortarion

  1. After a short vacation, I'm painting again. And I finished an Executioner.
    This was more fun to paint then I thought it would be. I like the way the faded tattoo turned out. I have more mixed feelings about the chest hair. I think it looks OK, but a bit flat once you get close. I wanted to avoid sculpting something with greenstuff as I thought it would make it look more like a patch of fur, but in retrospect I should probably have carved a little into the model with a knife to get some texture. I might fix it sometime in the future, but for now I think it looks OK.

    Another angle. I wanted fresh blood as the pose suggests he is in the middle of cutting someone up when he is disturbed by something. It also meant I could have some fun with blood dripping onto the base and mixing with water in the gutter, but it's not that visible in these pictures.

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  2. A number of models have rules that allows other models to take actions, for example Lucius' "Commanding presence" and "Issue command", The Judge's "Combat effectiveness" and the general "Obey" action. I was wondering how these kinds of rules work with certain conditions, starting with Focused. Focused states that the model may remove the condition "when declaring an Action". But when a model causes another model to take the Action, which model is declaring it? The wording on both Lucius' abilities, which says "[the target] may immediately take a (1) Action", seems to suggest that it is the target model that declares the Action. Same thing with the Judge. Obey is a little bit different, since it states that "[the target] immediately performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model's controller". That last bit could be interpreted that the action is actually declared by the model using Obey. However, the FAQ states that Obey can be used make a model use up its Vengeance bullet, and that upgrade only works when the owning model declares an action. And that suggests that all kinds of actions that order another model (friendly of otherwise) could be used to remove Focused (and benefit from it). What do you think?

    My other question is how these types of rules work with the Paralyzed condition. Paralyzed states that a model generates no AP and may not declare any Actions "during its Activation". However, the "ordered" Actions do not require AP and are done outside of the model's Activation. Does this mean that you can still order a Paralysed model to take actions?

  3. Some more models done. First some Guard.

    Another guild rifleman.

    And a guild guard. I really don't like this model. Way too realistic for my taste. With different colours it could probable be used in a historic game. 

    Another guild guard. Again, not really a model I like.

    So, with all those guardsmen, I needed a master to keep them in line. And who better to do that then Lucius?

    This is a model I absolutely love. It is so cool. I'm not comletely satisfied with the painting of it, though. There is something about the colour selection that's sligthly off, but I can not quite put my finger on it. I might go back and change it later, but for now it will have to do.

    • Like 6
  4. And two more models finished this weekend!

    First up, a Guild lawyer.
    I really love this model. The pose and general aestethic of it is so cool.

    And secondly a Witchling handler.
    This was the first normal-scaled model without a covered face I painted for Malifauc (Dashel is a lot bigger then most other models). And it turned out faces were not that easy to paint when they are not "heroic" scaled. 

    • Like 5
  5. Thank you!

    I've finished some new models. Witchling stalkers!

    I thought a bit about colours for these, but in the end I wanted to start tying my different models together and used the same blue as I did for my Guard models. To make them stand out as more magical I added som magical signs on their robes.

    Another thing I thought about was the skin. At first i tried to go for the "black with glowing eyes" effect from the artwork, but the forehead was too prominent for that to work, so I painted it as skin instead. Generally I tried to paint the skin a bit burned. Not "Freddy Kreuger"-burned, but at least "stayed out too long in the sun"-burned.
    One detail I changed was the small pouches they carry in their belts. Many of them were so round and smooth, so I figured they would look good painted as green glass. Either some kind of potion or a glass grenade containing some kind of gas.
    And finally the swords. I wanted to look them look magical, since normal broken swords propably wouldn't be very good weapons. And since they give Burning to everything they damage, I figured glowing edges would look cool and give some contrasting colour. I like the result, allthough the patched-together sword does look kinda wierd.

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  6. 22 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    Looks pretty cool, and yeah they're massively metal. :)

    Painting black and flames are both difficul and I think you've done a really good job of it. Have you considered getting a piece of black craft paper to use as a background to save you the hassle of editing?


    Thank you! I tried taking pictures with an actual black background, but it didn't work. I'm using my phone to take the pictures and it kept trying to compensate for the general darkness in the picture by overexposing the actual model. So I guess I'll have to get a real camera or get better at taking pictures. Probably both... :)

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