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Doctor Dave

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Posts posted by Doctor Dave

  1. Definitely happening.  Will chase the store to update the Facebook page etc.  Likewise dunno numbers but I strongly suspect that there will be more than 4 players, since none of our locals are on that list


    Will chase up and get back to you.

  2. Following on from the success of May-Lifaux, we are holding another Malifaux Tournament, this time at Bag of Holding

    This will be a 50SS Fixed Faction, 4 round ranked tournament, Limited to 26 players (Unless they build me more tables)

    I have learned from the feedback I have received from the last event, and hopefully we will have sorted the terrain issue. Nevertheless, if players wanted to bring a table of terrain with them, we are negotiating with the store to see if we can get some sort of incentive organised.

    In the meantime, tickets are £10 available from the link below.  Registration is from 9.30, with the first game scheduled for 10.

    Any questions, please let me know.


    Tournament Pack


    Ticket Link


  3. Final Standings


    1 Kendall McKenzie Gremlins 9  15    23
    2 George Hollingdale  Arcanists 9  13 23
    3 Matt Lewin Guild  12 24
    4 Jonathon Stokes Arcanists 6    9 22
    5 Liam Coupland Guild 6 3 21
    6 Daniel Mitchell Outcasts 6 2 15
    7 Richard Beams Gremlins 6 1 21
    8 Ben Leslie Gremlins 6 1 17
    9 Adam Perry TenThunders 6 0 21
    10 Andres Gonzalez Arcanists 3 -1 23
    11 Ben Sime Arcanists 3 -1 15
    12 Tobias Dracup Resurrectionists 3 -2 20
    13 Andy Thorngate Gremlins 3 -3 22
    14 Oz Goff TenThunders 3 -5 18
    15 Sean Wheeliker Neverborn 3 -5 15
    16 Shaunie Red Neverborn 3 -13 12
    17 Elliot House Neverborn 0 -11 15
  4. I have been given the opportunity to expand this event.  So, having reached 16 players, if no one has any objections (and I shall wait a reasonable while before deciding so) we can potentially go up to 20 players.  If anyone who has a ticket objects, then please let me know and we won't do so, otherwise, I shall make the change on Monday.  Thanks guys

  5. So, announcing May's Malifaux event for Bag of Holding. We will be running an achievement league for the whole of may. Rules are available from https://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux/ under organised play formats. We will be running the league from the 1st to the 31st of May, and there will be rewards for both winning games, and scoring achievements. All you need to do is let me know the results of your games (which must be played at Bag of Holding, but can be on any day). Please let me know all of the results, so I can keep track of the league leaders.



  6. Sorry it's taken me a little while to get back to people, I have been rather rubbish and forgot to turn on notifications of replies.


    Ok, so this will be a 16 Player 50SS fixed Faction tournament (If there is enough interest we have capacity to increase the numbers potentially). We will be using the Gaining Grounds 2017 Strategy Rotation, with schemes announced before each round.  Tickets are £10,  available from http://lvlupgaming.co.uk/?s=May-Lifaux+Ticket+27%2F05%2F2017&post_type=product
    Approximate timings will be
    Registration - 10.30
    Round 1 - 11am-1pm
    Lunch 1-1.30pm
    Round 2 1.30-3.30pm
    Round 3 3.45-5.45pm
    Tea and Medals 6pm

    We will have prizes for 1st-4th Place, Plus Best Painted (Judged by vote on the day), Best Sportsman (Player Judged) and a free door raffle.
    Prize Pool includes Wyrd Tournament Pack, and Store Credit to the Value of £120 (Divided amongst the prizes)

    For best painted, during lunch we will ask that a 50SS game legal crew from the faction you are playing be displayed for the players and staff to vote on.

    We are aiming for this tournament to be played fully painted. If there are very specific circumstances where this is going to be difficult for you (New Players in their first tournament in particular) then please feel free to discuss it with me (Dave) as we may be able to make some allowances and or help out.

    Anything else, please feel free to get in touch.

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