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Posts posted by stevenlance

  1. For me Rats are amost Ok, the Only thing I will  put  Demise: card + blingth to kill ( melé) or stealth. That way you can use them to replace in to ratking, explode whith hamelin,  intimidate un base contac. Becouse know for 2 Ss dont do any thing by it self. Dont resist, dont engange, dont Hit (stat 3 an 0"), no damage 0/1/1 blingth, for other 2 Rats +1 to damage ( its asumed its good, its not easy to have three Rats in base contact)

    Dove cost 1, infinitely better (Ok its a tótem) 

    Ashen core 2ss. Armor 2, HTW, 6 health...  Ok... 

    Stole 1ss ( Ok tótem) 

    Stuffed piglet 2ss : bacon boomb ( very nice) have attacks that push an heal, irreductible damage. 

    Clockwork tramo 2ss armor 2. Enemy must discart a card to desingange.  Attacks damage 1/2/3 staggered, push, And push whith bonus 

    There are a lot of 2ss model that do things. If there were easier to summon they May be good but they still need some els if they have to be the center of the temathic of the crew.

    give hamelin Demise ( stolen heal 5 And Rats 1). Rats will be a great instrument.


  2. Today I plaid two times whith hamelin,

    Until turn 3 you don’t kill any one and don’t make amost damage,

    blingth is very slow to put on,  effective turn 3

    whith out Benny is imposible to summon rats and forget of kings. Much models have to play for him droping schemes to summon Rats, that make the crew explemely slow. If in the First turn you use the fulla crew for him you can summon 2 ratkings, that is great, but you sacrifice the hold turn.

    Nix is a great tank . But have to be in first line to compense so die fast. Please give him vermin.

    Winged suicidal only, “festering wounds” inútil if is not a bonus (blingth its gold, you would not take two off a model for a scheme, very circunstancial, take it off And live it in 3ss or take off only one) . He is very slow only 5 mv, stat 4 don’t hit anyone. Only one thing good, vermin ( need a 10 for stolen to take fast). Dont get focus from hamelin whith "unclean influencia". 

    ratking is normal, only worth if summon, only able to summon whith Benny. Not cristal cannon only espume gun. They dont take focus from unclean influence triguer. 

    hamelin great to buff vermin, vermin are not very god And they have to be near him . Very great at 6” canceling trigger (discarding blingth if it have). Depends a lot to survive on the Stolen, no stolen dies very easy. “He don’t summon rats” only in melé only trigger tome not impressed. 😳 (benny is the real flautist). bleending for turn 3. Very good lure 👍🏻

    Obedient. Like him very mucho, great cost, usefull. 

     stolen. good support for vermin, vermin not very good. Good tótem.

    Prospecto. I love it. Versatyl  usefull. 

    Rat. Suicidal. Only to summon ratking ( you need benny), esplode by hamelin. Very very Easy to kill, not engange, stat 3 imposible to hit anyone. 

    I Think hamelins crew its not finished. It look like he do things but it is not great at nothing. If you want to play whith a plague crew you dont have enough tools. They start to late to be effective, blingth grows to slowly until turn 3 or 4, its a summoner rat crew that dont summon Rats (only whith benny), its'nt resistent or runner (only vermin can be fast, only near hamelin an stolen). I hope they look at it only a bit before closing the beta becouse its very dificult to play whith it. 

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  3. I think there is some thing wrong  when I look at other crews and I will pay one more SS to  hired it in my crew, but will you pay one more SS to hired plague or vermin in other keyboard?. I will pay mare for blessed if December, I will pay more to hire student of conflict or even taelor, but wouldn’t pay one SS for any plague or vermin. Why?. If there will have a great sinergy with his own crew there will be fine, vermin are good, you can give them fast, push + action, make them explode. Rat king can move 28” in a turn ( Mv x 2, gnaw, fast, unclean influence) winged and rats 23”, it’s not bad, but they die very easy, and   the rest nix, Benny, catcher, stolen, obedient, hamelin are off of sinergy and I wouldn’t pay more to hired them in other crews.

  4. I’m reading the post “would you take this master into...” in outcast. Here you can see the problem of hamelin’s crew, nobody know what schemes or strategy are good for. It’s mechanics looks good but don’t help the crew to solved the important this, not kill, not control, not tank or move. The important thing are the schemes and strategy. And it looks like it don’t have a difinite paper, it’s in the middle of everything but define nothing.

    What do you think? 

  5. Widge plague: needs some thing 

    malifaux rat: stealth or evasive or blingth to the rat killer in MI attack

    nix: vermin

    taelor: change hard to kill for hard to wound

    malifaux child: copy actions not only tactic action

    Hannah: copy not only freicorps 

    Johan: final rest- can distribute the heals as you like, not only one for ich. Versatility.  

    Gunslinger: 7ss

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  6. Comparing,

    10 yasunori can do very easily 4 attacks  whith + and 2/4/5

    12 duet can do 2 attacks replace and attack 1 , replace and attack whith duet again, 4 attack 2/4/5 to, but while you replace and hit you are vulnerable whith Two coryphe whith 5 wd. So it’s not so indestructible, you only have now when to hit it.  

    7 Ss Blessed hard to wound, Heals, 2/4/6 can do 4 attack, can move 20” in a turn. This is a must autoincluid not the duet. I will pay 8 or 9 for another keyboard. It’s super versatility.

    I think a 12ss  should be able to kill and tank. I think it’s not so over. 

    • Agree 2
  7. Everyone wants the nerf of duet when it’s the more expensive model in the game, it’s god, yes but very expensive. If you whant more nerf it please make it cheaper to. I don’t see anyone complaining for the 7ss blessed of December (it’s very very over for that cost), or yasunori . So please wen you ask for a nerf do it to put it cheaper to. 

    • Agree 1
  8. I don’t whant the crew broken but I’ll like it competitive. I have cateline miniatures (I love them) and I would not like them in to the showcase like in M2e, yes I Know, in M2e it was very god whith “nothing beast” ash’n Dust” and “montresor”. But that is not play whith hamelin, I whant “plague” crew working alone and some times put a Marlena or emmisary or ash’n dust. I think hamelin is lame now, not very bad but needs a little push, that’s why I’m asking.


  9. Compare nix 8ss whith blessed of december 7ss

    He is fast he can mové 20" per turn, hits 2/4/6 repet attacks or aunment damage very good, Hard to wound And heals killing And eating corps. More health And Df. He dont need to be hechman but if you want more he can use Ss whith the upgrade. 🤷‍♂️ why?

  10. Hamelins crew needs to be very near the enemy And compact, plague keyboard is useless there is no sinergy, nix is expensive for his uses, the bleeding disease is a great ability in turn 3 or 4 were you can kill well if they didnt kill you yet. The crew is moveless thats why Nix And ratking will be vermin. Windge arent  a great option to schemes runner, they are born for the suicide. Blingth tokes dont grow fo fast as you think, thas why Rat "MI" killer will take it. 

    I plaid some times whith hammelin, he is not bad but hi need a little buff. Not a lot, but a bit of punch or move

  11. Hamelin: stealth or disguised

    Nix: vermin, damage 2/3/5 (8ss)

    Winged plague: Mv 6, bonus action 

    Rat: evasiva, Demise card+ blingth toke to killer


    What do you think? Some thing else?





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  12. I think rats are fine, they are versatility have a lot of uses whith the sinergy of others models, and mindless it’s better when you summon them becouse it give you time to replace in to a ratking or explode them  before they give the pass tokens. Whith unclean influence you move then when they are summoned. Maibe an autoexplede triguer as doves in the attacks.

    I think Nix , for his cost, will have to be Vermin or give him more damage or  repeat attack. Or another defensive ability to tank better, even one more health. I don’t now what exactly needs but hi is a bit lame. 

    winged plague. It’s dificult to now how to use. It’s expensive 4ss? (It’s fast but fragile) it’s utilized?(fast, scheme, bling tokes but ...) . It looks like it’s  greate but I will expend that 4 Ss in other things. 

    I Think one of the bigest problem is that the keyboard "plague" dont have any sinergy whith any ability of the crew, as collodi example whith puppet or  performer. Hamelins needs another keyboard "vermin" to hace sinergys, And only the weakest models has it, Rats And winged, Ok ratking to. I dont understand why Nix dont have the vermin keyboars, that will do People take him in hamelins crew whith a 8ss model warranty



    • Thanks 1
  13. I like the rats, I think there are useful, they can’t take off pass toke, they give blight whith the attack, they give card wen he dies, they explode and give blight and 2 damage, you can kill them to take schemes markets, they can replace them in to a ratking, and you can give them esasily fast. They are very easy to summon. I really think they are versatility. Yes, they are easy to kill but if happened you  a card. 

    • Agree 1
  14. At the beginning I thought it was for throw them ( 6 rats) on top of Colette and make the blow up with Cateline that are 6 damage and 6 blight that she can’t reduce  whith fade away and she can’t burid. Them thith 6 blight it was easyer to kill her whith Schrodinger or obedient bleeding disease at least make her some importanat damage.  

  15. I dont understand why Cateline started whith 6 Cats and swarmed them together at turn 1, whith benny you can summon easily 4 Cats to swarm them an take a new cat princess for free. That are 12 Ss you can use for another thing. What does he wanted to do whith them? 

  16. If you take off the buryd, you have to put Colette in the middle of the enemy band, distract, stunned, and stay there and pray to survive. With a focus you cancel serene, she have 10 wd only , no armor, no shield, no protective, df 4, wp 5, only stone like every master and doves one per turn. If you take off buryd you have to change all the mechanic off Colette, make her full new, because it’s not and option to leave her in the middle of every one. I think it’s more dificult to kill dreamer serene, protected, incorporeal, diversion (ups Colette can’t damage him), df5, wp6. And he is not a melee master. Colette don’t shoot any thing. Ok take off “buryd” and “false reatity” and “sword trick” and put on her an  10” 4/6/8 shoot ignore HTW and give her protected dove and a easy summon dove, 

    I saw the battle reports and she don’t win always , the crew it’s not over, von schill know is a must second master, buff every one whith equip, 14” 2/4/5 ignore HTW, armor, blast resistant, survivalist, df6 wp7 hi is not a melee master. Almost all the masters in M2e were very dificult to kill or much off them imposible. I don’t understand what’s the problem with Colette. Tray to kill collodi at M2e. If the stratagem is kill the master, take another one. That is what I do M2e and some times I won.

    • Agree 2
  17. 20 minutes ago, Flippin' Wyrd Jamie said:

    I'm not sure she needs the bury, serene countenance and additional soulstones from the doves 

    I’m not sure seamus needs a “10” 4/6/8 ignore HTW” attack or Dreamer has protective or his crew use lucid dream or yadunori cost is only 10 or tara and others can hit buryd miniatures or big jake come back in turn 5 or von schill do all the things hi do, kill and give items. The thematic of Colette is the Mirrow and smoke, is logic the buryd. She don’t kill , she don’t summon, she don’t buff performers but she have to be very near the enemy, she have to be god at some thing,  Let her be. 

    I now, I repeat my self. But every its traing to make Colette useless. 

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  18. There are a lot of masters dificult to kill. Dreamer whith “protected (nightmare)”. Only one card, and a very easy summon minion. You cant touch him. Serene countenance. Incorporeal. Yes he is very easy to kill!!!. Protected is not a trigger(stund dont afect), two summoned daydream whithin 2”. Collodi armor 2, killing puppets(whith shielded +2) or leveticus...

    I dont understand why everyone whants to kill colette easily. Know there are a lot of ways to kill her, one stunned, indirect damage,  attack to WP(she needs tome kill dove), if she is not in the table cause is burid she dont give support or if you make focus on her in last  turn she cant bury becouse if she is burid at the end off the game she is dead. 

    As “fetid” said, This is a thinking game. Think what can you do to kill or cancel her, not Pray to make her much killable. 

    She have to play very near and dont hit so hard and only ones, not as seamus (10” 4/6/8 ignore HTW, tree times) a bit over?, performers dont kill well except duet, she dont summon, she dont have anunció buff area for the performer, she have to be good in some thing.

    the burid thematic to scape is nice, she is all move, position, nerff enemy and love. Leave her be.

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