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  1. Hey guys, I'm brand new to Malifaux and I'm trying to choose a Master to start with. In most games, I'm the type of player that likes to mix things up rather than playing the same character the majority of the time. Due to this, I've decided to pick a faction and then buy 2 or 3 Masters from that faction so I can keep the game interesting for myself. So far, I'm liking mostly like Masters from the Arcanists (Rasputina, Marucs, Ramos) and the Neverborn (Dreamer, Jakob Lynch, Lilith), with a few Masters from the Ressers and Outcasts catching my eye. I may be completely wrong here, as I haven't actually played a game yet, but it seems to me that the Henchmen/Enforcers/Minions from the Neverborn seem to work well and have synergies with most of the Masters throughout the faction. However, it seems like the Arcanists' Henchmen/Enforcers/Minions seem to be more specialized or specific to a certain Master's playstyle with few units seeming to be strong for multiple different Masters. If this is true, it seems like I should lean towards the Neverborn to start with, as it would cost me less money to gather the units to field a decent crew for multiple Masters. Then maybe I can move to the Arcanists later, once I've filled out my Neverborn army. Am I missing something about the Arcanists? Or does my observation actually hold true in gameplay? Thanks, Taira
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