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Posts posted by eddy

  1. 1 hour ago, RayMet said:

    I'm using Showgirls for soulstone mining. Seduction have a triger "Expensive gift" you can just use it on Colette, she kill a Mechanical Dove instad of discard soulstone. And you have a free card and stone for 1 action. 

    You have to have tomes for trigger, and you get distracted on Colette. Imo totally not worth it unless you have nothing to  do with your crew in t1 (and it means you probably playing wrong). 
    You can get SS miner and do it better + maybe score something

  2. 6 hours ago, Cats Laughing said:

    The "easy" nerf here might be to change Healing Energy's base text to:

    Target Heals 1. If target is a December model target instead heals 1/2/3.

    (keep trigger as is)

    Yeah. Lets stomp one of few usefull low cost minions in arcanist. Better think why he is picked ook? Maybe because other options for his role are crap? Maybe you forgot that magical training got nerf and he is only valid model to put it on in many keywords (like in some keywords living minions are bada and he is only good option for MT)?

    It suck this edition that people have problem with OOK picks. Ask yourself is he too op for 7ss model?????

    My solution for OOK haters: GIVE SILENT ONE VERSATILE!!!

    • Like 1
  3. There is one more interpretation, simpliest one. Decoy just copy Collet stat card (no conditions, no other efects engagements etc. and does not transfer hazardous dmg, deftrigers etc. back to Collet)for duration of action and act totally separately. Only problem is once per activation summon. Rest works perfect with this interpretation

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

    Colette doesn’t draw range and LoS from a marker, she doesn’t have an Ice Mirror ability. Colette draws range and LoS from herself as if she existed at the location of the marker instead of her current position

    Colett is not drawing range at all. Its decoy doing action. Question is are decoys exacly like Collet separate beeings or are they actual Collet bilocating

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  5. 19 minutes ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

    The big thing in my mind is that the ability says to use Colette’s stat card, so her current health definitely applies to the marker while RP is resolving.

    But conditions are definitly not part of stat card. Not sure about current hp. What is stat card is defined on 4th page of rulebook. Its soooo mesy. They better post faq right after gencon or she will be impossible to play

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  6. 3 hours ago, Jordon said:

    Decoys would suffer any affects during it's activation and pass those affects onto the real Colette after resolving

    I dont want to see this. I guess this is incredibly stupid fluff wise like Perdita is shooting back at decoy and suddenly Colett on other side of board takes bullet from no where. If this was intendend why they did not use wording like "Collet can take action as if she was in place of decoy" Instead they use "target may take action" So all hazard effects shoul affect only decoy. Imo decoys shouldn be able to spend Colett resources, they just gain Colett stat card for duration of action. Whole once per activation stuff in game is not working properly and should be errated separately

  7. So we know "rulling" for cassandra copied bonus action counting to bonus action limit. What about dorian fussy company trigger? If he already took losing interest bonus action he can not use fussy company trigger? It look like  this interpretation is not intended and works against designers wish. 

    (Imo Cassandra should be able to do another bonus with upstage). 

  8. 10 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    I believe the answer is no, it doesn't count against your 1 bonus action a turn. It's the same way that actions generated from other actions or triggers don't count towards your limit.  Like when you take the charge action, the attack it generates doesn't use your second action for the turn.

    I believe that consensus in disscusion and world series FAQ was opposite. 1 bonus per activation, does not matter if it was generated by other action

    • Agree 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Jordon said:

    Or terrifying? Does the dove use it's WP? However that doesnt make sense when you use a decoy marker

    You use collet stat card so normal terrifying with stat 6. About spending resources im not sure if you can use doves becaues of "as thoug it were this model".

    On the other hand it would mean that if Colett has focus and she is making dove atack, dove could spend "fictional focus"(generated when coping her card and stat) instead of removing it from Colett. If you know what i mean XD

  10. 2 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

    I think there's bound to be some confusion. Markers have been used for LoS before, but I don't know that they've ever taken actions. Like what happens when you walk with the marker through hazerdous terrain?

    I guess nothing happens. Same if enemy has def triger that does dmg etc.

  11. 1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

    Also, Colette's ability to scheme all over the place seems pretty strong with the new Performer Harata's Haka. If Colette is in the Tutu pulse, she's got a potentially huge threat range of no resist moves. Unless I'm reading the rules interaction wrong.


    If i am correct every one is making mistake that Colett is taking actions through routine but it says "target may take..." so one performing action is dove/marker so it works only if target (dove/marker) is within Haratas aura

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