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Posts posted by Ressummon

  1. I am due to begin testing Pandora this weekend - I have Lynch crew, Pandora Crew, Widow Weaver, Doppelganger, Mr Graves, Depleted and Tots to use so I think I can easily pull a good crew from this. Though I never have used her and I have only used lynch once. I recommend listening to Schemes and Stones podcast too - they have some awesome tips. My main opponent is Shen Long with the Toshiro/Punk Zombie combo at his forefront.  I am thinking of using Brawler Pandora on a charge and on their activation (hopefully) winning/cheating to win a duel to push out of range. I have no idea if this will work but I am excited to try it!! And then try to think of how to stop condition removal!! - I assume I could make him use all his AP removing paralyzed with a different build - but then both masters AP just get wasted and the crews move as if little has happened (apart from possibly an Incited model)..... tough decisions to be made...

  2. Thank you all, I am definitely picking up Ramos for now and some Arachnids and then picking what I prefer from the rest. I also want to pick up Ironsides (for the Captain and mages).... Eventually I may end up with them all. Ha ha. Thanks again.



    I have read a few of the noob lists / please help sections on here but I just wanted to ask a quick question for a new player that doesn't seem mentioned a lot (or I haven't read every 'please help post'). Ramos and Mei Feng mixed crews.


    I am considering purchasing two crew boxes and the Arcanist variation (so hard to choose with so many models available) that I think should work would be Ramos box set and Mei Feng box set.


    My reason being that both benefit well from each others models -

    Rail workers are quite hardy and still count as a construct so would be good for Ramos movement/summoning shenanigans - good for tying up points.

    Joss and Howard - just because - these have been gone over so many times that I don't need to mention anything here.

    Kang - hardy but situational I assume (ressers/arcanist)

    Essence of power rather than either provided Totem

    Spiders - summoned in Ramos / Stared in Mei Feng for schemes


    This should allow Ramos to move around with his magnetism as all models are constructs and Mei to jump all over the place for the same reason.


    Does this seem like a good list building purchase considering I can only afford two crew boxes? (Can stretch to a box for spiders for Ramos too).


    As a side mention I already own December Acolytes with a Raspy crew I already own but am not getting on with. Nothing wrong with her, just not keen on the mechanics.

    Thanks in advance.



  4. 50 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    Oh, I wasn't trying in any way to imply that you shouldn't be having fun. What I was saying was that choosing the right master probably won't be enough to fix the problem alone. You should have a discussion with your opponent instead.

    That's fine - I didn't mean to sound picky - so hard to convey exact thoughts when typing - this is such a friendly forum with people giving up their time to help that I would never mean anything to sound out of line. I am genuinely thankful for your response - mostly because you are right! :-)

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Adran said:

    i will say that masters power perceptions will change as you and you opponents get used to their tricks and style. So whilst Masters Like Rasputina and Viks are very very good at the kill everything game, there is a lot more to Malifaux than killing everything, and I have played games where I have lost my whole crew, my opponent has ended up with more than he started with, and I have still won the game thanks to the VPs I scored. 

    Rasputina for example is relatively easy to shut down from her killing spree, and not very good normally when you need to cross the half way line to score. But I have also had her kill half my crew on the first turn when I made a mistake in deployment. So Rasputina might easily go through a play phase where you opponent starts off finding her unfun (because they lost their entire crew before they did anything) and ending where they don't have any issues, and you are finding her no fun because she can't actually do anything. 

    And Myrra is completely right. Its a play style. If you don't like playing against a hyper aggressive crew, it doesn't matter which of the 20+ masters can lead the hyper aggressive crew, you won't like it. But a different opponent would use exactly the same crew in a control manner and you might really enjoy the experience

    Thanks both, I understand


    14 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    I'm not sure that is as much a master issue as it is meta and/or playstyle issue. Malifaux is a game where about 90% of your success is determined by your skill. That's why no single master or even master matchup is going to guarantee interesting and exciting game against all opponents. It takes a few games to determine the skill level and the list building style of your opponent to be able to build lists that make for really exciting games.

    I understand and hear what you are both saying - maybe a conversation for a different thread (or multiple already raised I am sure). I agree it is down to skill and yes Adran, mostly my kill sprees are shut down turn two to a better opponent and I kind of watch the game drift away. You are right Myyra, it is down to skill and I will lack that at the start but a game should always be fun - no matter the skill set of the individuals playing. That's not a dig at you in any way but if this wasn't fun - why would anyone continue? Thanks for your responses, much appreciated. :-) 

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  6. I realise that this is a massively subjective thread based on how you perceive 'fun' but I am interested in this thread as a new player. I picked up Rasputina as my first box, got some Acolytes and set to my early games... four games in and I don't enjoy playing her at all!! I'm not a great player by any stretch but I am entering this to err on the side of fun. Is it wrong to want to laugh my way through games whilst dishing out damage and maybe even winning some games? Or has my brain slid too far into an Anime villain perception. Want my cake and eat it?.....


    So for a new player the essence of fun would be different I guess, we want a master that won't punish us too much but also not make our opponents groan before the game begins!! I don't know if suggestions for this are even possible (multiple new player threads on each faction thread anyway).....

  7. 23 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:


    if you want ...what's your budget and I can try and help you come up with an initial "to buy" list with room to expand. Also where are you leaning between those two...both are strong masters and play as you've described. Do you want to play with the nightmares of a young boy or raise the dead to do your bidding?



    Whilst I don't want to steal this thread I would be interested to know the Nicodem suggestions if that is OK. What would be you suggested purchases for starting out be based on a budget that would be Crew Box + 2 blister boxes + 1 Character model box? (I hope that makes sense).

  8. 7 hours ago, Clockwork_Fish said:

    I like the Widow Weaver for doll abuse.  Exhale Terror forces a horror duel on the target after damaging, and if you target the Voodoo Doll with it you can cheat in a low card to auto fail, paralyzing the hemmed model.  On top of that, the Widow's Inhale Terror ability means she'll draw a card.  And on top of that, the doll is a construct, so it leaves a scrap marker when it dies, which the Widow can use to make Wicked Dolls, who have a lot of synergy with Zoraida as well.  And finally there's the Web markers that just make all your Willpower based abilities so much easier.

    Piggy-backing slightly on this I am interested In Zoraida and her swampfiend's, I have enjoyed reading and it seems like she could be a good Master for a multitude of schemes - I really like the idea of messing up your opponents plans so it seems Neverborn might be the faction for me - Clockwork_Fish -  I would be interested to see what your average 50ss crew would include?

  9. Thank you for your reply. They are brilliant tips and you are right - I need to concentrate on the scheme at hand rather than chasing down an illusive character. Assasinate probably not the mission for me! I love the Shikome models so I will be picking some of them up definitely!! Thanks again.

    2 hours ago, doombladez said:

    First off welcome to the best faction in Malifaux! Second, I'd recommend picking up either Nurses or Shikomes, Nurses are great utility models and Shikomes are some of the best models you can get for Poison crews. At some point you'll also want at least one more Flesh Construct probably, since McMourning summons them.

    I'll leave it to others to give advice on Shen specifically, but I will stress this: Objectives (and by extension VP) win games. Don't get caught up killing things when you're playing Reconnoiter, Line in the Sand and Power Ritual. Your Canine Remains are decent enough scheme runners so send them in and get your objectives! 


  10. Hey, I am new to the forum and to Malifaux and have a couple of 'noobs' questions.

    First off my first foray into Ressurectionist is going to be McMouring because I love the model and the theme of his crew. However my opponent is Shen Long and his condition attrition!!

    I will have th following items at my disposal  (due to funding)

    McMourning crew set.

    Canine remains additional box.

    Guild Autopsy box


    What is the best way to deal with Shen and, by extension, other condition removal models?

    I could probably add another single box (approx £10) due to budget. Can't wait to join the Ressurectionist surge (resurgence?).

    Any help would be appreciated.

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