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Posts posted by ageofegos

  1. I think Titania is our most powerful master in M3 due to how good shooting/focus seems to be.  She can at least mitigate the attack to a straight flip with her trees and most of her crew is HTW so usually keeps the damage flip at a negative.

    She is one the best ways to deal with HTK and can pretty easily move a model 4 inches in a turn if she stones for (or has) a high crow on her attack.  Her attack is pretty nuts at range and she has that great "Never a severe" aura as well.

    She actually makes our Emissary work and really most stuff in her keyword is just plain good (Rougarou with Inhuman Reflexes).

    I think she's quite strong unless it's a corner deployment, you need speed type of scenario.

  2. 9 hours ago, Ezuma said:

    I have only used her a couple of times, so have no real feel for how good she is. Is she great with bandersnatch mostly or still great on her own? I was concerned she would just die but looking at her card, she does have a lot of tricks

    I don't use Bandersnatch with her.  By turn 3 you have 3 webs on the board and can go anywhere you like.

    She is usually what I call 'a bully scheme runner', as in she can scheme crazy good with her webs....yet will not die (and will kill) most any other scheme runner.  Her webs are difficult to over value, you really need to proxy and put her on the board a few times to get an understanding how strong they are with schemes.

    She also has a really great summon (It's easier for her to summon Stitched than Dreamer!).  You can turn your own Wicked Dolls into Stitched or if you're really lucky, they brought constructs for scheme running or near her to bring late game stitched in.  Or you picked up a Stuffing Token earlier in the game.  She's just good.

    As far as surviving, yeah against a gunline she'll struggle (But I don't bring Dreamer against guns).  Against anything else though, between Terrifying 12, stones and the fact you can port away using your webs...she's fine.  Terrifying 12 is pretty strong in M3 with the change to Terrifying now (test per action). If you really are nervous though, you can always put Inhuman on her so they'll only get one punch...which you can stone to neg damage flip....stone to heal....then move away.

    I took Dreamer/Titania to MuseCon and got 2nd overall (3-0 for the day).  Two of the three games I played were with Dreamer and each time, Widow Weaver did a ton of heavy lifting for the crew.  She's legit (She might even be a legit Master).

    • Like 3
  3. 9 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    If I only pick up two non-minions (beyond the core box with coppelus, etc), would you say Widow Weaver + Serena is a good choice?

    Widow Weaver for sure.

    Serena is good and all...but she wouldn't be my second pick up if I were starting over.  Teddy or Hooded Rider should be  your second pick up.  Hooded Rider (hell all riders to be honest) are crazy good in M3.

  4. Neverborn, 50 SS
    Beta version 3.22.19

    Soul Stone Cache: 3
     - Hinamatsu, Leader
       + Inhuman Reflexes
     - Widow Weaver
     - Vasilisa
     - Stitched Together
     - Coryphee
     - Coryphee
       + Ancient Pact
     - Wicked Doll
     - Wicked Doll
     - Wicked Doll


    I'm really considering putting Vasilisa and some Dolls as a package in other crews.  Cheap, great scheme runners that auto ping when she's on the board and stagger everywhere.  Are the Dolls the best scheme runners in Neverborn now and finally displaced the fish?  

    1. Stealth
    2. Can drop two schemes
    3. Tosses out adversary
    4. with Vasilisa auto pings for one and can slip a 4 damage in
    5. Can be constructed by Vasilisa and Widow Weaver on a 6 of masks..
    6. For 3 points....


    Hinamatsu will have 4  pos flip attacks, with a possible 8 if you really went stone crazy or had the masks (and had beefy models to kill).  She charges from 9" if Vasilisa is close and Armor 2/butterfly for defense.




  5. In my experience (even as a Master), he under performs in offense.  You essentially 'always' take the Ram trigger else he punches like a Minion, which makes his other triggers pretty useless (Unless your opponent actually didn't plan for execute)

    • Agree 1
  6. I played him as a Master and as a normal Hench many times during closed and open beta.  He's weak for 10 SS as is and will only get taken by people who just like the model (which is fine but he's not worth 10 SS).

    Make his damage spread 3/3/4 base and lose crit strike so he can actually declare other triggers without being a minion puncher.

    • Agree 3
  7. So we tried our first game last night (yeah I understand only 1 game experience but we've played a lot of mini games over a lot of years as we're old men!).


    Main concern I had was 'clumping up' seemed like a natural progression of the game due to the size of the bases.  Due to disengagement being so harsh outside of spending a token, it seems like it will become a series of mosh pits.  I'm just not sure if I'm sold on those big chunky bases (GH player with a lot of 40mm groupings to be fair).  What is everyone's experience with that?

    And to give a hug as well, main thing I loved was how models were removed/reinforced.  It gives a big battle feel without having a tote full of models and movements to worry about.  Which ironically is due to the base/fireteam system as well :).  So maybe the fleas come with the dog in this case?

  8. I really wish they'd put this to bed and say "no, there was some scaling issues among individual models but in general, our scale is staying the same"

    There are members of my group (me included) that are holding off buying anything because we spend a lot of time painting it--and don't want to repaint a bulkier miniature in the future.  It's one thing if it's just a nice/newer sculpt but still in scale--as then it's really a choice.  However, if the scale creeps up and something looks 'wrong' on the table--that's another thing.

    • Agree 1
  9. Actually, at first I didn't think that was an issue...but it could actually be cleaned up.  It should (likely) state "No other friendly models may Unbury as a result of that failed Wp duel".


    Right now, the OP is probably right by RAW.

    1. Model fails a WP duel
    2. Triggers the Waking Dream effect
    3. First model in base contact with the enemy model
    4. This triggers the "No other friendly models may Unbury in base contact with the enemy model" step
    5. The model cannot be placed in base contact, even though the enemy model failed a Wp duel to trigger the unbury.  So then the Bury core rule kicks in....
    6. "A buried model can only be returned to the table via an Unbury effect.  When Unburying a model, the controller of the Unbury effect places the model back on the table as described by the effect.  If the model cannot be Placed, the owner of the model instead places it anywhere inside their Deployment Zone"  Emphasis mine.


    Either it's intent I missed or the language of Waking Dream needs cleaned up.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Dzsovi said:

    She had gone through on several nerfs in closed beta (she had crazy things and too many flips on duels, it was annoying and slow to play), i still think she is not in a bad spot, try to play her a few times. With candy Pandora is able to shut down a whole section from the enemy team (slow, stun, aoe dmg), then comes a teddy/carver/hooded rider to finish the job.

    Dreamer Crew with Pandora and Max Insid Madness when they provided a Negative to WP duels.

    Games ended Turn 2

  11. Yeah in the closed beta, I had a few games where by turn 2 my deck was pretty strong.  There were other games were I had pressure early in the game and couldn't just burn AP removing them either.  Your opponents learn to not sit back and let you play card carousel after a few games.  Blast can make you pretty nervous too when you start dinging yourself across the board for free the first few turns.  Daydreams become vulnerable to min damage from pretty much any model in the game once they Lucid Dream one time.  After two Lucids, any blast will kill them too.

    It can swing, give it a week or two of playing.

    • Agree 1
  12. Scenario:


    Dreamer is at Waking Condition 3 with Restless Dreamers/Tantrum upgrades

    He shoots a model, raising his Waking to 4

    The model he attacks has a Trigger that does 4 damage to the target that damaged it

    Both Chompy Summoning and the Damage Trigger hurting Dreamer happen "After resolving damage"


    Option A:  Dreamer takes the damage, then Chompy pops out

    Option B:  Active player chooses whether to have Dreamer take damage first or Chompy Summoning to go off first

    Option C:  Chompy pops out, then takes 4 damage--no choice by any player




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