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Posts posted by Izzinatah

  1. I'd go with Gracie or The Sow over the second Wild Boar and Piglet/Old Cranky (who might help with shooting, but don't forget your Pigs will charge him if he isn't within a couple of inches of them...) You don't want Old Major to be your only big hitter, as you need him alive to prevent your Pigs from charging each other and his Corn Husks to do Schemes. Plus, Old Major's Rile 'em Up and Nudge 'em On have amazing synergy with the bigger Pigs. If you go with Gracie, you'll have the same number of Activations anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. Stuffed Piglets are great. Once you've got a few games in and are looking for the next thing to get, I recommend Wong's box. Wong loves Stuffed Piglets (run them into melee and shoot at them to hit a target with the Blasts, Pulses and the damage from Bacon Bomb), and Som'er loves Lightning Bugs for his summoning (Som'er - and his Skeeters - can give the Bugs Masks to their attack actions, and their Masks trigger heals everything in a pulse, i.e. all the Bayou Gremlins that Som'er just summoned)

    • Like 1
  3. I've been playing Old Major in our Shifting Loyalties Campaign (Weeks 1 and 2 here), and it's been a lot of fun. Corn Husks is a must, Piglets make for great Scheme Runners, just be careful they don't get distracted by their Pig Charge. Gracie has also become one of my favourite Pigs - her damage output, resilience and ability to heal all of her wounds is great, but being able to gain Reactivate pretty easily means that despite being costly she doesn't cause you to get out-activated. Don't worry about padding out your starting crew with 'key' models - if you want them later, you can get them later. Remember you get 5 free Scrip towards your first hire each week. You'll be over 50ss very quickly.

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  4. Yes you should have :P Silurids do make for good scheme runners in general, and the Mate does bring a few other things to the table, but Merris LaCroix is my go-to Gremlin 'scheme runner', as far as actually running Scheme Markers goes. I don't think I'd replace her with the First Mate for that.

    As for comparing to Trixie, they can both push models around. Menacing Croak is pretty great, and comparable to Gremlin 'Lure', although Trixie can do it from further away and can Reckless. But I think that's where the Trixie/Mate comparison ends - they fill different roles. What he is great at is removing enemy Scheme Markers, able to remove a troublesome VP-scoring Scheme Marker from up to 20" away, and cycle a card in your hand to boot, or wait until the end of the Turn and use his mobility to Leap in and remove a Scheme Marker from somewhere unexpected.

    As always with Malifaux, it depends on the Schemes and Strategies - both the ones you flip and your personal ones :P

  5. 12 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    a] we need the child

    b] "Gremlins: When one of the rooster-riding Gremlins is shot from its mount, the child hurries over to the
    injured chicken and tends to its wounds, earning its appreciation and loyalty."

    Give the kid a chicken!!!!!

    Seconded. Although I'll be going for all three!

  6. I've just primed and started work on a ridiculous amount of Gremlins and Pigs.

    I think I'll work on a Master at a time. I've made good progress on the Bushwackers, and I'll post them up when they are finished.

    In the meantime, here's a proxy for the Will O' The Wisps to use with Zoraida. I'm really excited about these, and did a little writeup on my blog, having finally had a proper peek at their rules.




    Looking forward to getting my hands on the actual models :)

    • Like 1
  7. I also use Gorilla Glue (I'm sure other superglue brands would work too). The plastic models stick pretty firmly to cork and matchsticks, even my Rooster Riders:


    I use Vallejo White Pumice (same as the earth texture), but I do it after attaching the model to the base. If you paint your bases separate I recommend keeping the area on which you want the mini to stand pretty clear.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks, Morgy! They aren't all my boards, but I'm building up my MDF scenery collection and eyeing one of those mousepad mats...!

    Had a three player Encounter game today as we didn't have enough players for Week Three of our Shifting Loyalties Campaign. I got to try Mah out for the first time, and she was great fun, as was the Rooster Rider.

    50ss Mah Tucket vs Asami... vs Ironsides!


    ...in which Mah does her best Ewan McGregor impression by chasing a dragon with a spoon!

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  9. I've started working on painting up my Gremlins and figured I should keep a log of what I'm doing, and have yet to do, for motivation.

    To start with, I have some Swampfiends from my first M2E Master set:



    And I've just started work on The Bushwhackers and my Rooster Riders:








    Lots more to come, hopefully - looking forward to playing with a fully painted crew!

    • Like 6
  10. I'd grab Wong and Burt. I like Brewmaster too, but you have some synergy with Wong's box already. You have Gracie, who is amazing with Wong, and has great synergy with Burt. 

    I really like Zoraida but none of her box is usable with other Gremlin masters. Wong would give you more options for now. If you grab her down the line, I recommend Waldgeists & Will O' Wisps (unreleased for now) with her. The Waldgeists are amazing models and are great in-game too, while the Will O' Wisps I think will have a lot of synergy with Zoraida.

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