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Posts posted by Mortarion

  1. On 2018-03-01 at 10:21 PM, Ludvig said:

    They could just let the stories and rules drift apart. It's already quite impossible for the guild to not know about McMourning when I play my mates with him each week so it already makes no sense. 

    Some dual faction stuff has been in the game since 1st edition (Ramos and hoffman sharing a model pool). I would assume the faction crossover drives sales, the guild dual faction masters are responsible for me starting several other factions. There would also be a risk of pretty major backlash if large amounts of models became unplayable with a master that used to be able to take them.

    Although I agree with what you are saying, I really hope that they don't distance the stories and rules from each other too much. My impression is that a lot of the people who play Malifaux really like the background and the world of Malifaux. The background is definately a selling point of Malifaux. But should the background begin to differ too much from the actual game, I think that might backfire. If I was younger and just got into the game with a Master that I really liked and then found out that that master should not be able to lead the crew I got (or a crew at all) according to the background, I would be pretty disappointed.

    It will be interesting to see where the rules go after the recent story events, because they are starting to drift away from the background.

    • Like 3
  2. More models done!

    First up the Mechanical attendant to complete my Hoffman crew. I quite like the model, but I doubt it will se that much time on the table as the rules seem pretty uninteresting.

    And then the most stylish duo in Malifaux - Graves and Tannen!
    For some strange reason I started thinking of a 90:s style sitcom about Graves and Tannen having to share an appartment above the Honeypot Casino while painting them. It even got so far as to the show getting it's own theme song. :D

    Mr. Graves

    Mr. Tannen

    • Like 5
  3. She is definately a "Dear God - why?!". Lots of parts that are quite unclear where they should go. Even after looking at the instructions there were parts which I could not figure out where they were supposed to fit. And when painting it there are also some parts where you go "What is this supposed to be??", which make colour choice hard sometimes.

    The basic design is cool, but the details are strange.

    • Like 2
  4. I still run Death marshals in some matches and think that they are OK. But I mostly play casual matches and mostly take them in a thematic marshal crew. And sometimes with Lucius.

    There are some situations where I think they are really effective, but as you said, they are very fragile. But being able to remove (almost) any model in the game in a single action is something few other models can do. In certain schemes they can really mess with the opponent's plans. Transporting other fragile models can sometimes make them a bit more durable. I've had matches where my opponent really hesitated to kill an activated death marshal because of the unactivated Executioner inside the box. And in the rare situation when they can box an enemy model while a friendly is in the box it can lead to huge swings as they loose a model and you gain one. But it doesn't happen often.

    In a more competative environment they propably won't be worth it.

    • Like 2
  5. More models! And they have not all been painted since friday. I have been working on different models simultaneously and the previous ones hade been ready for some days without me taking a picture. 

    First up, a Terracotta warrior. This one almost feels like cheating since it was painted in just a few minutes. The base took longer then the actual model. But it's supposed to look like a stone statue, so...

    And then... Hoffman. This one took longer. But I'm quite happy with the result. I think his harness looks cool in my standard Guild construct colour scheme.

    And finally a second executioner. This one has been lying on my hobby bench unassembled for quite some time. But then I got this wierd idea of trying a list with two executioners, so I built and painted it. And it also feels good to finish stuff that has been lying around for a while.
    He loves his job!
    His latest "client" does not like it! 

    • Like 6
  6. Thank you!

    Some new models done. First Santiago Ortega.
    I'm really happy with how this one turned out. As Santiago is not directly employed by the Guild I tried some different things with his clothes to give him a more civilian look.

    And Allison Dade.
    Again, I tried to make her look more civilian and used lots of natural and muted colours. 

    • Like 5
  7. I finally finished a Watcher. This one has been on my to-do list for quite some time, but I never felt inspired to start with it because I didn't know what to do with the horrible sculpt. Considering the normally excellent quality of Malifaux models I am surprised how this one got past quality control. For those of you unfamiliar with the model it tries to do some kind of perspective with the wings som that one wing is closer to the camera then the other and therefore much, much larger. Of course, this does not work on a 3d model and just looks strange. I considered replacing the wings with something else, but in the end I decided to cut away a large portion of the giant wing and resculpt the lost detail. It turned out OK I think.
    I used the same solour scheme as the rest of my Guild constructs. It might not be super stealthy, but sometimes I guess that the Guild want the people that they are watching to know that they are being watched...

    • Like 6
  8. I have been looking for a Widow weaver for the past six months without any success. I have never found it in any physical store, but that might not be so surprising. But no webstore in Europe that I have found sells it either. It is always out of stock and the date for restock is being pushed forward time and time again. Now I have noticed that some webstores have changed the status to "Unavailable". And as far as I can tell it has been "temporarily out of stock" in the Wyrd webstore as well during this period. Insidious madness seems to share a similiar fate, but I have not looked for that one as much.

    So what I'm wondering is - are these models not in production any more? Does anyone know?

  9. I have been painting some cheap models lately. First up the remaining two Marionettes for Collodi:

    And then some Guild guard that I started working on a long time ago but that I have never gotten around to finish until now. The recent errata made me a bit more motivated.

    The are all built from the Through the Breach male multipart kit. The last one of them (the one with the sword) turned out more like a leader than I originally imagined, so I might have to use him as a sergeant.

    • Like 6
  10. 13 hours ago, (Sarcasm) said:

    The freehand on the thralls is very impressive. I've been pondering adding some runes to my Thralls as well. Do you have any tips after doing these guys?

    Thank you.

    Some tips that I can think of: (Some of these might be obvious, but...)
    1. Use a good brush. I have at 000 brush specifically for these kind of things which I never use for anything else. You can use larger brushes as long as the tip is good. In fact, some people prefer larger brushes, since they help with tip number 2.
    2. Don't have too much paint on the brush. Especially with smaller burshes, the paint tends to gather in a blob just at the tip, so you need to get rid of excess paint before painting. This means you will have to get fresh paint and clean your brush quite often, but it's worth it.
    3. Make sure you are rested and focused while painting. At least for me, some days are just not detail days... :)
    4. Have a good idea of what you want to paint before you start. Perhaps try it out on paper to see if the concept works. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11. I have finally painted some Witchling thralls. It will be interesting to try these out.


    To avoid having them looking like regular convicts I added some magical symbols tattooed on them. The idea is some kind of wards that help to keep their magical powers in check. I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.

    • Like 8
  12. Allthough the painting on thoose models are amazing, the post makes me a little bit sad. I had always hoped that the Scion of Black blood actually was a cool model and it was just the painting that made it look bad. But seeing it painted like this I realise that this is as good as it gets. And although the painting is awesome, I still don't like the model. (Which has nothing to do with your painting.)

    But the other models look amazing!

  13. Some new Guild models done. First up, the Jury!

    Really cool sculpt. The colour scheme is basically the same as form my other models of high rank, so not much to say about the painting.

    And a Thalarian queller.

    I know that the swirling thing is not supposed to be flames, and I actually think that it was sculpted specifically not to look like flames. But it just fit the rest of my models better if I painted it like flames...

    I also painted two Supression markers. Glowing magic circles which drains energy from around them.

    What do you think?

    • Like 6
  14. I think that the problem with Changlings are not the Changlings themselves but their interaction with the Trapper. Normally, their ability to copy any attack is balanced by the fact that they can't really take much damage but when they can stay on the other side of the board this becomes much less of an issue. Adding a restriction that copied actions may only target models within 10" would make the interction with Trapper much less problematic, while still keeping their usefulness for other more "fun" uses. Another way to fix this would be to add a restriction to the Trapper's attack that it may not be used by other models.

    Regarding Collodi's "My Will", a way to make it compare more equally to other Obey-type actions would be to have the :+fate only apply to Puppets. This would also favour thematic crews.

    And I agree that Vasilisa needs some buff. For a 9 SS model (11 with her upgrade) she dies way too easy. Adding 2 wounds or possibly giving her Armour would be a good start. 

  15. It's been a while since I posted anything. This is pratly because I have been bad at taking pictures of my stuff. We have played a growth league and I have started a new crew - Collodi!

    The Puppet master himself.

    His friend, which is a cool model but I think is a little too frail in comparison to it's cost in game.

    Marionettes. Two more still waiting to be painted.

    And some Wicked dolls. I really like the design of theese models.

    More images coming soon!

    • Like 5
  16. Yeah, I'm used to painting GW faces, so the more correctly scaled Wyrd faces are tough. However, in my defense I think they do look better in reality. Magnifying their faces to about three times as large as in reality doesn't really do them any favours. :)

    But faces are something I need to work on.

  17. And finally I have some new models ready. First up, Field reporters:


    Cool models. The fact that they are not really part of the Guild forces meant I could experiment a bit more with different colours, but I still kept it fairly close to the rest of my models so that it would look more coherent on the tabletop.

    And Phiona Gage:


    With this one I wanted really down-to-Earth colours. A plain workers outfit. 

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